...Ph.D. Programme in Mass Communication New Programme for 1999 1. Programme Title Ph.D. Programme in Mass Communication 2. Degree Full Title: Abbreviated Title: Doctor of Philosophy (Mass Communication) Ph.D. (Mass Communication) 3. Responsible Agency Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Thammasat University 4. Philosophy and Objectives Continuous development of advanced communication technology in the past decade has resulted in not only rapid and complex economic, political, social and environmental changes, but also wide-ranging and borderless development of mass communication system at national, international and global level. This rapid development leads to academic and professional necessity to search for new modern knowledge in order to respond to needs for development by individuals as major resource for national development process and by organisations as sources of activities that promote systematic development. In addition, rapid increase of graduates and professional people in journalism and mass communication as compared to the past, has become a current trend, while education institutes that offer courses at doctoral level are still limited in Thailand. The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication is the first institute in Thailand that offers journalism courses at graduate level, and has produced many under graduates and graduates on mass communication to serve the society. The faculty recognizes the urgent need as mentioned above in the age of...
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...Communication Research in the Philippines: Issues and Methods by Elena Pernia is a useful and practical resource on research for a novice or an expert on the field. It can serve as a step by step guide to a neophyte who is still trying to learn the ropes, be it in communication or in research. It can be a reference to the skilled researcher when he needs to think outside the box or simply state a fact. Finally, it can be a good read to people who are just interested on communication as well as research. Although the book was written under the formal writing style owing it to its academic category, at the beginning of each chapter are literary quotations from famous writers/personalities. Thus the inclusion of these excerpts grant the book a light artistic side. Furthermore, these references provide the reader a general overview of the chapter by sparking the reader’s interest on the relationship of the passage on the chapter that he is about to read. The creativity invested by the author on connecting a literary citation to an academic content is laudable. For instance, Robert Browning’s “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s heaven for?” in Chapter 1 is a translation of why exactly this book was written. It is an allusion of the author’s message to its audience. The book does not only intend to discuss communication research per se but all the other controversies encompassing it. What makes this book distinct from any other communication research book is...
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...For decades, man has known the importance of communication. Today with various means by which one can communicate, it has become much easier, this is equally true for academic institutions. Therefore, it is vital to understand the different communication models so we can use them for enhancing communication in the different organizations. Below is a discussion of these models and how they can be implemented in an academic institution. Lecture: It is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject. The criticisms of lectures are often summarized by a quote generally misattributed to Mark Twain: “College is a place where a professor’s lecture notes go straight to the students’ lecture notes, without passing through the brains of either.” Critics point out that lecturing is mainly a one-way method of communication that does not involve significant audience participation, often contrasted to active learning. This type of communication is linked to the linear model that is an early communication model created by Shannon and Weaver which visualizes the transfer of information as an act being done to the receiver by the sender. The linear model views communication as a one-way or linear process in which the speaker speaks and the listener listens. It consists of the sender encoding a message and channeling it to the receiver in the presence of noise. Thus in academics a lecturer is the sender and the students are the receivers...
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...1 TEACHING - LEARNING METHODS IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION - AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH IN THE BRAZILIAN SCENARIO Prof. Edson Luiz Riccio, Ph.D. - e-mail: elriccio@usp.br BSc. Marici Cristine Gramacho Sakata - e-mail: mcsakata@usp.br Affiliation: University of São Paulo - Brazil Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accountancy Department of Accountancy and Actuary Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto 908 - FEA3 05508-900 – Sao Paulo – Brasil FAX: 55-11- 813 01 20 PHONE: 55-11- 3818 58 20 ABSTRACT The Teaching of Accounting is facing nowadays a significant challenge. Reason is that it aims educating youngster that are going to work in companies that use advanced Information Technologies and endeavor promoting continuous organizational changes. Those changes require constant attention and continuous adaptation from both academics and practitioners. To succeed, a neophyte has to be prepared on how to deal with these changes. It means not only receiving the necessary knowledge but also the abilities to adapt himself. In general, it is accepted that if a Course provides the student with proper knowledge utilization skills, and necessary abilities the student will be able to adapt to the difficulties of a changing environment. It is recognized that the teaching method can influence in the development of several abilities such as: cooperation, leadership, responsibility, self-confidence, independence, and ability to decision making and communication skills. The purpose of this work is to study the...
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...LO1 Q3. What is the difference between academic, professional, industry and company information? To make a research we can collect different kind of sources, based on primary and secondary data. The difference between them is that the primary sources are often original data collected through "instruments" such as surveys, interviews, questionnaires, "focus groups," etc. Secondary sources on the other hand, provide an overview of existing published knowledge on a specific topic, they are very useful in providing contextual backgrounds. Secondary sources can be articles in newspapers or popular magazines, books or academic journals. In fact there are different type of secondary sources: academic, professional, industry and company information. Academic: is very useful to add authoritativeness to a research because it is a source which has passed through “peer review” process, this means that the source has been read by experts prior the approval for the publication. Academic Journals, textbooks, and research papers are all example of academic information. Professional Bodies: are organisations formed by professionals in a specific field. Besides providing support for professional development, they also publish professional journals and therefore provide a variety of information on best practice and guidelines. CIPD for example, is a professional body that publish different kind of research and makes available to its members information such as reports or surveys....
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...Crisis Communication in theory and practice: Analysis of cultural influence, strategy applicability, and stakeholder relevance in Australia and New Zealand Natascha Pancic A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of International Communication Unitec New Zealand, 2010 ABSTRACT This research project explores crisis communication in theory and practice in Australia and New Zealand with specific focus on cultural influence, strategy applicability, and stakeholder relevance. A mixed-method approach was used to evaluate crisis communication in its theoretical and practical constituents. The research project comprises of the two data collection methods of content analysis and in-depth interviews. The content analysis, the selected method to evaluate the theory, was conducted from published research studies in leading Australian and New Zealand Public Relations and Communication journals, the websites of the PRism journal, the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA), the Public Relations Institutes of Australia (PRIA) and New Zealand (PRINZ), and via the database search platform Ebsco. The content analysis provided information about the number of published articles, leading theoretical models, research methods, and research orientation. The in-depth interviews, the chosen method to investigate the crisis communication practices, were conducted with three Australian and three New Zealand practitioners...
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...The perceived high level of usage of social networking applications amongst students of tertiary institutions in Ghana is inevitable. However, little is understood from empirical viewpoint about the intensity, of usage of whatsapp messenger and its impact on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions. This study seeks to empirically identify the impact of social network (whatsapp messenger) on the performance of tertiary students in Ghana from the perspective of the students. To achieve this, 50 students from five tertiary institutions were interviewed and 500 questionnaires were administered to students from same institutions. The study revealed that, whatsapp instead of making communication easier and faster thereby enhancing effective flow of information and idea sharing among students, rather has impacted negatively on the performance of tertiary students in Ghana .The study among other things unveiled the following: whatsapp takes much of students study time , results in procrastination related problems, destroys students’ spellings and grammatical construction of sentences, leads to lack of concentration during lectures, results in difficulty in balancing online activities (whatsapp) and academic preparation and distracts students from completing their assignments and adhering to their private studies time table. Keywords: Whatsapp Messenger, Impact, Students Performance, Tertiary institutions, Ghana. 1.0 Introduction The world is ever changing due...
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...Module Code(s) | Last Revision Date | ECTS Credits | | | | | | | TFRM9001 (2011-12) Research Methods for Masters Thesis | TFRM9001 (2011-12) Research Methods for Masters Thesis | | 30 | | | | | | Contact Hours | Max Class Size | Duration | Date approved | Approved Checked | | | 1 Semester | | | | School of delivery: School of Hospitality Management & Tourism | | Author: Jennifer Lawlor Geraldine Gorham | Description: This module facilitates postgraduate students to undertake and complete an independent investigation in a research area of their choice. | | Aims: The main aim of this module is to enable a student to research a particular area of interest through the preparation and completion of a Masters' thesis. | Learning Outcomes: | Outcome | | On completion the learner will be able to: 1. Complete a Masters' thesis, having investigated an individual subject/research area or tested a hypotheses outlined in a research proposal. 2. Conduct an analytical literature review appropriate to the research area under investigation. 3. Utilise appropriate research methodological techniques within the context if their research. 4. Present their findings, conduct an analysis of same, draw conclusions and provide recommendations within their research area. | | Learning and Teaching Methods | Methods | | Each student shall maintain regular and scheduled thesis meetings with assigned advisors...
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...What is Research? What is academic research? Why do people do research at university? How is academic research different from journalism or research at work? Task 1: Exploring meaning a) Think about what you mean by research. Now write your definition here: |Research is: | | | | | | | | | |Research is carried out in order to: | | | | ...
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...means identification and description of the history and well def and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. He added that background information in your introduction should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope and the extent to which previous studies have successfullyinvestigated the problem, where the gaps exist that your study attempts to address. Introductory background information differs from a literature review because it places the research problem in proper context rather than thoroughly examining pertinent literature. In recent years, the use of social networking sites has grown tremendously especially among the teens and high school students. However, very little is known about the scale of use, the purpose, how students use these sites and, more specifically, whether these sites help or harm their academic progress, (Miah, Omar and Golding, 2012) Kumar (2005) asserts that research objectives refer to what researcher studies for. The research objectives are categorized into two categories that are the main or general objective and sub objectives or specific objectives. Kumar says main objectives are what the research has thrust to conduct research while sub objectives identify the specific issues researcher proposes to examine. The objective should be clear stated the main aim of the researcher to conduct research as well as...
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...IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (A STUDY OF STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA) By ANJUGU JESSICA NDAKU MC/2009/386 DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES CARITAS UNIVERSITY AMORJI – NIKE ENUGU AUGUST, 2013 TITLE PAGE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (A STUDY OF STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA) By ANJUGU JESSICA NDAKU MC/2009/386 A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI – NIKE, ENUGU. IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCES (B.Sc.) DEGRESS IN MASS COMMUNICATION, AUGUST, 2013 Declaration I, Anjugu Ndaku .J. hereby declare that this research work was written by me and has not been submitted or received anywhere for the purpose of acquiring a degree in Mass Communication. -------------------------------------------------------ANJUGU NDAKU J --------------------------------------------DATE Certification Page I certify that this study was carried out by Anjugu Ndaku .J. It was approved by the Department of Mass Communication, Caritas University, Amorji – Nike, Enugu as meeting the requirement for the Award of Bachelor of Science, B.Sc. (Hons) Mass Communication. ------------------------------------------------------Dr. (Mrs.) Acholonu (Project Supervisor) --------------------------------------Date --------------------------------------------------------Dr. (Mrs.) Acholonu...
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...than just ‘academic’ skills to help achieve a sound education, as explained by Stella Cottrell (2013, p36). Cottrell begins by explaining that the study frame work known as ‘APT-S’ which are broken down into four categories of skills; Self, Academic, People and Tasks. In this essay I will look at each framework individually and what they mean before concluding how they assist in building the foundation of successful education. Self- management skills relates to the individual and their environment at a more complex level as these can change during the course of an education. Some of self-management skills includes independence, skills management, learning, strategies, time, improving performance and metacognitive skills, as noted by Stella Cottrell (2013, p 38). Independence involves being well informed and skills management is using current strengths whilst improving weaker skills. Learning skills looks at personalizing current skills whilst enhancing strengths. Strategies skills looks are various ways such as creative, reflective, effective and motivating, whilst metacognitive skills focuses on meaningful reflection on how to think, learn and self manage. Academic skills include basic research skills, understanding academic conventions, thinking skills and written communication skills (Cottrell 2013, p 39). Basic research looks at finding information through different methods such as reading, note making, data and organizational skills. Understanding academic conventions...
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...STUDY HABITS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. STUDY OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN OGUTA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF IMO STATE. TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page i Approval page ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v Abstract viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Scope of the Study 3 1.4 Purpose of the Study 3 1.5 Significance of the Study 4 1.6 Research questions 4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The concept of Study Habits 6 2.2 Defective study Habits 8 2.3 Factors Affecting Academic Performance 10 2.4 Study Habits in relation to Academic performance 13 2.5 Need for Orientation of Students on study Habits 18 2.6 Criteria for Good Study Habits 22 CHAPTER THREE 3.1 Design of the Study 28 3.2 Area of the Study 29 3.3 Population of the Study 29 3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 29 3.5 Instrumentation 30 3.6 Validation of Instruments 31 3.7 Reliability of the Instrument 31 3.8 Method of data Collection 31 3.9 Method of data Analysis 32 CHAPTER FOUR 4.1 Data Analysis and Presentation 33 Chapter Five 5.0 Discussion and Interpretation of Result 38 5.1 Discussion of Result 38 5.2 Education Implication of the Findings 42 5.3 Recommendation 43...
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...ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: ARE MORE STUDENTS CHEATING? Dorothy L. R. Jones Norfolk State University ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, with Internet plagiarism as one of the most common forms, is a concern on college and university campuses more than ever before. A review of the literature validates these concerns. According to a 2003 nationwide research study of 23 public and private colleges and universities, conducted by Donald L. McCabe, Internet plagiarism is on the rise. Thirty-eight percent of the undergraduate students surveyed indicated that they had engaged in Internet plagiarism (as cited in Rimer, 2003). Brown, Weible, and Olmosk (2010) found that 49% of students in undergraduate marketing classes admitted cheating in 1988 versus 100% of the students in an undergraduate management class in 2008; a national survey published in Education Week found that 54% of the students surveyed admitted to Internet plagiarism and 76% admitted to cheating; and the Center for Academic Integrity found almost 80% of the college students surveyed admitted to cheating at least once (“Facts About Plagiarism,” 2011). In May 2006, Ohio University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering plagiarism scandal garnered national attention when a review panel found “rampant and flagrant” forms of plagiarism in 34 master’s theses (Grose, 2006); and in November 2010, more than 200 of the 600 students in a University of Central Florida business class confessed that they benefited from accessing online test questions...
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...educational attainment through improved communication ability can never be over emphasized. Students who have so much difficulties with their communication skill in English language may not function effectively, not only in English language but in their academic and this is no reason than the fact that English language in Nigeria today is the language of text-books and the language of instruction in schools. When Students’ Proficiency in English Language is high, it will definitely affect and improve the academic performance of such students. Nevertheless, where the proficiency in English is lacking in any academic setting, it will definitely lower the academic performance of such students. [2] vehemently, revealed that lack of proficiency in English language is one of the factors contributing to poor performance in Mathematics. In his research, he observed that the performance of students in Mathematics’ examination at Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) is poor but further stated that the performance in English is more than that of Mathematics and this he linked to poor reading ability .He then suggests that there is need to improve the teaching of English language to improve Mathematics’ education. [17] in his work proved that competency in English significantly determines performances in intelligence or academic tests. The revelation above seem to suggest that mastery of English language is very importance even in students’ academic performances in intelligence...
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