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Pros And Cons Of Amphetamines

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This paper will consist of the cons of stimulants and caffeine. There will also be some background information about the different substances. Starting with cocaine, Freud used and distributed cocaine but never got to the point where he was dependent on it. As time went on amphetamines started getting popular. Contributing with homemade remedies and over the counter proscriptions that help with narcolepsy. Now into caffeine, which will start out with coffee. Coffee is made from either caffea Arabica or caffea robusta. Arabica bean have a milder flavor as for robusta bean have a stronger and more bitter flavor and higher caffeine content. Tea contains theophylline which is present in very small amounts in the tea. Theobromine is found in chocolate and its physiological actions are close to caffeine, but less potent to the central nervous system. Ending with a study about caffeine consumption and incidence with hip fractures among the elderly found that people who drink 2.5 to 3 cups of caffeinated coffee per day have a 69% greater risk of osteoporosis. Cons of Stimulants/Caffeine
“If you are …show more content…
E. (2008). A synthetic CNS stimulant and sympathomimetic is what an amphetamine is. As amphetamines can contain carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen atoms, the more potent version that people from the right-hand form is called dextroamphetamine. While levoamphetamine, which is not commonly available by it’s self, combining it with dextroamphetamine to make Adderall. “A modified form of d-amphetamine, formulated by substituting CH3 (called a methyl group) for H at one end, is called methamphetamine” (Levinthal, C. F., 2014, p. 102). Methamphetamine method is a quicker passage across the blood-brain barrier and it’s also often called meth, speed, or

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