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Virtue In Occupational Therapy

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If I were given the option to choose which virtue I could be perfect in, I would pick patience. In today’s day and age, this is difficult for many because of how fast-paced our society is. I strongly believe that to be proficient in any profession, this is a necessary quality to have to a person, especially occupational therapy. When one enters a job where interaction with people is going to be a major part of it, having patience is key in order to yield positive results. With occupational therapy, there is an immense amount needed when working with children or the geriatric population. It may seem simple to perform specific tasks, but for the individuals receiving therapy, it is almost like they are performing them for the first time, thus …show more content…
For example, putting clips on bars and removing them was to improve finger and hand strength, as well as seeing how far the patient’s arm could stretch. I also saw how innovative occupational therapy could be when the therapists taught patients how to use things like sock aids. This enabled them to perform the function without having to “put their backs into it.” Additionally, I discovered that the brain was an amazing organ that I underappreciated until I started volunteering at the two rehabilitation facilities. One amazing form of treatment I witnessed is something called “mirror therapy.” A patient who had a stroke was paralyzed on his right side, so in order for the therapist to spark movement in that hand, she placed a mirror between the two hands and had him do exercises, stretches, and activities with the left hand, while having him look at the mirror imagining it was his right hand. She said that eventually, the right hand would start to respond and also move, and I saw that happening gradually. Seeing this improvement got me excited for the profession, because it can do more than what most people …show more content…
Although it is growing slowly in the country, it does not seem like a profession that many would take on. I have a grandmother who lives there, and she is in need of an OT but does not have access to one close by. Whenever I talk with her on the phone, she tells me about what she has trouble with, and these challenges can be treated with therapy. It is heartbreaking when I think about her situation, which is why I thought about pursuing occupational therapy in the first place. If I cannot help her in the future, I want to be able to reach out to those who are unable to access therapy with ease. For this reason, a goal of mine would be to travel as an occupational therapist, to different places where therapy is not as prominent or easily

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