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Substance Use Disorders: A Case Study

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Addiction comes with a price. There is a price to sustain it, and a price to be free of it. Many recovering addicts describe their addiction as a love affair, as if the object of the addiction were a person whom the addict initially adored but was ultimately forced to leave because the inherent pain and loss required to sustain the relationship became unbearable. The emotional stress of abandoning familiar attachments, on top of the normal discomfort of physical withdrawal and mental agitation, can cause an addict to abandon recovery before any real changes can be made. A substance-use disorder (SUD) counselor should have the knowledge and experience to help a client navigate the sense of loss and grief experienced after giving up the very …show more content…
This broadens the scope of grief to include substances and behaviors as the objects of attachments. As alluded to above, giving up substance use can cause an addict similar emotional disturbances as would the loss of a close friend or family member. Indeed, some elements of thanatological grief can be observed in an addict as he or she comes to terms with the prospect of abstinence. Dr. Kübler-Ross developed the well-known 5-stage model of grief consisting of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, all of which can be experienced by a recovering addict in reaction to the loss of substances and lifestyle (“Lecture 6”, n.d.). He or she may deny for years that there is an addiction, or unwilling to admit that help is needed to overcome it. Realizing the implications of being an addict and faced with the prospect of abstinence, the person may lapse into self-pity or angrily ask, “Why me?” There could be a return to substance use in the belief that a way can be found to moderate and maintain a manageable life. Fear of an uncertain future or an inability to see any meaning in a life without the object of attachment could precipitate a bout of depression. It is to be hoped that, with enough support and guidance, the addict will come to accept his or her condition and the reality of what it is required to solve the problem. This is the point when recovery begins, that state of mind where honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness converge to produce the surrender that is necessary to reconstruct

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