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Hydrocodone Research Paper

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Hydrocodone with acetaminophen is one of America’s top class II narcotics that are typical for a licensed doctor to prescribe for severe pain or other medical conditions. The narcotic, Hydrocodone, rare in foreign countries is known widely because of the current reclassification of the drug and also known for the abuse that a majority of users develop while on the medication for a long period of time. Although there are many benefits to the popular narcotic there are also many negative impacts that’s that can cause damage to both the nervous system and body. Hydrocodone is an important opiate analgesic substance that is used widely throughout the medical industry in America; the class II drug is mainly used to relieve severe pain and persistent coughs. Although Hydrocodone is not the most effective compared to higher potent versions of it like Norco, Oxytocin, Vicodin, or Lortab but is the most commonly used and recommended by doctors before progressing to other stronger drugs. Commonly used with acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol, it is listed with the medications that are called antitussives because of …show more content…
Because of my dosage, used for the pain of healing after the gastric bypass, most days I feel unable to function because of the side effects. Most users don’t consider how the drug impairs ones ability to function normally throughout the day. Some of the side effects include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, fuzzy thinking, and the worst of them all is anxiety. Since the reclassification of Hydrocodone it is more difficult to be prescribed the drug but that does not inhibit ones ability to receive the substance. According to my doctor whom I called, Jerry D. Reimer Md., said that eventually the federal government will make it illegal for pharmaceutical companies to sell and distribute Hydrocodone

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