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Lacrosse Game Research Paper

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This game was a lot different from the one I worked last Sunday. Sports Information department had a lot going that day. With a doubleheader baseball game that just changed, a women’s lacrosse game going on, and the first home game for men's lacrosse. Also, the women's lacrosse game went into overtime so they had to spend more time doing on the lacrosse field. Coach Danny Miller was the lead at the baseball game for the Sports Information Department. They also had two students workers who had a lot of experience and knew what they were doing and also two other workers, who were from the class. To make it easier on everyone and for things to run smoothly, everyone did what they already knew how to do. A student from the class was on the scoreboard, …show more content…
This game was a lot easier for the music because Averett did not have a pitching change and they only change one person in the batting order at the end of the game. Also, putting the names in the right lineup for music was a lot easier because I am starting to get to know each player and their numbers. There was a couple break in the action, one was for a fight that almost happened. So, I had to play music during the officials meeting and when they talked to coaches about what happened. Throughout the whole game, we were having a problem with the scoreboard person because he did not understand some of the baseball terms. I decided that I would help him out because I understood what a hit was and what to put on the board. It is a team thing, I did not want to leave a teammate hanging out to dry. The computer did not freeze this time and when I had to play a certain song I played. I did sometimes slip up in playing peoples walkout songs because I either forgot or was helping out with the scoreboard. Halfway through the game Kendra and another student worker came to help. The other student worker started to help with the scoreboard, so people could just worry about their job. Also, this game we did not have to help clean because Coach Miller said he would handle

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