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Faculty Interview Essay

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Washburn University has been the best time of my life so far. But have you ever wondered what goes on besides all the lectures, grading, and meetings they do? I have chosen Mrs. Holly Chambers for my faculty interview. I feel like this faculty member was the most interesting because of her experiences not only for her class but for her career. Mrs. Chambers is not only an instructor for an intro into forensics class, but also works at the KBI (Kansas bureau of investigation). I thinks this would have to be the most complicated job and I find that alone interesting. I had a sit down with Mrs. Chambers and asked her a few questions. The first one was, what motivates you to get up and do the things you do. Secondly I asked, how do you time manage all the things you do on a daily basis. Thirdly the question was, would you …show more content…
She responded with, “I like to help people every day I love a good challenge that’s why I took up teaching and working with the KBI.” I dove right into the next question with, How do you time manage? Very curiously waiting for an answer she said, “I am very very organized everything I set up gets written down and documented I eat right and I exercise because if I didn’t I wouldn’t do anything at all I would be to tired.” By now I am very into the interview and asked the third question which was, would you ever change what you do if so why? She said, “Don’t get me wrong if I could I would want to make more money but I love what I do and feel like I am doing what best fits me.” Question number four, when did your passion for forensics come into play? Her response was, “2003 when I took a physical chemistry class at a community college.” And finally the last question, why do you value a university education? Her last response was. “it is an absolute must to have a university education you get a secondary education and you can do something that you love and it becomes more than just

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