...pervertness of religion to justify their wrong doing for i.e terroist and taliband have issued with americans that have nothing to do with religion yet they use religion to justify their evils.if we were a theocracy then president obama wouldnt have been able to pass the gary rights law. if we were a country that implemented religion as the base and structure of governance it wouldnt be against the law to pray in schools and students would have to pray in k-12. if we were a religous country capital punishment would be againsst the law and we probaly wouldnt join in the wars. abortion would probably be illegal as well. more people might be judgemental of your lifestyle and church might be required if eeryone,science might be taken out of the education system.the seperation of state and church is to protect the state from seeming immoral. to support there war tactics and capital punishment . or it might be to protect both from each other idk maybe the state just wants to find a way to make more money without seeming mean or inhumane. i think we shoulf have a government that puts everyone at an equal state in eery way possible by that i mean financially, economically, racially,. so that no one will have to wonder whether their next meal is coming today or tommorow. lack the sufficient amount of money to provide a roof over the head of herself/himself. so that everybody can comfortably and not have to fret about choosing between food or clothes. if we are going to live in a country...
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...My second shift starts in fortyfive minutes. The ones with dimentia could be called the reason I got into this business. That and the fairly simple job requirements. When I was getting out of the Army a fairly grey~area opportunity was presented to me. I was looking to secure my future and point my life in the right direction. The guy next to me in the mandatoy class we all had to go theough to end our contacts told me about his wife. I hadnt met her but her story had inspired my corrupt and eager mind. This woman* laura* had gotten into hospice care. For those of you unfamiliar with the field* generally hospice deals with terminally ill and very elderly patients. At that point which was about two years into her contract* she had been left a several thousand dollars* a BMW* and a the bedroom two bathroom HOUSE on the emerald coast. It was mindblowing. So manyu families just give up near the end and the one the patient cares about is the one who seems to care. I dont know Lauras motives. Nobody goes into this soul wrenching practice hoping to make some easy money. Nobody but me. Every Day I put on my plain white uniform and go to work as a sort of bouncer. I dont work at a ritzy night club or private security. The government signs my checks. I dont kick rich kids out of bars. I am often tasked to make sure our clients DONT leave. Hired muscle and a pretty face. Fouty two minutes. I might not have time to get to the gas station to take my morning redbull dosage. This is going...
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...keep going to one issue which is the government aide. I agree that it needs to be filtered but that is such a small issue in the scheme of.things. It's not solely about the economy. It's about social issues as well. For instance, as a woman I am not for my employer deciding whether or not my insurance will cover contraception. Contraception costs approximately $70-100 per month. Romney was indeed for removing the current law that does not allow employers to make this decision. Secondly, in regard to women in the work force I dont want flexible hours so I could get home early to cook my family dinner. I want equal pay!!! Third, I am not for cutting funding to agencies like planned parenthood. This agency doesn't solely perform abortions, it provides preventative care. I have went without insurance and I was able to get an annual checkup without paying a fortune… Also, Romney keeps saying how important Education is yet he did not support extending Pell Grants to make college more affordable. I have a Masters Degree and have tons of loans. I dont think I am getting a hand out by getting my loan from the government instead of the private sector that wants to extort students desperate to get an education. I am gainfully employed due to my education and I'm helping the economy grow! I'm against abortion personally but that's not a choice the government should make. People should have better values! Unfortunately, no matter who goes in office you will ALWAYS have government aide...
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...If someone asked me what to get rid of from the 21st century, my first and quick answer will be war Wars have been going on for centuries. War unavoidably.Brings death, destruction and suffering, which both ruin lives and nations. The most unjustifiable consequence of war is the loss of innocent civilians' lives. Civilians, who could have lived to make a huge impact on the world, pose no direct threat to the 'enemy' and might not even share the motives of the side they have been presumed to support. War eradicates hopes and dreams of millions, destroys homelands, frightens and oppresses people. Nothing that, in the end, brings more bad than it does good can be justified. Any kind of war is unjustifiable because it involves only killing. And what kind of victory does one get? Victory over millions of dead human flesh.Victory over the broken hearts of the family and relatives. We must not forget the horrors of the two world wars. In these wars, there was mass-killing and destruction of property. Thousands were made widows and orphans. War brings hatred and spreads falsehood. People become selfish and brutal. Finally I believe Wars are not the solution of the problems. Instead they generate problems and create hatred among nations. War can decide one issue but gives birth too many. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the greatest horrible faces of the consequence of wars. Even after 60 years people are suffering from the miseries of war. Whatever be the cause of war, it always results...
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...Introduction- I interviewed a little girl age 7 she is my daughter. I spend every day with her but on this day I spent some time sitting down and talking with her. I interviewed her in our house just me and her. I know alot about my daughter but as I began to takl to her on these levels I learned alot of diffrent things about her I was expecting very simple answeres and a short interview but I got alot more than I expected. Introduction- I interviewed a teenage girl age 15. She lives at the apartments I live in. we interviewed at my house. I did not spend alot of time with her but I know a little about her and her family I was not sure what to expect from a 15 year old. I thought I would hear I cant wait to have a job and work and have a car but it was very diffrent with her. Introduction- I interviewed a 33 year old man he is a friend of mine. He lives in Kerens. We spent a couple hours. We interviewed at my house. I have known him for along time and he is on a very intellegant level compared to me for sure. I was not sure what I would learn asking certain questions. Interview #1- We had a very basic conversation I asked her how she likes her school and she was very detailed about her response " We read the cat in the hat" and she proceeded to tell me practically the whole book. I was very impressed by her answer to that. I talked to her about what she wants to be when she grows up as I am a medical assistant she ask's me about my job alot but her response was, "Mom I want to...
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... way that is appealing to the audience and can be drawn back to David R. Shumways’ of that era. First I’d like to analyze my impression of the film. Before the film I knew of Bob Dylan, his music, his legacy. I was under the impression that Dylan fell into the category of mellow pot smokers or “stoners” of the midsixties who were heavily involved in politics and current events. Then having heard a few of his songs, I thought, “wow this guy really wants the best for our society”. With that in mind, I also believed Bob Dylans personality would be sort of gentle and affectionate. Dont Look Back pretty much challenged all point of views. Dylan gets into a lot of conflict throughout the film. There are several moments, when we are unsure if Dylan is being civil or argumentative with people. Although, we do get a glimpse at Bob Dylans sensitive side, we are preoccupied by his radical actions throughout the film. The introduction to the documentary, is a flashback into Bob Dylan's career, showing his origins as a singer for the homeless or basically anyone who couldn't afford to see him in concert. From the audiences standpoint, we are thinking about how much of a generous person, Bob Dylan seems to be. This flashback doesn't prepares us for the drastic changes in his personality throughout the film. I believe the directors aim with this structure was to build a climax so that the...
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...her mothers enchantment, Clary uses all her powers and ingenuity to get into Idris, the forbidden country of the secretive Shadowhunters, and to its capital, the City of Glass, where with the help of a newfound friend, Sebastian, she uncovers important truths about her familys past that will help save not only her mother but all those that she holds most dear. ISBN-13: 978-1-4391-5842-5 ISBN-10: 1-4391-5842-8 [1. SupernaturalFiction. 2. DemonologyFiction. 3. MagicFiction. 4. VampiresFiction. 5. New York (N.Y.)Fiction.] I. Title. PZ7.C5265Ckg 2009 [Fic]dc22 2008039065 Visit us on the World Wide Web: http://www.SimonSays.com [http://www.SimonSays.com] For my mother. I only count the hours that shine. Acknowledgments When you look back on writing a book, you cant help but realize what a group effort it all is, and how quickly the whole thing would sink like the Titanic if you didn't have the help of your friends. With that in mind: Thanks to the NB Team and the...
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...Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: Repeal or Not Repeal Up to now, the White House has focused on an aggressive effort to socialize our economy through the bailout of the auto industry, institution of the cap-and-trade system, various stimulus and bailout programs, and a takeover of the healthcare sector. (Bedey) Although these topics are still relevant, recently the motion to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” has become one of the most talked about subjects. Before we get into debate, one must know the basic principles of the policy and its history of origin. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue, Don’t Harass” (DADTDPDH or DADT for short) is a ban on lesbians, gays and bisexuals serving in the military. DADT is the only law in the United States that authorizes the firing of an American for being gay. There is no other federal, state, or local law like it. DADT is the only law that punishes lesbians, gays and bisexuals for coming out. Many Americans view DADT as a simple agreement with discretion as the key to job security. While this is true to some extent, in the eyes of a homosexual service member, it may not be so simple. An honest statement of one’s sexual orientation to anyone, anywhere, at anytime will lead to being fired. (Service Members Legal Defense Network) DADT was the result of a failed effort by President Clinton to end the ban on gays in the military. The bill was a result of the brutal 1992 murder of Seaman Allen Shindler. Bill Clinton, a candidate at the time, proposed...
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...How to be more charismatic: More than often, we meet people who have this unexplained magnetic attraction oozing out of them. They are very likeable, yet you can't explain what it is explain them that you like.You say, they have a very 'charismatic' or magnetic personality. They are the 'likeable' people who seem to get on well with anybody and everybody. Everyone of us wants to be more attractive and charm people, to have a long-lasting effect on people and be remembered as an exceptional human being. Well, this trait, the charm of one's personality is called charisma. Some are born with it, while others like me and you, develop it through our own hard work and wit. It doesn't take much, just a few behavioural modifications and you are good to go! There are some ways to develop charisma and make your personality more attractive. If you want to learn...
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...I feel like juliet loved romeo more, her loves for romeo was more intense. The reason I would have a hard time choosing who loved who more is because I feel like your first love is the strongest. Juliet isnt romeo's first love, there's a certain feeling of falling in love for the forst time. He seemed like a bit of a player when he met juliet, he was caught up by her looks and just have a strong feeling of affection towards juliet that he just loved the idea of loving juliet. Act 1, scene 1. juliet is not romeos first love, so that first time feeling doesnt apply to juliet. Romeo is still broken hearted and still doesnt know what he wants yet. He just recently came out of a relationship. He's still broken hearted meaning that he still has...
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...The New You 2 Corinthians 5 Bad News - people are born in sin, and have sins as well. We will die and go to hell unless we receive the Lord Jesus. some people don'treally think they need a savior. We need a church to tell us a bout the savior accurately. True Repentance - a genuine heart without corresponding action shows ingenuineness of repentance The Great Exchange 2 Corinthians 5 16 - we regard noone according to the flesh, flesh=body, has the desire to do things. we deal with the flesh all of the time if somebody received Jesus, we refuse tolook at them at the flesh anymore for we know christ in the spirit 17 - new creation 18 - everything about you is of God if you are in Christ, all things have passed away, all things are new. we are a new creation. this is now the way that i see them because of what jesus did. the sin is dead. the old person is dead. just because we don't see it in the outside, it doesnt mean its not there are you in christ and something happened. is there something different? don't judge by the flesh. only God knows if they are really saved. you didn't measure up to get saved, you cannot measyre up to stay saved. determine your faith, not your works. v 20 - ministry of reconilitiation to tell other people to be reconciled to God 21 - the great exchange righteousness is a free girt. we did not only receive it, we become it 1 samuel 16:7 do not consider the outward appearance. the Lord does not look at the things...
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... Sometimes in our life, we all have pain, we all have sorrow. But, if we are wise, we always know that there is tomorrow. #5. Don't be anything you don't want to be, always be yourself. #6. When you truly want success, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get. #7. If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever. - W. the Pooh #8. If you fail, find other way to achive your goal. Make a way but don't change the goal. #9. Never depend on single income, make an investment to create a second source. #10. If we dont change we wouldnt grow, if we wouldnt grow we arent really living #11. My belief is stronger than your doubt. -D. Wade #12. The journey of a thousand miles begins with every single step. -L. Tzu #13. When you live in reality, idealism is surreal. When you live in fantasy, there's no realization 'til you reach the end of your dreams. #14. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do ♥ #15. Admiration is never a constant feeling. It's either it will go deeper or it will go down the drain. #16. I'm certain that my feelings aren't faking me. I just make wrong decisions. The worse was I changed without being aware of it. #17. Never think that you've seen enough 'coz thoughts could be the deadliest weapon I can use and it's invisible, unreadable...
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...love changed me.. the way i think, the way i act, the way i decide.. sometimes, i even go againsts my principles and beliefs in life.. loving doesn't mean i'll always be happy.. sometimes, all it provides me is pain and misery.. yet i was blinded by strong emotions that i failed to see reality.. sometimes, letting go is the answer.. it hurts like hell, but i will soon realize that it's better to see the person i love to be happy with someone else than to be lonely with me.. how could you probably be friends with someone when everytime you look at that person you want to slap his face and shout: "stop smiling, your stealing my heart.." It's time to let you go, it's time to say goodbye. There's no more excuses, no more tears to cry. There's been so many changes, I was so confused. All along you were the one, all the time I never knew. I want you to be happy, you're my best friend, but it's so hard to let you go now; all that could have been. It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow. Second chances dont always mean a happy ending. Sometimes, its just another chance to end things right. I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next....
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...If it were not for an impending fight, Antietam would have made for a beautiful spot to visit. Rolling hills, mumbling creeks, and farmland abound, however none of that would matter to the men from Shippensburg. While in Antietam, Kelso and his men, along with the other members of the 130th Regiment joined the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the 2nd Corps. The men crossed Antietam Creek and successfully drove the Confederates back. The next morning, revulsion in the most brutal form awaited them. Samuel Bates describes the shocking scene in his work, History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, by stating, “Daylight revealed a scene of horror and destruction; ruined houses, scarred trees, the dead stretched as they fell, and the wounded with their ghastly features, which parties with ambulances were busy...
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...When I wake up in the morning, I listen to the radio while getting ready, I watch televisionwhile eating breakfast and listen to the radio on the way to the work. This was said by an ordinary young adult. One is almost always around the media. And as teenagers,our minds are a lot more absorbent to the things we see and hear around us. ——————————————————————————————————–In our lives, we wake up to television, drive with the radio on, surf the net, watch television,and fall asleep to television. How can media not influence peoples lives? We see Brittney Spears singing in lingerie; hear about fat; perfect skin and told that is beauty! The photos we are seeing are almost allphoto shopped, those people dont exist. But yet our brain tells us we need to look likethem, we need to lose a lot of weight no matter what. Headlines in magazines aboutanorexia and bulimia give teenagers ideas. ——————————————————————————————————————–Desperate Housewives is the most popular broadcast-network television show according to statistics. In Desperate housewives you have four beautiful women that are married. In that series you have: adultery; underage drinking; bisexuality; blackmail;children running away and so much more. If this is what the youth of today take asentertaining, they are going to try the same things, try drugs; try bisexuality, start to disobeytheir parents and everything else they are witnessing. When one witnesses a lot of fighting;death and violence on the screen, they can become so...
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