...Infiltration is the movement of water into the soil under the driving forces of gravity and capillarity, and limited by viscous forces involved in the flow into soil pores as quantified in terms of permeability or hydraulic conductivity. The infiltration rate, f, is the rate at which this process occurs. The infiltration rate actually experienced in a given soil depends on the amount and distribution of soil moisture and on the availability of water at the surface. There is a maximum rate at which the soil in a given condition can absorb water. This upper limit is called the infiltration capacity, fc. Note that this is a rate, not a depth quantity. It is a limitation on the rate at which water can move into the ground. If surface water input is less than infiltration capacity, the infiltration rate will be equal to the surface water input rate, w. If rainfall intensity exceeds the ability of the soil to absorb moisture, infiltration occurs at the infiltration capacity rate. Therefore to calculate the actual infiltration rate, f, is the lesser of fc or w. Water that does not infiltrate collects on the ground surface and contributes to surface detention or runoff (Figure 35). The surface overland flow runoff rate, R, is the excess surface water input that does not infiltrate. R = w - f (28) This is also often referred to as precipitation excess. The infiltration capacity declines rapidly during the early part of a storm and reaches an approximately constant...
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...interrelationship with fluctuate uncertainties. The management of water quality should consider into two main influence factors. First, pollutants discharge from point and non-point source and human driven force. Second, indeterminate role of natural change to water quality, there are climate change and hydrology. In principal, a purpose of management for water quality is manufacturing of relationship between ecological capacity factors with socio-politico-economical level (Li, 2009), but the management has limitation by uncertainty of pollutants discharge quantity, soil erosive evaluation, the available of resources capacity, requirements stabilization of environment and policy regulation in all stakeholder. All complex situations to determine water quality management just significance consider of fluctuate natural incident. Uncertainties of natural phenomena are exist in an amount of processes in water pollution and influence factor from property of effluents, measure of treatments, level of discharges, re-aeration rates of de-oxygenation and effects of pollution (Li and Huang, 2009). System analysis of pollution impacts was held the various spatio-temporal scales by connecting with ecology, hydrology, economy and social forces that relationship with water quality and quantity (Matthies et al., 2006). To evaluated the state of water quality, the spatio-temporal influential factors such as season and land use change are considered to investigate the water quality impacts, for example dissolved...
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...A drought can be described as being an ecosystem disturbance meteorologically, however hydro logically it’s portrayal misleading (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). A universal definition for a drought is not known but a meteorological drought can be defined as a lack of rainfall for an extended period of time whether it is several years or a season relative to the arithmetic mean for that region (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). As a drought is able to have a substantial impact on the natural marine ecosystems, the outcomes that come with it are aggravated both by indirect and direct anthropogenic adjustments to hydro areas such as rivers and the catchments (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). Major impacts in rivers are generally the decline of the amount of water and habitation accessibility for the surrounding animals (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). Droughts are a frequently occurring matter in Australia with it being a regular element on the climate with most said to have had an affect by the El Nino phase (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). As a drought is classified as a natural hazard it’s able to cause a great amount of destruction socially and economically (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). The millennium drought is sought to be one of the biggest to leave an impact on the environment (Bond, Lake & Arthington 2008). The millennium drought has had a severe impact on most of the South-Eastern Australia region with most of the rivers undergoing a record low water capacity during this...
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...Mohammad Saad Turkey Polat Apartment, 5th floor, No.13 Yeditepe Mahallesi, Gaziantep-27470 Phone:+905532045054 India R-182 Ramesh Park Laxmi Nagar New Delhi-110092 Phone: +919716458813 Email: saad.ce.1993@gmail.com mohammad.saad.1993@outlook.com EDUCATION X Standard, St. Paul’s School Percentage-83% XII Standard, K.R. Mangalam World School Percentage-85.5% Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey Degree: Bachelor of Civil Engineering Grade point average 3.99 (99.75%) 2007-2009 2009-2011 2011–present LEGAL EXPERIENCE Project Assistant Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey Peer-Teaching Assistant Zirve University, Gaziantep Turkey 2013-2015 2012-2015 SPECIAL SKILLS I am skilled in the use of civil engineering software – AutoCAD and SAP. I also have knowledge in using Microsoft Office, Internet searches, and troubleshooting computer software and hardware. I am fluent in English and Turkish as foreign languages. ACHIEVEMENTS • • 6th Rank in State in the 1st Nationwide Interactive Math’s Olympiad in 8th Standard. Won the TGI Environmental Friendly Technology Award by Texas Gulf Institute in International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, and Environment) Project Olympiad 2008. 7th Rank in U-19 Delhi Chess Championship. RESEARCH PROJECTS Worked as a Project Assistant in the following projects: 1. Preparing a Draft Manual and Specifications for Flood Studies and Developing a National System for Flood Risk Maps to Store in an Online Database, and to...
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...The Water Cycle BY Anissa Chambers Student ID: L23254780 Presented to Dr. Travis Bradshaw In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Elements of Earth Science PHSC 210 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA July 15, 2013 The Water Cycle or the hydrologic cycle is an amazing system that God has put in place to maintain the of the earth’s most important resource, water. There is nothing on earth that does not require water to survive in some way or fashion and without it there would be no life on earth. You will find water “in the oceans, glaciers, rivers, lakes, air, soil, and living tissue,” and all of these “reservoirs” makes up the Earth’s hydrosphere. As you study this natural system you cannot help but see the hand of a powerful and creative God. The hydrologic cycle is a process that is constantly recycling the Earth’s water supply. This cycle consist of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and then infiltration. The water cycle is powered by solar energy, or controlled by the sun. The sun produces heat which causes the water from the oceans, lakes, rivers etc. to warm and evaporate. This evaporation is when water is heated to the point that it turns into a water vapor. The water vapor rises and cools which is called condensation, and as more and more water vapors cool it forms clouds. As the water droplets that are forming the clouds become larger and larger until the atmosphere cannot hold them up any longer and the fall to the ground as...
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...within the place visited. Geography is the science that studies the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth. "To provide accurate, orderly, and rational description and interpretation of the variable character of the earth surface." - Richard Hartshorne, 1959 Geography is divided into two main branches: human geography and physical geography. Physical geography (or physiography) focuses on geography as an Earth science. It aims to understand the physical problems and issues of : lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, and global flora and fauna patterns (biosphere). Physical geography can be divided into many following categories, including: | | | | Ecology | Climatology & Meteorology | Pedology | Hydrology & Hydrography | | | | | | Geomorphology | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Physical geography, or geomorphology, is the study of the shape and composition of the upper surface of the earth (Fairbridge 1968, McIntyre 1991). Geomorphology encompasses earth processes such as changes in sea level, erosion, formation of rivers and flood plains, coastal dynamics of wind, water, and sediments, and island formation, as well as other processes. Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature. Tourism occurs in places, it involves movement and activities between places and it is an activity in which both place characteristics and personal self-identities are...
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...Daniel Amiani Tel: 254 722563209. P.O. Box 1004 -50300 Email: llinsdaniel@gmail.com Objectives A position as an environmental Geologist/ Hydrologist, Environmental Scientist, Soil Scientist or related Skills Technical writing, environmental assessment field technics, Environmental photography Familiar with Windows Arc-GIS. Ground water/soil sampling technics Consultancy in soil nutrition, water portability and environmental issues. EDUCATION 2009-2013. KENYATTA UNIVERSSITY BSc; environmental science (Honors) with emphasis on Environmental Impact Assessment, Mathematical Modelling, Geographic Information Systems, Environmental technology, Remote Sensing. Soil science, Hydrology, Mining, Environmental physics, Environmental chemistry, and Environmental policy and law among others. 2004-2007 Vihiga Boys High School Qualification; KCSE certificate OTHER TRAININGS; 2008 JUNE Cisco Networking College 2014 APRIL Qualification: Certificate in I.T Essentials Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources and Development Qualification: Certificate on Arc-GIS Short Courses and workshops Short course: Advanced Training in Structural Geology 2014 Location: Kenya Date: 31 March-12 April & 5 may-26 July 2014 Organizer: ISOR & KenGen The aim of the training was to train on how to carry out in depth geological mapping of possible geothermal resource areas, including stratigraphic and tectonic...
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...Landforms Hydrologic Cycle The field of Hydrology is primarily concerned with how water falls from the atmosphere, to the Earth; rolls downhill via gravity eventually out to the ocean and then back up into the atmosphere starting all over again. Biological processes of animals and plants have evolved over millions of years to adapt to, and depend on, when the right amount of water is available (Lutgens & Tarbuck, 2014, p. 83). The hydrologic cycle goes through many processes; This continuous cycle of water releases up into the air, forms into a cloud, rains down to the Earth and then evaporates again, repeating this continuous process. Some amount of groundwater also releases back into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration which is evaporation of water from plants. The remaining water on the earth's surface is runoff, which finds its place in the lakes, streams and rivers, which eventually enters the oceans, starting the repetition of the hydrologic cycle. (Tallman, 2011). In Colorado, all of these concepts of the water cycle apply to the Colorado River Basin. Most of the storms that bring moisture into Colorado come from the Pacific Ocean and travel east through the atmosphere. Because of the altitude in the Rocky Mountains this moist air results in huge amounts of snow on the western slope. The Colorado River Basin is often called a snowmelt dominated system because this snow often sits in a deep snowpack until the spring when the temperature raises...
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...The Colorado Report The Colorado River Report describes the hydrology and sediment transport of the river basin. It also describes the relation to the political boundaries and basic agreements that manage the river. Then the report characterizes important problems, both current and future, associated with the way the river is managed. Finally, its policies, actions, and alliances that should help restore the Colorado River ecosystem to a more balanced condition are suggested. “An inhospitable desert has become a playground, and the Colorado River has become a plumbing system.” Although there is a lack of rainfall and high summer temperatures, this dry desert is now home to tens of millions of people. This includes some of the major agricultural areas in the United States. By exploiting the Colorado River, which gets most of its water from snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains, Americans have made the desert bloom with cotton, alfalfa, fruits, vegetables, specialty food plants, houses, and artificial recreation areas. By people settling on this area they have used a large amount of resources the river offers. Some of the problems the creation of this plumbing system has cause is it has wreaked havoc on the river resulting in most of the native fish are endangered, that major bird migration stops are severely truncated and degraded, that some of the most spectacular scenery in the world is less spectacular, and that the national and world economies are at risk. One of the problems...
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...irrigation and flood-control projects that enabled the emergence of cities and civilizations. Rivers travel long distances which help them connect a wide diversity of people and places. This makes them environmentally and culturally rich. Rivers represent the capacity for transformation in many cultures. Rivers and floodplains provide a wide range of ecosystem services. The importance of rivers and streams for freshwater, food, and recreation is well known, but there is increasing evidence that running waters are degrading. The constant use of river basins has altered the quantity, quality, and regimen of water and ecological resources of the different regions. The global climate system has also interacted with the regional terrestrial hydrology. This includes hurricane and snowmelt flooding, persistent droughts, stream...
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...HYDROLOGY – “THE STUDY OF WATER” A stream is a flow of running water, large or small, whereas a river is a large stream of water. Both are integral parts of the hydrological cycle – their main function is to transport water from the land to the sea. Hydrological cycle – it is another term for the water cycle. Precipitation – It’s the type, total amount and intensity of precipitation are key factors in determining the nature of water movement Interception – Vegetation intercepts some precipitation on its way to the ground, water is lost back into the atmosphere by evapotranspiration. Intercepting plants use water for growth and vegetation reduces and slows down water transfer. Infiltration - It involves water moving from the ground surface into the soil, the rate of this depends on moisture content of the soil and its porosity. Evaporation – It’s when water is loss from the ground surface into the atmosphere Overland flow – It’s a rapid form of water transfer over the surface of the ground, it’s likely to happen during periods of heavy rainfall or when the soil has become completely saturated. Evapo-transpiration – It’s when water is loss from the ground surface to the atmosphere, combines with water given off from plants to form the main output from the system. Through-flow – The downhill transfer of water through the soil layer to the river, this shallow transfer can be quite rapid in very porous sandy soils. Percolation – The deeper transfer of water into permeable...
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...Q3 Impacts of climate change on Australian water resources The earth has a very perfect hydrologic cycle. It maintains water balance one the earth, promotes the prosperity of earth. However, the human activities in recent decades has largely disturb the hydrological cycle. Between 1990 and 2000, Australia lost an average of 325,900 hectares of forest per year. Australia has about 0.19% deforestation rate (mongabay, 2012). Due to the colonization and urbanization, in 200 years, Australia has lost 25% rainforest, 45% of open forest, 32% woodland forest and 30% of malle forest in 200 years (Forestnetwork, 2003). The situation has improved a lot in recent years as the government release many new policies to protect the forest resources. Forest can transport large amount of water into the atmosphere by plant transpiration. It replenishes the clouds and makes the rainfall. The rainfall brings water to the earth surface to refill ground water and irrigate the soils. It maintains earth water balance. However cutting forests can break this balance causes less rainfall, dry land and turns the forest into desert (WWF, 2015). Another big concern is the CO2 emission. Plants can mitigate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions and release oxygen. The main purpose to cutting forest is burn the fuel. This process produces large amount of greenhouse gases. Deforestation makes the greenhouse effect worse. Australia are the highest greenhouse gas polluters, per-person, among the organization...
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...Major: Environmental Engineering We humans have a long history of polluting our air, water, and soil. This contamination not only hurts nature, but is dangerous to people. Luckily, environmental engineers are on the job. They use math and science to clean up the messes we've made and prevent new ones from happening. For example, they might figure out how to clean up toxic material that has seeped into the ground at an old gas station or design an effective way to treat wastewater. If you choose this major, you’ll study a wide range of subjects. Besides learning the basics of engineering, you’ll also take courses in the life and social sciences so you can understand environmental problems in all their complexity. Students in environmental engineering learn to design, develop, and evaluate structures, equipment, and systems that protect the environment from the effects of human activity and that improve public health and well-being. “[Engineering] allows you to think and be creative … We get to solve problems and [tackle] projects that seem impossible at first, but when they are completed, it's so cool. ” Cindy, junior, civil and environmental engineering, UC Berkeley It Helps to Be...Passionate about the environment. You should enjoy science and math, like solving problems, and have an eye for detail. Someone who is comfortable working as part of a team and who has good speaking and writing skills should do well in this field. To round off your studies, you will mostly...
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...for non-potable purposes such as agricultural and landscape irrigation, toilet flushing. Other use of treated grey water can be in air conditioning and fire suppression.These applications do not requires high quality water. Recycle of grey water protects the most important source in our life by decreasing the use of freshwater also it reduces References 1. Argunwamba J.C. grey water reuse for irrigation, international journal for applied science and technology vol 2 no.8 October 2015 2. Anwar, Effect of Laundry Grey Water irrigation on soil properties, journal of environmental research and development 2011 3. Misra, R.K. and sivongxay , a reuse of laundry Grey water as affected by its interaction with saturated soil , journal of hydrology 2011 4. A H M Faisal Anwar 2012 international conference on future environment and energy 5. Saroj B. Parajane performance of grey water treatment plant by economical way ...
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...consultation and involvement of the local community. The government provides technical and financial assistance for design, construction and management of these infrastructures. Community contribution includes land, labor and local resources. The community carries out periodic maintenance of the infrastructure – including vegetation management on embankment, desilting etc. – and of the catchment areas (through soil and water conservation practices). (Rima & Hanspeter 2013) 3.3.4 Selection of Suitable Site for Water Harvesting Projects: After the boundary of the watershed derived from the DEM by software ARC hydro, the software ArcGIS used to derive the layers of different orders of valleys from the the DEM According to the results of Slope and hydrology analysis, seven locations had been selected, To determine earth dam’s locations multi criterion methods has been used after that the best dam location regarding the selection criterion has been achieved. The surface areas, volume of reservoirs, determined for seven suggested location Using ArcGIS. The path profiles were done by Global Mapper in the seven selected locations. Major Landuse, landcover, stream order and location of water body were projected on the watershed area of the Soba valley to extract the residential areas, agriculture areas and grassland effected by suggested dams 3.3.5 Calculation of the volume and surface of a reservoir using ArcGIS: The surface areas, volume of reservoirs, determined for every suggested location...
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