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Hydrofracking - Social Context of Business


Submitted By jmawji
Words 2655
Pages 11
Evaluation of Talisman Energy’s Hydraulic
Fracturing Practises in Hudson Hope

To meet the demand of oil in today’s oil dependent society, Talisman Energy is looking to exploit a mine located in Hudson Hope, British Colombia. The most suitable extraction process is hydraulic fracturing, which currently presents several environmental concerns to the residents located near the mine, and a representation of the general public who believe that hydraulic fracturing is not an ethical method of extraction. Talisman Energy has recently been granted a long term contract to utilize fresh water from BC Hydro’s Williston Reservoir. Local residents are concerned about the additives used in Talismans fracking process, as well as the depletion of their fresh water source.
The major environmental concerns associated with hydraulic fracturing include the presence of fracking additives in ground water supply, human induced earthquakes, and the use of large amounts of fresh water supply. Talisman Energy’s proposed plan of action was evaluated using a set of ethical decision making criteria in order to determine if Talisman Energy can be considered an ethical and socially responsible company.
An analysis of the criteria determined that Talisman Energy currently fails to operate as an ethical and socially responsible company. Specifically, Talisman Energy did not take the initiative to evaluate more sustainable fresh water sources. It was concluded that upon further exploration in water management technology, Talisman Energy’s hydraulic fracturing project has the potential to satisfy the ethical decision making criteria.

BACKGROUND – Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is a technology used in the oil and gas industry in order extract fossil fuels used as a source of energy. The technology has been in use since the 1940’s, and has been used in at an industrial

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