...and develops an aptitude for the skill of leadership along the way. I came across this book lying in the Carroll County Middle School hallway when I was in 8th grade. The book looked appealing and interesting, so I picked it up, took it to the library, and checked it out. The moment I opened the book, I knew it was going to be great. By the time I got back to my class I was already on page 21. It only took me 3 days to read the book, it was 373 pages long. I noticed that Kip and I really connected. I could relate to what she was going through and how she handled it. To begin with, Kip perseveres through any challenges that she may face. As an 8th grader, I feel that I have made it through many challenges. For example, I lost my granny to cancer, I lost my uncle Joe due to an allergic reaction, I lost my great-granny to cancer, and I almost lost my papa to a heart-attack....
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...My time in high school has been a long and hard one. I encountered many terrible challenges within a very short amount of time. The last four years of my life has been a rapid fire succession of terrible news. The first hardships I encountered were my Latin classes at Hill and my aunt’s battle with cancer that ended ultimately with death during the week leading up to the beginning of my high school career. I had no interest in Latin; I received terrible marks; but I persevered, because I was afraid to show weakness. This extended to my feelings of grief over my aunt’s death, I buried it deep. I never was able to even attend her funeral because she lived in Serbia, in my mother’s old country. I came to a revelation from my aunt’s death. Three out of the four members of my family who have died, died of cancer. I came to grips with my own mortality in my freshman year and the highly likely chance I will have cancer. It is a hard concept for anyone to understand, especially a teenager....
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...Regeneration Strayer University SCI 115 Spring 2015 May 8, 2015 Regeneration in biology refers to the process of renewing, restoring, and growing that makes cells, organisms, ecosystems and genomes resilient to damage. “Grow your own... heart, limb, or organ" is about research that is being conducted on the flatworm known as planaria. They have the ability to regrow their head or tail in as little as one week when damaged or cut off. Scientists are studying these worms in an effort to learn how to grow a new pancreas, new neurons, and other body parts. The researcher hopes this research will be an effective way to combat diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and many other diseases that plague human beings. "This promising possibilities of tissue regeneration are being explored in the labs of molecular biologists like Peter Reddien. Reddien's lab at MIT seeks to answer two fundamental questions about planarian regeneration. First: Which cells have the ability to regenerate tissue? And second: How are they instructed to do so" (Garcia, 2014)? Reddien and his group found that clonogenic neoblasts can give rise to new tissue. Clonogenic neoblasts are adult stem cells found in planaria bodies. Their bodies are loaded with these stem cells and are ready to regenerate promptly practically any missing body part. Reddien's lab is also studying how the planaria know which part to regenerate, the head or the tail. One of the researchers, Christian Petersen found that one particular...
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...Jacquelyn Valdez COMM/215 September 1, 2014 Winifred Donnelly The War on Tobacco I am sure most people know that smoking harms your body, in some cases irreparably. Having access to this knowledge then begs the question, why would someone continue smoking? Maybe some people do it because they are in denial about all the effects that smoking has. Perhaps some have always smoked and since nothing negative has ever resulted, they do not believe the reports. Of the many reasons smoking is a bad habit, I have selected a few to elaborate on: 1) smoking has been known to cause cancer and other health problems 2) the toll that smoking takes on the family when a person fails to recognize the impact and 3) the increase in tobacco is making the purchase of cigarettes cost prohibitive. The Cancer-Related Fact Sheet (Source: www.cancer,org) reports staggering statistics as it relates to new cases and deaths related to cancer. In 2014, 224,210 new cases of lung cancer were reported. Similarly, 159,260 related to lung cancer were also reported – that’s about 436 people every day that die from smoking. While lung cancer is not the only cancer that is caused by smoking, it is the leading type. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last year and her physicians attribute it to environmental reasons, put simply, smoking. She underwent all of the chemotherapy and radiation and the doctors removed the cancer, but she continues to smoke to this day. The oncologist that she would see on a...
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...the end of the tunnel. Hope is something that everyone needs when there is nothing they can do in a seemingly miserable situation. I was placed in this position not too long ago. It was like any other day, I was walking home from school with my siblings. When I entered through the front door, I instantly felt a sense of tension in the air. My mom, older brother, aunt, uncle, and grandparents were all sitting in the living room, with looks of weightiness upon their faces. My mother told me and my little brothers to have a seat next to her. We sat down and she grabbed my hand, then she told me the horrible news. She told us that she had Cervical Cancer. The announcement struck my heart to the core, the tears started to gradually fall from my eyes. Those were the tears of a broken heart. They started flowing until there are no more tears left to express my pain. Once I finally stop crying my mother gave me big hug and looked at me and said everything was going to be okay. From that day on I told myself that would be her rock, and she could depend on me. Months have passed, and I have gone to every surgery and chemotherapy appointment my mother has had. The first month had went by like a breeze, it really did seem like she was going to come out of this healthier than she went in. As the second month started to approach, I started seeing changes in my mom. She stopped eating as much as she did in the past and she didn’t eat any meat. Her appointments started to be longer they went...
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...Outline I. Introduction i. Adams, Mike. “Exclusive Interview with Billy Best.” ii. Personal Narrative II. Body A. Background Information iii. “Carcinogen.” Wikipedia. iv. “Cancer.” Wikipedia. B. Opposing Perspectives v. Schorr, Andrew. "Interview with Amie Blanco: Hereditary Colon Cancer." vi. Joe Chemo. Image. vii. Phillips, Gavin.“Interview with Dr. Burzynski.” C. Thesis + Support viii. Holistic vs. Medical treatment: medical treatment seems to be a better shot at surviving. ix. Kelly. “Adenoma/Glioblastoma multiforme/Anaplastic astrocytoma/Glioma Cured.” x. Cousins, Emily. “Life after Treatment Can Be Almost As Hard as the Chemo.” xi. Messoria, Josie. Personal interview. 15 November 2012. III. Conclusion xii. Personal. Abstract In this essay the author discusses cancer, what causes cancer, holistic vs. medical treatments. The first part of the essay the author presents a piece of an interview conducted with a young cancer patient who was going against the grain and refusing treatment. The essay then goes into a personal narrative on how the author feels about cancer then from there goes into a great descriptive paragraph about cancer and carcinogens. Her thesis is clearly surrounding the argument whether or not holistic or medical treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are ideal in treating/curing cancer. She...
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...Cause and Effect My whole life, I have been around cigarettes and smoking. Most of my family smokes or has smoked. My mom and dad were both smokers. My mom still smokes today but my dad switched to smokeless tobacco. My aunt is a smoker. Both my mom’s parents were smokers and it took both their lives. My dad’s mother use to smoke but she quit ten years ago. My cousins Allen and Michael are both smokers. My brother has tried it and so has my cousin Harley. My daughter’s mother also is a smoker. So a lot of people in my life are smokers. I hate that so many of my friends and family smoke because I know that with every smoke, they are shortening their lives. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and it causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general, (“Health”). More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined, (“Health”). Smoking causes an estimated 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women, (“Health”). An estimated 90% of all deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease are caused by smoking, (Health). Smoking causes an estimated 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women, (Health). Smoking increases coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times, (Health). Your chances of having a stroke are also increased 2 to 4 times, (Health). When...
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...Essay In 2012 I made an important decision. I decided to go back to school to earn my degree. For the first time (in a long time) I decided to put myself first and to care for myself the way I have cared for so many other people over the years. My quest to earn a degree actually started long before 2013. Like most people I grew up in a traditional middle class family with two hard working and wonderful parents. My parents (like most parents) wanted me to do better and accomplish more than they did. Both of my parents came from blue collar working households without much money and no formal education. My father joined the Navy at 15 in an effort to escape racism and inequality in Natchez, MS. He never completed high school, but he was street savvy beyond his years. My mother was the daughter of a maid and a ship laborer. In 1966, she completed high school and enrolled at the local junior college. She completed her junior year of college but was forced to drop out when my grandmother suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed and unable to work. Although my mother never complained, she never seemed to get over the disappointment of not earning her college degree. Despite the hurdles of life my mother found a way to move forward and continue on after my grandmother’s illness. In 1975 she met and married my dad and had two wonderful daughters. She and my dad both secured great jobs (she was a supervisor at the one of the city hall offices and my dad worked for a...
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...My name I am currently a college student going into the field of nursing. An issue that has inspired my career goals has been breast cancer disease. Breast cancer disease is a disease fought by many women, and my mom who is my hero is one of the many victims. Before my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer I was so ignorant about the topic. I would hear the word and jus like many other people think about “oh yeah cancer makes u bald” “cancer kills you”, when in reality the treatment to cancer is what makes u bald like chemotherapy. When my mom was diagnosed it was very devastating for my family and I but I learn that I had to show a smile in front of my mom and to fulfill her with positive words so she would not give up. By being able to help my mom and to encourage her everyday to get ready and go to treatment definitely inspired me to want to help others going through the same thing, make them see the positive side to the worst thing happening in their life, make them know that not everything is bad or lost because they have cancer or any other kind of disease. The area of field that I would like to specialize in is in the oncology field. The oncology field helps patients who have or are at risk for cancer. They administer health care, and educate, counsel people about screening, prevention, and detection. The oncology field is such an interesting field that I would really enjoy working with. This discipline is so important to me because like I mention before some people...
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...Experiencing the Unthinkable HN220 – Kaplan University May 12, 2015 Experiencing the Unthinkable Throughout life, every single person in the world will experience the unthinkable. Experiencing the dying moments or death of a person, whether you love them or not, can be a difficult time. Grieving is a natural healing process that occurs after a significant loss. Moving on and starting anew can also be difficult Sally and Mike have recently lost their 6 year old son to cancer. Sally is having a difficult time with the loss and Mike while still grieving the loss has moved on and accepted it. Mike is there to support his wife but doesn’t exactly know what he needs to do. Sally is feeling that she should have died instead of her son. Sally cannot accept that her son is no longer alive and is telling her God to take her and bring her son back. Kubler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief When working with someone that is dealing with the loss of a loved one a good tool to use would be Kubler-Ross’s 5 Stages. The first stage is denial and isolation. The first reaction to learning of terminal illness or death of a cherished loved one is to deny the reality of the situation. We block out the words and hide from the facts. This is a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain. The second stage is anger. As the effects of denial and isolation wears off anger sets in. The anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, friends or family. Stage three is...
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...Deadly Visitor I had never seen something so sad. The look on her old, but young face when the doctors told her the news. She always had this glow, barely any wrinkles, make up always done, hair died a crimson red to keep the grey from peeking its way through. She was beautiful, always was. This was my grandmother who had just been told she had stage four breast cancer. The treatments were pointless, they only caused more pain when they knew death was knocking on her front door. They made the promises of many years to come, as long as she continued with the treatments. Who knew doctors could lie so well? Not any of us, all oblivious to the fact that she wouldn't be here much longer. The promise of a couple more years was enough to keep our hopes high, maybe we wouldn't lose the woman we loved the most as soon as we thought. I was there through it all, the many doctor visits, the chemo, radiation. Through the hair and weight loss, the inability to finish writing a single sentence. The frail state her body took during the course of the awful disease, everything. My grandmother had always been so strong, no one could break her. The cancer managed to, it was over before it even started. The doctors promised years, who knew it would only be months? Filled with pain, and tears. Lets start from the beginning, shall we? It all started that Christmas in South Carolina with my uncle and three cousins. We just had moved back to Torrington, in with my grandparents. I guess she must have...
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...My Hero Almanda Larkin ENG121 MICHAEL SLOTEMAKER APRIL 11, 2015 MY HERO Hero’s come in different forms and occasions. Someone who has helped you learn new meanings of life, and what living is all about. My hero is my cousin KJ, he showed up at a what I thought would be the worst time of my life. But what I did not know was that his presence was just what I needed and he taught me to appreciate all things in my life. I remember this day like it was yesterday, as my body on that cold winter day in December was numb. My mind was also full of confusion and distraught. Around noon my mother got a call from my aunt, stating that my grandmother had just passed away from her battle of cancer. My grandmother had fought her battle for 3 years and during Thanksgiving dinner, a month before she passed, she had let us all knows that she would not be with us for Christmas. We all played it off and told her to quit talking nonsense and foolishness. But little did we know that she was tired of her fight and was ready to go home to live with the Lord. I often ask myself “how did she know that?” I was only 16 at the time and had no knowledge of what cancer was. If I had did some research at the time I would have known that in the final stages of cancer most patients experience fatigue, loss of appetite, confusion, sickness, and lots of pain. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/coping-with-cancer/dying/decisions/managing/managing-your-symptoms During...
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...Thinking is defined as using thought or rational judgment. The process of using one’s mind to consider or reason about something. Thinking is activity of mind. It is mindful work of your own perception and understanding. The critical thinking process starts out with knowledge. All thinking starts with knowledge, whether a little bit or a good understanding of thinking topic. If you can not comprehend what you are thinking about, you cannot think about it effectively. Most of our thinking’s sensory interactive. Thinking can shape the way we sense. Sending for adults is concurrent with thinking. As we sit in class, drive, cook, or even clean; we are sensing with our eyes, ears, and hands. The two most important senses for thinking are seeing and hearing. Our senses play an important role for our brain. Our senses feed our brain as food. A person’s power to remember things is memory. According to Dictionary.com (2012), “Memory is the mental capacity of faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc. or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.“ Hidden within our brain is our memory. There are two type of memory. We have short-term memory which we seem to forget entirely and last only about twenty to thirty seconds without rehearsal. Then, we have long-term memory which are the most important for our thinking and last the longest. Without memory there could be no thinking based upon experience. What we think depends both on our ability to remember...
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...people. His mother lived in Chicago. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. His mother was surprised of her diagnosis because she hadn’t smoked in fifteen years. Reverend Horton’s mother had been diagnosed with lupus, which is a medical condition that affects many African American women. She had several medical issues including diabetes. His father was an alcoholic. The Struggle of Parent’s Troubles Rev. Horton: “My mother did not want to get any chemotherapy and at the time she was in her late 40’s just young, so when she passed away her idea was let me just go home and die. Again, what I try to tell people is that my mother lost hope and she could have lived another 20 or 30 years. But what she lost was not just her health, you can lose your health, you can lose your wife, but never lose your hope; and I believe because she lost her hope she basically signed her own death certificate. And I try to tell people when I go to the hospitals or talk with some little boy that got kicked out of school, don’t lose hope; just because you are facing hard times. When you are facing hard times use that to stand up on.”...
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...So why are you in here? People say that I am crazy for what I did and they are right. I didn’t care, I ruined my life badly. I had it all to be successful and blissful, but at the time I wasn’t thinking clearly. I let my anger and pride take over me and when you are angry, depressed, and lost, loneliness is not the best advisor. Here is my story… Life hasn’t been easy for me; my father walked out of my life when I was 3 months old leaving my mother and I to struggle. To be honest, I held a grudge towards him for leaving us but mother taught me to forgive to be forgiven. She taught me many valuable lessons in life and even though she didn't have a high school diploma her words were wise. She always encouraged me to best the person that...
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