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Methamphetamine Induced Psychosis

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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to compare methamphetamine induced psychosis (MIP) and other mental illnesses that present as psychosis along with the deterioration of cognitive mental processes. The importance of this paper is to show the prevalence of psychosis in methamphetamine addicted persons and the co-morbidity between substance use and other psychiatric states. Also, to compare MIP to other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and to identify how closely related or unrelated methamphetamine induced psychosis is to those disorders.

Methamphetamine has surged across not only the United States, but across the entire world. Its surge has caused more than an epidemic in the U.S. it has caused brain illnesses commonly known …show more content…
It is found that stimulants can induce temporary schizophrenia type symptoms such as auditory and/or visual hallucinations and/or delusions that can develop without warning. The difference between this type of psychosis and schizophrenia is that a stimulant-induced psychosis is temporary and most likely will diminish after several days to approximately a month of stopping the stimulant (Schuckit, 2006). However, it is estimated that 1-15% of clients diagnosed with stimulant-induced psychosis continue to show psychotic symptoms after a month of stopping their use and less than 1% of these individuals will develop a different illness, such as schizophrenia. It is very unlikely that permanent psychosis is caused solely by over use of stimulants, which makes it much more difficult to study (Schuckit, …show more content…
This study reported that based on the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, the severity of one’s dependence on methamphetamines was in fact linked to lower performance scores in the categories of memory, attention, concentration, and partial impairment of the spatial working part of the memory (Shih-Ku, et al., 2010). Their results indicate that over use of drugs, or drug abuse, can cause significant impairment in cognitive functions of the drug user and also result in drastic changes in different parts of the brain, as well as psychosis (Shih-Ku, et al.,

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