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Personal Narrative: The Nursing School Struggle

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The Nursing School Struggle The journey to where I am today, in nursing school at South University, has not been an easy one. It started at The University of South Carolina-Columbia campus. They have an upper division, where clinicals take place, and lower division that every admit starts in their freshman year. In lower division you have to take certain general education courses and introductory nursing classes before applying for upper division the fall of your sophomore year. The only criterion for the upper division is your GPA and only the 200 students with the highest make it in. Unfortunately, when it came time for me to apply to upper division my GPA was not in the top 200, with the cut-off at 3.7. Since I did not make it in, I had three options: wait another year and reapply, change my major, or transfer somewhere else. After speaking with my advisor we decided it was best for me to transfer, and the world wind journey began. …show more content…
I then spent the next three semesters taking classes required of USC Aiken, USC Upstate, and also classes to make the credit hour requirement for my life scholarship. I did well in those classes, but was still rejected twice by USC Aiken and once by USC Upstate. After being rejected four times I got very discouraged and was ready to give up my dream, thinking maybe this is not what I should be pursuing. In thinking of different options my best friend suggested that I consider vet tech or dental hygienist (D. Kirk, personal communication, December, 2014). Instead of being upset that even my best friend did not think I could become a nurse and should resort to getting my associates in something I have no interest in, I used her doubt in me and was determined to find another way to earn my BSN and become an

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