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Humorous Wedding Research Paper

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With her wedding just a month a way, the bride-to-be decided it was time to make a big decision, who would be her bridesmaids?

According to Good Housekeeping, this woman chose to take an untraditional approach to pick the lucky ladies that will be standing next to her on her special day. The sister, who branded the bride as "shallow" and "self absorbed," explained:

"She still hasn't chosen her bridesmaids. Instead, she has sent out dozens of … invitations, to various girls. It's an invite to attend and participate in a bidding auction: on the six spots in her bridal party."
She will be using money as her deciding factor, as in how much can she make by letting the women all put on matching dresses while she graces them with her presence on …show more content…
She has no awareness about how inappropriate it is in many ways.
]balmyllama joined the sister who is disgusted by the soon-to-be brides strange plan to raise some extra cash for her big day posting:

Isn't this like begging for money or something??? You said she mainly associates with rich people. This is so embarrassing it makes my toes curl with cringe!!!
The sister was asked on Reddit why she wanted the money if the couple had plenty of their own:

If her fiance is rich, why do they need to "fund" their wedding this bizarre way?
That turned out to be a question that baffled her too:

I don't know!! I've asked! I told my sister they weren't lacking for funds because it's obvious and she just said "well if they'll already be bidding we figure we should put their money towards a great event for everyone" as though this is an act of service she's doing for them. It's totally nonsensical.
It might not be a surprise that SistersBridesmaid describes her sister as being "spoiled" by their mom and dad, while adding mom is living the life she always wanted through the

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