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Humor In Law Enforcement

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Humor and law enforcement, two words that many individuals believe should not mix in the real world. Individuals in law enforcement are scrutinized in some ways more than any other profession in this country. In the United States police officers are held to a professional standard and their every action can be recorded and scrutinized by the public. Law enforcement is a profession in which they deal with individuals on their worst days. Once that 911 call is received, dispatch can send officers to scenes that range anywhere from traffic incidents, noise disturbances, domestic disturbances, suicide attempts, and murder scenes. Some people have trouble seeing past the blue uniform to understand that there is a human behind that badge and that they deal with these stressful events on a daily basis. To that effect one of the ways in which law enforcement personnel deal with these incidents is through the use of humor. The goal of this paper is to identify the psychological reasoning’s behind law enforcements uses of humor and serve as a guide for the public in understanding and accepting it. …show more content…
There is also the persona that an officer must maintain as a tough, level headed, straight shooter persona, which does not falter. As such, showing emotion in situations can be perceived as weakness. In order to vent such emotions some officers resort to the use of humor in order to maintain this persona while simultaneously providing psychological relief from the situation. When law enforcement tell jokes from the public’s perspective this can be received as though the officers are cold, callous individuals that use humor to satisfy some sick sadistic behavior. Many individuals, including politicians, and journalists capitalize on this belief for their own purposes. However, this could not be farther from the

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