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Hypocritical In Hester's Community

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The members of Hester’s community are hypocritical in their punishment because of the way they treat her and her sin. The first example of this is in Chapter 3 when Dimmesdale makes it clear that he thinks that Hester should be punished for her crime; this is both ironic and unfair because Dimmesdale helped her commit the crime, yet he isn’t punished for it and nobody knows that he committed the crime. Additionally, everyone in Hester’s community treats Hester as an outcast. An example of this is at the procession - everyone gives her a lot of space and stares at her. This is hypocritical because they label Hester by her sin, but no one else in the community is recognized by their sin. Lastly, the actual punishment Hester is given is ironic

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