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Medicare Persuasive Essay

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Remember the “Welcome to Medicare” Program is Only Available for the First 12 Months

As Baby Boomers we lived in an era of love and peace. We loathed violence and war and said so loud and clear… but in a peaceful manner of course. Some considered us scandalous due to our music, clothing, and nonconformity. Our response to them was generally flashing them a smile and a peace sign. Many people who lived in that era consider it the best time of their lives and feel lucky to have been there.
In 2011, Baby Boomers started becoming eligible for Social Security and Medicare. My how time has flown. By 1964, when the Baby Boomer era slowed down, there were over 75 million of us. Therefore, we recently began taking Medicare by storm. It doesn’t seem …show more content…
For some, it will mean a decrease in their medical insurance costs. For others, it means they can finally receive the medical care they need.
Luckily, in most cases, Medicare automatically signs you up for basic plans A and B when you become eligible; however, you might still need to make numerous decisions. Do you want to stick with basic Medicare part A and B? Do you need to buy an extra supplemental policy to pay for what Medicare doesn’t? Should you go through an insurance company and buy an Advantage plan? You might take prescription medications in which case you need to have a Part D plan that covers medicine…oh my. It can be immensely …show more content…
Many times, this prevents the need for filling out tons of paperwork with each new place you get medical care. Instead of trying to explain to the next doctor any services they have already received, qualified healthcare providers enter these records. The next provider only has to pull up this record to get your information. Providers rarely have to physically send your medical records to one another. Healthcare providers and pharmacists are less likely to treat the patient with a test or medication that will conflict with a previous provider’s treatment as

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