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Person B Challenges

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Challenges can occur at any level on the spectrum that we classify as life. Whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual, everyone has to deal with them at some point. However, people may also choose to run from them or face these challenges head on. While Person A may struggle with these challenges only occasionally, Person B faces these challenges on the daily or even hourly basis. And as unfortunate as it is, I identify with Person B.

Anxiety is one of the main mental illnesses that I struggle with on a daily basis. Anxiety is like having someone beside you telling you that you forgot to do something even though you did it or reminding you that you're not good enough for someone or something. It is as if it is taking control of your brain and shoving fear and worry to the front of your mind. Anxiety is not something that is scheduled to appear, it just happens to appear at the most inconvenient times. It is also uncontrollable, even though medications may suppress it for a while you can never know when anxiety will occur. Unfortunately, every word that I speak or action that I take is shortly followed by anxiety, causing me to live in constant fear. However, that's just one of the daily challenges. …show more content…
Having to pick yourself up off the ground is even more challenging when it was you who had knocked yourself over in the first place. Depression is like having a bully inside of your head except for you can't avoid it like you can in reality. A lot of my self hatred and horrible self confidence stems from my depression. I can be proud of something I've accomplished one minute, and the more that I focus on it my depression and anxiety cope to make me eventually hate the thing that I once felt proud of. Even the way that I walk and talk are ridiculed by my

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...equivalently in management.    True    False |   6. | Automated telephone systems are typically both very effective and very efficient.    True    False |   7. | An effective manager has a multiplier effect on the organization, meaning his or her influence is multiplied beyond the results achievable by just one person.    True    False |   8. | John Hammergren's compensation of $145 million in 2010 as CEO of health care technology firm McKesson is typical for CEOs in North America today.    True    False |   9. | Studying management is likely to help you once you are in a manager role, but is unlikely to be beneficial before then.    True    False |   10. | One of the payoffs of studying management is an improved understanding of how to deal with organizations as a customer.    True    False |   11. | One of the rewards of being a manager is that you can build a catalog of successful products or services.    True    False |   12. | If you enjoy mentoring and helping others to grow, management is a great job.    True    False |   13. | Most people prefer to have a combination of a high level of skill and low level of challenge while at work.    True    False |   14. |...

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