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Hydraulic Fracturing Research Paper

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Everyone is told not to settle. Everyone is told to go above and beyond to find something better. The process of hydraulic fracturing is one of those things that America has settled for; hydraulic fracturing can be made into something better. Hydraulic Fracturing, fracking, is a process in which more than two million gallons of high pressured water, sand, and chemicals are inserted into rock to break up the components to release shale gas. This method is one of the most commonly used to obtain shale gas in the United States, for it produces an abundance of fuel in a short period of time. However, what the country does not fully notice, are the downsides of this process. People typically concentrate on the benefits that come from fracking, such as: natural gas prices dropping and economic gains. It is respectable for people to focus on the economy, of course, but that should not necessarily be the only thing …show more content…
This can happen whenever the well is drilled and gas is vented or flared. People who live close to fracking sites are greatly impacted by these chemicals and compounds; the chemicals can cause health problems such as eye irritation, major headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues. It is worse for the people who work at the fracking sites, of course. The workers are at risk of lung cancer and respiratory problems since they inhale so much silica dust from the sand injected into the wells. Additionally, pregnant women who live near an oil site can be negatively affected by the air pollutants. In a recent investigation, it was found that pregnant women who live near gas wells were thirty percent more likely to have babies with heart defects (Ellman and Srebotnjak 2). People can recognize some of fracking’s contribution to air pollution by seeing ozone “smog” in the air. The “smog” can be extremely dangers for one’s health; it can trigger asthma attacks and reduce lung

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