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Biology Chapter 11-12 Summary

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Science Chapters 11 and 12 Review
Salinity- a measure of the quantity of dissolved salt in water.
Concentration- a measure of the quantity of dissolved substance contained per unit volume of substance.
Desalination- the technology of removing salt and other minerals from the water.
Contaminant- an undesirable substance in a mixture.
Fertilizer- a substance used to provide nutrients to plants usually for the purpose of increasing crop production.
Herbicide- a chemical substance used to kill or slow the growth of certain plants; often used to kill weeds that compete with crop plants,
Pesticide-a chemical substance used to kill animal pests; often used to kill insects that damage crop plants.
Turbid- not clear; containing tiny specks …show more content…
Desalination is any process that removes salt from water, producing pure water and solid salt. Some technologies involve evaporating and then condensing water to remove the salt. The process requires a lot of thermal energy, which makes it very expensive.
3. A fertilizer is a substance used to provide nutrients to plants, usually for the purpose of increasing crop production. A herbicide is a chemical substance used to kill or slow the growth of certain plants; often used to kill weeds. A pesticide is a chemical substance used to kill animal pests; often used to kill insects that damage plants.
4. Industries and vehicles that burn fossil fuel release many chemicals into the air. Some of these chemicals react with water vapor in the atmosphere to form acid rain.
5. Surface runoff, for example often mixes with farm manure in low-lying pastures. Manure can contaminate nearby water sources, such as aquifers with dangerous bacteria. This is what happened in 2000, when a deadly strain of E.coli contaminated the water supply in Walkerton.
6.Thermal pollution is when we increase the temperature of water by artificial means. Nuclear power plants use large volumes of water to cool their machinery and that heated water is the returned to the rivers and

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