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Benefits of Getting a College Degree vs Not Getting a College Degree


Submitted By mplajoie
Words 1332
Pages 6
Some people in today’s society believe that paying $50,000 - $200,000 to have they’re name on a little piece of paper after four years isn’t worth it, and that it is better to just go into the work field after high school to start earning a living right away. Then some argue that that piece of paper is everything because in the long run you will have a good paying job. In my opinion, that piece of paper is everything. In life you can have your house, your car, and your job taken from you but your college degree will be with you wherever you go and it’s the one thing that can’t be taken from you. The benefits of having a college degree outweighs not having a college degree by far.
College education is a great tool for our self enhancement. It gives us a sneak peek at the cultures and values of the world. Subjects like history, anthropology, comparative religion, international politics, and humanities can make us a much more accommodating and sympathetic to other cultures, race and religion resulting in a better bond among international communities. By learning about others values make us able to perform at our best latter in our life contributing to sound political, business related or economic decisions; it also gives us the readiness to work internationally or even locally in a diverse work force. Math and science classes in college gives us the more than just a few basic skills to run the accounting of our life. Math and its deeper studies can help us becoming good engineers, architects or accountants. Science and its deeper studies can lead us to contribute to the advancement of technology in the new millennium.

There is a legitimate public purpose in educating young people to be good citizens. Providing the tools required for participating in the economy is desirable. But these are relatively minor goals, despite their emphasis in the public debate over

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