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Obesity In Philadelphia

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The obesity epidemic has become a public health crisis in the United States (US), as well as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More than one-third of the US adult population is obese and seventeen percent of youth in the US are obese. Philadelphia’s rate of obesity (64% adult obesity rate and 57% obesity rate for youth) far surpasses the National metrics. The impact of obesity on health is well documented for being a major risk factor/contributor for heart disease, many forms of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the prevalence of these diseases in Philadelphia is well above the National averages. Besides Philadelphians becoming bigger horizontally, the obesity related medical expenditures are in the billions of dollars ($147 billion in 2008). …show more content…
Where an individual lives, plays, their socioeconomic status, and relationships with family and others all influence obesity. Certain inequities in socioeconomic status (poor income), lack of stable housing, access to quality healthy food, lack of quality of education, and no safe places to be physically active all contribute to rates of obesity and illness. This is the norm in many minority neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and this is where obesity rates are highest across the social/environmental spectrum. The Philadelphians finding themselves in these neighborhoods have poor food choices that compound the obesity issue. Poor nutrient high caloric foods are cheaper, and readily available than the more expensive nutritious food. Lack of access to affordable healthy food is a risk factor for poor health and obesity. Compounding the lack of quality food is the over-exposure to advertisements for poor nutrient high caloric fast-food and unhealthy beverages. Consumption of this food/beverages increases more calories consumed than are being used for energy/or burned throughout the …show more content…
Working to change health behavior of low-income impoverished individuals takes into account an individual’s readiness to make and sustain behavior changes (Glanz & Rimer, 1997). The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) (or also known as Stages of Change) has some similarities to the Socioecological Model (SEM), but TTM focuses on helping the individual move through the stages toward the desired health behavior change (Glanz & Rimer, 1997). This process of change is cyclical, not a straight line. There may be progress, and then may go backwards. The model includes five stages to address our topic of obesity. Precontemplation: educate about obesity, include pros/cons for the behavior change, Contemplation: help identify barriers to diet/physical activity/develop exercise plan, Preparation: help find resources to support healthy foods/exercise/find peer groups, Action: help identify strategies to maintain progress, address barriers, set goals, support confidence to maintain change, Maintenance: encourage expansion of healthy foods/physical activity options, support others who may be considering to change behavior. TTM has several important concepts that help describe factors/or activities that occur during the behavioral change attempt. These include impact evaluation of change, finding change support, and finding the benefits/costs if behavioral change can be

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