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Abraham Lincoln's Role In The Civil War

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Abraham Lincoln was our 16th president and was in term during the civil war. On April 12, 1861, the confederates claimed Fort Sumter and forced the down the American flag to show the surrender. There were many other long battles about where the border line was for North and South. The most significant date that helped the Union win the war was November 3, 1861, where they used ships to blockade the South from the imports of Europe and other countries. “For three long years, from 1862 to 1865, Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia staved off invasions and attacks by the Union Army of the Potomac commanded by a series of ineffective generals until Ulysses S. Grant came to Virginia from the Western theater to become general in chief of all Union armies in 1864.” (McPherson) …show more content…
After the Whig party collapsed, the Republican Party was created in its stead, which would later be one of the major parties in the world. Politics were being changed into more concrete ideas; creating a new world. George McCullen was appointed by President Lincoln to the position of the General of all the Union forces after Winfield Scott had died. Around the early 1820’s, McCullen urged Lincoln to pursue the war and to protect the Union from slavery. Lincoln later replaced McCullen from the Union army after the allegations came out. Gettysburg address was presented by Abraham Lincoln to honor the lost Union solders at the Battle of Gettysburg that was the bloodiest and decisive battles of the Civil War. It created a looming sense in the Union of the way the South’s mentality was in the

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