...Baylee Milam 523069 Many people say that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Although my life has been very comfortable I have faced hatred, anger, and hostility many places I’ve been. I have and been faced with this and I still continue to see the best in the people who portray the anger or hostility. In many places that I have worked other employees have bad work ethics and bad behavior but yet I still continue to think the best of them. So although I have not faced much adversity, my attitude toward people is the adversity I have had to overcome. Seeing the best in people has been both my demise and best feature. I take the hostility and the hatred from people and am still able to see the good in them. I am the...
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...My Mother Is The Best Mother In The World Most mothers love for their child begins often before birth and never ends. Mothers are the one who compromised their issues to feed and protect us right after we was born. Mothers are the one who stayed up all night whenever we were sick. Most mothers are willing to risk personal suffering, injury or loss to keep their children safe. A mother will always be there for her children no matter what. My mother is the best mother in the world because she is always there for me, when I am low on cash I can call on her and she is my encourager in my time of need. My mother is the best mother in the world because she is always there for me. She is my best friend. She has been the friend I turn to for advice. She has been the shoulder I cry on. The friend I vent to. The friend I tell everything to. I know I can count on her to be my biggest fan, my harshest critic, and the most loyal friend. I am so blessed because God is calling people home daily but I still have my mom. My mother is the best mother in the world because when I am low on cash I know I can call on her. My dad passed away in 2001. He worked for Union Pacific so he was the “breadwinner.” My mom stepped up to the plate and got a second job when he passed away because she did not want her children going without or ask a man for anything! When I was on my maternity leave I was on a fixed income. My mom paid my utilities. She did not have to do those things for me...
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...Interested in Working for Our Company? Best Answers 1) I would love to work for your company because I have a passion for clothing and design and I plan to study fashion merchandising in college. I try to keep myself up to date with the latest styles and trends, and I feel working for you would enable me to put my passion to good use. I also cannot wait to gain the real world experience I will get from working in your shop. 2) Because your company works directly with children, is the number one reason I am interested in working with your company. I love spending time with kids and I think kids enjoy spending time with me. Working in your after school program would be rewarding and a lot of fun! 3) I am interested in working for your company because I am a customer of your store. As a customer, I've gotten to know your company well and appreciate your products and the environment that you've created here in your store. It's important for me to work some place that I admire, and I know that I would be proud to work here. •How Has School Prepared You For Working at Our Company? Best Answers 1) At school, I have to meet daily deadlines, set goals for myself in a variety of subjects and activities, and accomplish them. I believe these experiences will translate to the workplace and will prepare me to excel at your company. At school, I also work with my peers and teachers everyday so I know how to work in teams and with a manager. 2) I understand the importance of being on...
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...Professional Goal #1 – I want to be a successful head coach/teacher by 2020. * I have put in a lot of time in energy in my school work in order to graduate. Most import, I pay attention to detail when my professors and instructors teach so that I can pick up great teaching methods from them. * This achievement will require great dedication and passion. * My goal has been altered only because I have to go a different route to get there. I am still going to the same place but I might have to run through high grass getting there. * It has been altered because I went from a direct major to a major with different areas of study. * This choice was conscious because I felt that this was the easier way out and I fell that all great people have been through hardship and struggle. * My goal has not been discarded at all. * These goals are still current only because I have yet to reach them. I refuse to give up on being great and making others great. * I am giving it all in my classes to achieve my goals and trying to learn something new every day. Personal Goal #2- I want to be the best coach in the Nation by the year of 2025. * I study the game of football and I am always trying to learn new things from the great so that I can one day put it all together and be great myself. * To achieve such goal it will take countless losses and days of learning from the best. * This goal has not been altered at all. I want to be the best by 2025. * This...
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...i Am from the i hate you's and the i love you's I am from the missing sound of my barking dog, max whose death still touches my heart. I am from Barbies, Polly Pockets and Hide n seek from playing with my best friend the other half of me i am from having the best siblings i could have asked for I am from past and present And dreams of the future. I am from having a deadbeat dad who does not know how to support a family to having a step dad and mom, and there hard work and unfailing support leading me through the right path , making them my heroes I am from pretending words don’t hurt to feeling them tear me down i am from nervously awaiting a presentation to being excited for a speech meet I am from having a group of great friends and i would never trade them for the world i am from growing up watching phil of the future and neds declassified to watching a reality tv show i will never miss i am from being here right this moment and not dwelling in the past i am from being a growing independent teenager to still needing my parents to help for more than i thought i would. i am from fighting with my twin sister one day to having her as a best friend every day after I am the present, past, and future, History in the making i am jordyn...
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...Perry County High School I am very active. Since my freshman year I have been elected class president, and will peruse that my senior year. I also have been Vice President and President of the Perry County FFA Chapter, currently holding the President position. I am a proud participant in Lads to Leaders, a program my church takes part of, and I am currently in the Girls Speech Winners Circle. I am an experienced competitive shooter and I have taken a leadership role by coaching younger shooters. The statements above describe who I am, and that I have a great ambition to be a strong leader, but where do I get this drive? The Bible is my life’s rulebook, and I try my best to be the best Christian I can be. Because of this I...
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...The problem that I am going to attempt to solve is procrastination. I have a horrible problem with procrastination, most of the time I am not too bad with it, but there are times when I just don’t want to do something and I will keep putting it off till I am forced to have to do it. I wish I would just get it done and not have to worry about it. So I want to discover ways to manage my time effectively and hopefully stave off the ability to procrastinate. The information that I will gather will be about time management skills, how to keep a schedule and how to say no. I will research using Google to find how other people manage their time, and what steps they take to keep to a schedule. I will also research how to best manage a busy schedule and make sure that everything that needs to get done is getting done and how to recognize when I am procrastinating and the steps I can take to avoid those traps. I will look at articles, e-books and forums for information and tips. For my selected problem it is not necessary to have scientific methods to help solve it, I almost think it best to learn from others with the same concerns and the steps they took to solve it. So I think the forums are probably my best bet. I will also look for polite ways to tell people that I am not available. Especially since this is one of the major factors for my procrastination. I tend to say yes, just because what I really need to do does not sound like as much fun. I am not looking for...
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...Edinburgh bronze award, Worked in Oxfam for 6 months stopped due to needing more study time. Interests and Hobbies: I love playing hockey. I play for Luton and im currently captain for the second ladies team. I love being outdoors and trying new things and meeting new people. I also plan to do the NCS programme this summer. I am a hardworking, independent student and always work to the best of my ability. I am very honest and trustworthy and am good at dealing with difficult situations. Furthermore I am very sociable and like meeting and talking to new people. Phone number: 07806435442 Email: nadinebaxter7@gmail.com My CV Name: Nadine Baxter Date of birth: 23/04/1999 Schools attended: Beecroft lower school, Streetfield middle school and Manshead Upper school. Grades achieved: Ict-C grade (Currently taking GCSE) Previous Experiences: Completed Duke of Edinburgh bronze award, Worked in Oxfam for 6 months stopped due to needing more study time. Interests and Hobbies: I love playing hockey. I play for Luton and im currently captain for the second ladies team. I love being outdoors and trying new things and meeting new people. I also plan to do the NCS programme this summer. I am a hardworking, independent student and always work to the best of my ability. I am very honest and trustworthy and am good at dealing with difficult situations. Furthermore I am very sociable and like meeting and talking to new people. Phone number: 07806435442 Email: nadinebaxter7@gmail.com ...
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...styles I have come to the conclusion that the one that best fits who I am is a tactile/kinesthetic learner. A tactile/kinesthetic learner is someone who learns best by moving around, by being hands on, and they may even have a hard to time sitting or standing in one place for a long period of time. I know that personally I find it hard to stay alert when someone is lecturing to me. However, when I am able to touch something, or put something together, or physically move around, I am more apt to stay alert and actually remember what I am supposed to be learning. Because I am taking online classes it is sometimes hard for me to figure out exactly what I am supposed to do on certain assignments. I came up with a strategy to help me figure out how I was going to learn by taking online classes. I found that the best thing for me was to print out everything so that I had a hard copy. I make several notes on them and I physically write down almost everything so that it gets beaten into my head. When I make notes I am able to use the physical part of my learning and is has helped tremendously. Also, because it is hard for me to sit still at the computer for a long period of time, I write my assignments down on paper and then transfer them to the computer. Another big thing that helps me is taking breaks when I have a hard time figuring something out or when I have a hard time concentrating. On Wednesday February 10, 2010 the seminar two quiz is due. When it comes to taking quizzes I tend...
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...to honor my role model and best friend. As I’m counting the days until I finally get to be a mother, I’m a bit nervous and anxious but also excited knowing that I learned from the very best. My mom is a strong and ambitious career woman that despite her busy schedule and the millions of things she has going on, she still manages to put family first and continues to look out for us every day. Motherhood is a gift and I know after watching my mom do it, it’s not easy especially when trying to balance a career. I’m honored to follow in her footsteps and make her proud like I am of her. Kourtney, my sister, best friend, and mentor has also taught me so much about motherhood from being the most incredible mom to Mason and Penelope. She is super woman with her ability to effortlessly balance work with taking care of two amazing kids and I am so lucky to have her as my guide and confidant as I too become a mother. And also my wonderful grandma MJ, such a strong and inspirational woman in my life! I love you so much! Make sure to tell your mom how much you appreciate her, not just on Mother’s Day but often. We love our mommas! To all the expecting moms and moms out there, have a blessed day! XoMother’s Day is one of my favorite holidays because it’s a special day to honor my role model and best friend. As I’m counting the days until I finally get to be a mother, I’m a bit nervous and anxious but also excited knowing that I learned from the very best. My mom is a strong and ambitious...
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...career, I have strived to be the best that I can be. I have always been at the top of my class and have taken any opportunity that has come my way. Now that I have the opportunity to be a part of the Biology III program, I know it is something I can not pass up. This program is the next step on my journey to be my best. I know that I am very qualified and ready to excel in this program. Ever since I was little, I have been around the medical field. My mother works for St. Mary’s, so I have been exposed to hospital settings and expectations. This exposure from a young age drove me to want to enter the medical field myself. In recent years, I have been considering becoming a pathologist...
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...THE WORLD TO ME The Ones That Mean The World To Me Matt Maurer ENG121: English Composition I Jennifer Naimark August 18, 2014 THE ONES 2 “Do your best is all that we ask, and you will never regret anything that happens.” If I've heard that once I have heard that a million times, and I continue to hear it when I start any new project. Nobody compares to the two individuals that taught me that and I am about to introduce you to them within this paper. You are going to be in for such a fascinating barrage of information about two people that if it were not for them I literally would not be here, but I would also not be the individual I am today. Looking back on my “short” thirty nine years of life and imagining it without the influence of these two great individuals, would be like imagining that you could ride a bicycle to Hawaii, it would just be impossible. I hope you brought your glass of sweet tea, a soft chair and an open heart to receive the information about these two people that have done everything to the best of their ability to make sure that I succeed and that I am a man of my word. I never realized how my wonderful loving grandparents were slowly and patiently molding me into the man I am today, but through the lessons and experiences I can say I owe everything I am and will be to these two wonderful individuals. My two maternal grandparents are absolutely the best two individuals that could be in my life and my true deep love for them began at a very young...
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...Everyone thinks and learns differently. Some people learn best by doing things, others learn best by reading. The learning style assessment that I was given told me the type of learner I am and I couldn’t agree more with the results. This assessment has given me a better understanding of what types of studying would benefit me best to achieve my goals. Results By doing my online learning style assessment, the results have concluded that my learning styles are reflective, sensing, verbal, and sequential. I have learned that just because someone falls into a certain category of learning, they are not doomed to fail at the category they are not strong in. My results tell me that I am reflective which means I prefer to think about things quietly...
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...I am Karthick Kumar living in London UK. I have already done Bachelors of Technology in Information Technology at P.S.N.A College of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Dindigul, India and now I am currently doing my Masters MBA in Human Resource Management and Global Marketing at London School of Business and Finance, London, under University of Wales I am applying for good positions in Technical / Customer Services side as I have a unique combination of both the Technical skills which I have gained through my Bachelors in Information Technology. I have strong base in call handling, Customer Satisfactions, One time solution I have worked in a MNC for 1.5 Years called HCL TECHNOLOGIES in India as Technical Support Officer for British Telecom. Now By undergoing MBA in Human Resource Management I have started gaining a lot of strong management skills which gives a great competitor advantage to me. I am seeking for new opportunities which I would use at the best and that will take me to great heights in future. I'm Karthick Kumar I live in London currently. Also I got experience in Customer Services. As one fine day I got a customer regarding his broadband connection issue through phone. I tried and fixed his broadband issues by taking virtual screen systems so as he could sit ideal and watch what I was working in his system. Then I made him to upgrade his connection plan, first he was paying 13 pounds and after the call he paid 23pounds. This was the moment that I felt...
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...Location and Timezone: I live in Virginia and my time-zone is EST. How many staff applications have you made, when was your last application made? I have made 6 other staff applications. My last one was made on June 6th, 2015. How long have you been playing Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft since September 19th, 2013. How long have you been playing on the server? I have played on the server since September 19th, 2013. How active are you on the Server? I'm on the server everyday for hours, so I'd say I'm pretty active. How active are you on the Forums? I'm active on the forums all day. If I don't have access to it through my PC, I have access through my phone. How active are you on TeamSpeak? I go on TeamSpeak everyday for hours too, so I am active on there too. Personal questions: Previous experiences as a staff member: I've been a staff member on many small servers owned by my friends. I learned commands and simple things like that on them. I'm currently a staff member on a fairly larger server called Omega-Realm....
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