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Getting Into College

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85% of Americans go to college in the future.What I would like to accomplish the future is to go into college.College is very important to me and can get me many jobs in the future.The ways I can get into college is by getting good grades in middle school and high school,start studying more each night,and focusing on myself and my school work. First,one way I can get into college is by getting good grades in middle school and high school.Getting into college is going to be very hard work,but one way to do that is by studying more.Many kids have trouble studying for a test or a quiz in school such as myself.Studying can be very boring,but it is very important because it can get me far in life.Another way to make good grades in school is to get extra credit.I don’t really use extra credit as much as I need to but when my grade is not as good as I want it to be I can ask teachers if they would allow me to help around the classroom or do an extra worksheet for extra credit.One more way to get good grades is by turning all my stuff in on time.Turning all assignments on time is very important because when I don’t teachers will deduct my grade for how many days it’s late.Getting …show more content…
Second,focusing on my school work is one of the ways I can get into college.As soon as I find something interesting to do I start to take breaks from school work or homework and I never get it done.When I have electronics near me,I get distracted very easily,so I have to turn off all the electronics I have.Another way I can focus on my school work is by staying away from drama.Being involved in drama is very bad because I would rarely focus I would just focus on the drama instead of the important things.The last way to focus on school work is by excluding myself from boys.Sometimes when girls get a boyfriend all they wanna do is talk to them and put their school work on the backburner,so I’m gonna stay away from boys so I can focus.Focusing on my school might be hard,but I will get better

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