Premium Essay

Human Sex Trafficking, By Frances P. Bernat

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Words 608
Pages 3
Carlos Garcia
Sex Trafficking Sex trafficking is the type of topic that no one wants to talk about, but everyone seems to have a horrible opinion on. The FBI has come out and said that “Human sex trafficking is the most common form of modern-day slavery.” Which in itself just goes to show how terribly awful this type of crime against nature really is. The problem is, there is more to this fight then just stopping human trafficking rings. For instance, some victim may not even want the help from local authorities, or would even want to become “freed” from their captors. One of the biggest reasons for this is because the false promises that the captors may have used into alluring the young women into sex trafficking in the first place. In the book title “Human Sex Trafficking” by Frances P. Bernat, Bernat says “Victims suffer in silence and may believe that there situation is what they ‘agreed to; or what they ‘deserve’.(p.3) The fact of the matter is, unless we start to take this topic more seriously and have more people making a bigger fuss, we are not going to be able to change anything. …show more content…
In Sudan for example, there were 338 verified cases in 2012. A report by the UNHCR stated that a significant number of refugees and people hoping for asylum have been abducted and held for ransom. Others have become victims of trafficking while being smuggled into, through or out of Sudan. Human trafficking has gotten so bad in Nigeria, that the Nigerian Television Authority sets aside time to show different types of reports, news stories, and documentaries about human trafficking to educate the public and raise awareness of the plight of trafficked

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