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Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment

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In-game username: My ign is Jimmiee.

Age: I'm 13 years old.

Gender: I'm gender-fluid.

Location and Timezone: I live in Virginia and my time-zone is EST.

How many staff applications have you made, when was your last application made? I have made 6 other staff applications. My last one was made on June 6th, 2015.

How long have you been playing Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft since September 19th, 2013.

How long have you been playing on the server? I have played on the server since September 19th, 2013.

How active are you on the Server? I'm on the server everyday for hours, so I'd say I'm pretty active.

How active are you on the Forums? I'm active on the forums all day. If I don't have access to it through my PC, I have access through my phone.

How active are you on TeamSpeak? I go on TeamSpeak everyday for hours too, so I am active on there too.

Personal questions:
Previous experiences as a staff member: I've been a staff member on many small servers owned by my friends. I learned commands and simple things like that on them. I'm currently a staff member on a fairly larger server called Omega-Realm. …show more content…
I think what makes me a worthwhile helper the most is that I actually enjoy to help. I think it's pretty fun to answer questions and simplify things for players. I am really contributed to what I do. I take responsibility of all my actions and try my best to learn from my mistakes. I'm open-minded and I am a quick learner. I can control myself and my actions, and I know when and when not to be serious. I put my 100% into things. I try my best to be kind, and when someone doesn't understand what I'm saying, I like to explain in different ways or help them complete the task. I think this makes me

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