...nformation Technology for Management Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy International Student Version EFRAIM TURBAN, University of Hawaii at Manoa LINDA V O L O N I N O , Canisius College with contributions by: CAROL POLLARD, Appalachian State University . JANICE C. SIPIOR, Villanova University DOROTHY LEIDNER, Baylor University LINDA LAI, Macau Polytechnic University of China CHRISTY CHEUNG, Hong Kong Baptist University DEBORRAH CRISTOBAL, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines WILEY & Sons, Inc. CONTENTS 4 Networks and Collaboration as Business Solutions 112 I IT Supports Organizational Performance in Turbulent Business Environments 1 Toyota Scion's Innovative Advertising Strategies 2 1.1 Doing Business in the Digital Economy 4 1.2 Information Systems and Information Technology 11 1.3 Business Performance Management, Business Pressures, Organizational Responses, and IT Support 13 1.4 Strategy for Competitive Advantage and IT Support 18 1.5 Social Computing and Networking and Virtual Worlds 25 1.6 Why Should You Learn About Information Technology? 29 1.7 Plan of the Book 30 1.8 Managerial Issues 31 Minicase: NHS Hospitals Adopt Wireless 35 G Information Technologies: Concepts, Types, and IT Support 38 Mary Kay's IT Systems 39 2.1 Information Systems: Concepts and Definitions 41 2.2 Classification and Types of Information Systems 42 2.3 How IT Supports People 52 2.4 How IT Supports Supply Chains and...
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...hat's the Buzz on S mart Grids? CASE STUDY h e existing elec trici ty infras truct ure i n t h e Un ited Sta tes is outda te d and in effici ent . En ergy com pa n ies p rovide power to con su m ers , but th e grid pro vides no i nfor m ation abo ut ho w th e con su me rs are usin g th at energy, m akin g it difficult to develop m ore efficie nt approache s to distribution . Also, t h e curre nt elec tric ity grid offers few ways to h andl e pow er p rovided by alte r na tive e nergy sources, wh i ch a re critical com po ne nts of mo st e fforts to go "gre en ." E nter th e s mar t grid. A s mart grid deliv e rs elec tric ity fro m supplie rs to cons u me rs u sing digital te chnol ogy to save ene rgy, r edu ce costs, a n d increase reliability and trans paren cy. T he s m art grid enables in formation to flow ba ck a nd f orth b etwe en e lectric pow er p roviders a n d individual hous eholds to allow b oth cons u me rs an d e ne rgy com pa n ies to m a ke m or e i nt elligent d ecision s regarding ene rgy cons um ption an d p rodu cti on . I nfo rmation from s ma rt grids would show utilities w he n to raise prices w h en d emand is high a nd low er th em w he n d em and less ens . Sm art grids would also h elp c ons u m ers program h igh-use e lec trica l applia nces lik e h ea tin g a nd a ir condition ing syst em s to r edu ce cons um ption du r in g t im es o f p eak u sage. If i mpl em ented nati onwide, p ropon ent s beli eve, sm a rt grids would lead to a 5 to 15...
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...Printed in Great Britain 08894906/97 $17.00+0.00 PIh S0889-4906(90)00019-1 T h e M e d i c a l R e s e a r c h Paper: S t r u c t u r e and Functions K evin Ngozi N w o g u A bstract--Studies i nto the organization of information in the medical research p aper have tended to present accounts of the structure of information in s ections in isolation. The structure of information in all sections of the medical r esearch paper was investigated using Swales' (1981, 1990) genre-analysis m odel. An eleven-move schema was identified, out of which nine were found t o be "normally required" and two "optional". Each schema was found to e mbody "constituent elements" and to be characterized by distinct linguistic f eatures. The study provides insights into the nature of discourse organization in this genre of written discourse. © 1997 The American University. Published b y Elsevier Science Ltd I ntroduction A s with most experimental research reports, the medical research paper is a highly technical form with a standard format for the presentation of i nformation. This format is the division of the paper into "Introduction, M ethods, Results and Discussion" - - the traditional IMRD sections of the r esearch paper. M ost research article writers are familiar with the IMRD format, but not all are conscious of the fact that there exists an internal ordering of the i nformation presented in the various sections of the research article. This l ack of awareness may account...
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...Physical Networking: Syllabus NT1310 NT1310 Physical Networking SYLLABUS Credit hours: 4.5 Contact /Instructional hours: 56 (34 Theory, 22 Lab) Prerequisite(s):NT1210 Introduction to Networking or equivalent © ITT Educational Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -1- 03/02/2012 NT1310 Physical Networking SYLLABUS COURSE SUMMARY COURSE DESCRIPTION This course examines industry standards and practices involving the physical components of networking technologies (such as wiring standards and practices, various media and interconnection components), networking devices and their specifications and functions. Students will practice designing physical network solutions based on appropriate capacity planning and implementing various installations, testing and troubleshooting techniques for a computer network. MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Telecommunications Cabling Specifications and Constraints Cabling Tools and Media Network Equipment for Wired and Wireless Networks Cable Testing Fiber Optics and Light Principles Fiber-Optic Cables, Splicing and Connectors Fiber-Optic Light Sources, Detectors and Receivers Fiber-Optic Considerations and Testing COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Distinguish between bandwidth, frequency, and data rate in a data network Explain the importance of codes, standards, and specifications. Compare and contrast network topologies ...
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...nformation technology is a wide field, and has enabled organizations across the world to work in an efficient manner. It plays a very important role in effective management and running of a business. The use of IT in organizations is inevitable, be it any type of company like manufacturing or medicinal sector. It has contributed largely to the process advancements in organizations. Basic Elements of Information Technology Software and Applications Software is an important part of information technology which relates to computer applications that enable a company to generate, store, program, and retrieve data as and when needed. There are many software developed for different purposes. All operations in the business sector are carried out by software that are assigned for executing specific tasks. Without these computer applications the businesses wouldn't have been able to carry out their functions in a proper and efficient manner. Operating systems, ERPs, special purpose applications, and web browsers are some examples of different software. There are some software which are exclusively built to contribute to the proper collaborative working of all sections of the businesses, which are known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). These are complex applications which enable people to efficiently manage all functions and operations of all processes in the businesses. Hardware Devices These are various computer equipment that house the software. Devices like microcomputers...
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...1. A minimum set of access rights needed to perform a specific job description is: A) Separation of duties B) Need-to-know C) Separation-of-privilege D) Privileged-controls Correct Answer(s): B 2. An organization's security posture is should exist before any computers are inst alled. Select all that are correct! A) guidelines B) sales projections C) procedures D) None of the others are correct E) standards Correct Answer(s): E, A, C 3. ____________ is used to reduce time by grouping users with a common access need. A) ACLD B) RBAC C) MACP D) DACS Correct Answer(s): B 4. Configuration and change management addresses all of the following except: A) Software B) Networking C) Hardware D) Entity users Correct Answer(s): D 5. Redirecting an internet user from a legitimate site to a malicious Web site for the purpose of harvesting user IDs and passwords is referred to as: A) Phishing B) Pharming C) Scamming D) Slamming Correct Answer(s): B 6. 1. An effective security policy contains which of the following information ? Select all correct answers. A) Compliance management and measurements description B) Smart Card Requirements C) Measurement expectations D) Reference to other policies Correct Answer(s): D, C, A 7. Configuration and change management controls: A) Ensure that security is not breached when a system crashes B) Protect company resources and assets C) Involve pre-employment screening and mandatory vacation time D) Identify, control, and audit changes...
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...Watermarking: Legalities of Digital Media Derrick Harper Course name and number Instructor name Outline I. Introduction II. History III. The Basics of Watermarking IV. Watermarking Applications V. A Simple Watermark: Patchwork VI. Current Work in Watermarking VII. Conclusion VIII. Works Cited Introduction It's no news to anyone that's reading this that the meteoric rise of the Internet in recent years has significantly increased the availability of all forms of media. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the realm of commercial musical recordings, where Napster and other internet-based distribution systems have made incredible volumes of musical content widely available, all without the consent of the music's originators. This situation, though, is not unique to the music industry, as photographers, filmmakers, and other content-originators all have the same problem to varying degrees. The solution, and even the need for a solution, to this problem of copyright infringement is still a topic that is open to great debate, but there is no debating the fact that some interesting and novel technology has been designed to help. Digital image watermarking, the practice of secretly embedding a piece of information in an image, is one of the more interesting of these technologies, and deserves some consideration. It is the purpose of this paper to give the reader an overview of watermarking and the diverse benefits that it offers. We begin with a brief...
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...Develop an educational project that includes a specific outcome while teaching academic skills Make Your Own Project-Based Lesson Plan Gloria J. Edwards Educator and Curriculum Development Specialist Unlimited Learning, Inc. Copyright 2002 Mountain Plains Distance Learning Partnership Integrated Learning http://www.integratelearning.org Special funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Star Schools. Instructions based on the five-concept template created by Leecy Wise for Star School teachers, Cortez, CO, 2001-2002 Topic: Make Your Own Project-Based Lesson Plan Develop an educational project that includes a specific outcome while teaching academic skills. Identify Grade level or Group Here An integrated lesson plan covering # sessions of approximately # hours each. Your Name as Lesson Author Here The following passage is included in all Integrated Learning lesson plans: Lesson-Planning Approach Students do not learn from what you do, but from what you have them do. This is a template for creating project-based lessons. Examples and important information are set in text boxes, while the rest of the text can be used as lesson template. Text and headings that are part of the “Integrated Learning” lesson format are printed in color bands or bold text. For other examples of our project-based lesson plans, refer to our website www.integratelearning.org . Some learners perceive their “world” as a whole, where all things are interconnected and dependent...
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...ippingU.S.-Mexico Shipping Options White Paper In brief Understanding what can happen at the U.S.-Mexico border with your truckload shipments could impact the decisions you make—and whether or not you will actually get what you pay for. By reviewing the process and your options, you will be able to develop better, more efficient strategies to help minimize costs and risk. Contents Cross-Border Shipping: A Primer 1. Carrier restrictions 2. Cargo inspections 3. Cargo insurance 4. Equipment availability Northbound Shipments, Step by Step Southbound Shipments, Step by Step 7 Tips for Choosing a Cross-Border Provider C.H. Robinson | U.S.-Mexico Cross-Border Services 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 2 If you’re not already shipping products via truckload across the U.S.-Mexican border, it’s probably only a matter of time, considering that Mexico is the United States’ third-largest trading partner.1 More than 18,000 companies with U.S. investment already have operations in Mexico,2 and many others ship their products across the border. This white paper will better prepare you to join them. There are two distinct methods of truck transportation across the border: transloading and direct service. In transloading, product is transferred from one trailer or container to another at a warehouse or terminal before crossing the border and being taken to FIGURE 1 Main land-border the final delivery. In direct service, a trailer or container crossings...
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...4, Issue 1, January 2014 ISSN 2250-3153 1 Employing Information Security Awareness to Minimize Over-Exposure of Average Internet User on Social Networks WorawitBinden*, MaheedeenJormae**, ZakariaZain***, Jamaludin Ibrahim**** worawit.inter@gmail.com*, maheedeen@gmail.com**, zakariazain13@gmail.com***, jamal55@gmail.com**** Department of Information Systems, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University Malaysia ABSTRACT-Use of Online Social Networking Sites (OSNs) has become ubiquitous nowadays. In the era of a million user social networking sites throughout the world, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to control what they are exposing to whom. In this paper we analyze the influence of social media interactivity features on the exposure of personal data of average Internet user and present techniques to implement information security awareness to minimize overexposure on OSNs. Index Terms-Online Social Networking, Information Security Awareness, Social Network Interactivity Features I. INTRODUCTION nformation is vital to communication and a critical resource for performing work in organizations. It is also important to individuals, and therefore the need to proper manage it well, is growing rapidly. Protecting data is as important as protecting cash as it is asset – and requires just as much care and planning. Now more than ever, people need to understand the critical role information plays in so many aspects of...
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...1 Introduction 2 2 EU funding development plans and the results between 2007-13 2 2.1 Operational Programme 'Development of Living Environment' 3 2.1.1 The purpose and aim of the EU investment 3 2.1.2 The expected impact of the investment 3 2.1.3 Priority axis 3 2.1.4 Managing Authority 4 2.1.5 Finances 4 2.2 Operational Programme 'Development of Economic Environment' 5 2.2.1 The purpose and aim of the EU investment 5 2.2.2 The expected impact of the investment 5 2.2.3 Priorities 6 2.2.4 Managing Authority 7 2.2.5 Finance 7 2.3 Operational Programme for Human Resource Development 7 2.3.1 Lifelong learning. 7 2.3.2 Developing human resources for R&D. 7 2.3.3 Good-quality and long working life. 8 2.3.4 Knowledge and skills for innovative entrepreneurship. 8 2.3.5 Enhancing administrative capacity. 8 2.3.6 Technical assistance 8 3 Success stories 8 3.1 Example 1: Start-up Programme 8 3.1.1 Start-up 9 3.1.2 Evolution 9 3.1.3 Most relevant 3 projects 9 3.1.4 Results 9 3.2 Example 2: BioFix 10 3.2.1 Context 10 3.2.2 BioFix Project 10 3.2.3 First steps 10 3.2.4 Partners 10 3.2.5 Results 11 Introduction After centuries of Danish, Swedish, German, and Russian rule, Estonia attained independence in 1918. Forcibly incorporated into the USSR in 1940 - an action never recognized by the US - it regained its freedom in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since the last Russian troops...
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...E-Governance MIS- PROJECT 1/26/2013 Batch B Group 4 Vinay Chandran Jijith Balakrishnan Karanveer Kang Jagannath Mohan Anoop Q 1. E-Government history? The origin of e-Government dates back to 1993, in the United States, the government of which promoted the ‘National Information Infrastructure Initiative’, in order to promote a fabric of communication networks, computers, databases and consumer electronics that placed an enormous quantity of information at the disposal of users, as well has helping cause an information revolution that changed the way of life, work and interaction of people and constructed a ICT resource platform in which industry, government and universities integrated their information systems. At the end of the same year, Europe also confronted the new challenge and commissioned a report on the global Information Society in Europe to be presented in June 1994; the Bangemann Report ‘Europe and the global information society. Recommendations to the European Council. Ten applications were proposed in the report for the launch of the information society. The ninth of them was the creation of a trans-European public administration network, with the initial aim of providing more efficient and cheaper information exchange (replacing paper with electronic media) to then be employed to unite public administrations and European citizens. In the year 2000, the European Union launched the Action Plan eEurope 2002-An Information Society for All, which laid down...
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...1 Issues in Financial Reporting The path to knowledge cannot be found without visions and an overall picture. ± R. Mattessich oday's dynamic business environment is heralding a revolution in the need for, and the way in which, accounting data is utilized. This has resulted in talk of `an accounting revolution' (Beaver, 1998) and the possible `rede®nition of accountancy' (Elliott, 1998: 7). However, it is all too easy to become caught up in this stampede for change, but how far can accounting change and for it still to be called accounting? This chapter seeks to explore the major issues facing contemporary ®nancial reporting ± this will include its interrelationship with external auditing and the provision of assurance to those outside the reporting entity. After all, `[e]ffective reporting and accounting, and external scrutiny from auditors, are essential for effective corporate governance' (Company Law Review Steering Committee, 2001: para. 8.1). To understand the ®nancial statements, one needs to appreciate the auditors' work and opinion, and, conversely, to understand the auditors' work and opinion, it is necessary to appreciate the scope and limitations of the ®nancial statements. All too often, ®nancial reporting and external auditing are treated and discussed in isolation despite being inextricably linked. However, the ®nal ®gures in the ®nancial statements may come about as a result of negotiations between management and their auditors ± with the auditors examining...
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...Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I here by take this opportunity acknowledge following person who help me to fulfill my training with Excel Crop Care Ltd. 1. Mr. Pinakin Trivedi 2. Mr. Robert fernandis 3. Mr. S Kumar Bhatt 4. Mr. Tyag Vyas 5. Mr. Zariwala Firstly thanks to H.R. manager Mr. S Kumar Bhatt and public relation officer Mr. Pinakin Trivedi and management staff of the Excel Crop Care Ltd Who granted me permission for visiting their industrial unit and providing all the required information and inquiries for the preparation of the project report.Thanks to Mr. Robert Fernandis who introduce me to whole firm and gave all the required information of the organization and also thanks to Mr. Tyag Vyas who help me to get information. Finally to dean of the MBA dept. Mr. Rajesh Bhatt for providing us with an opportunity to gain this absolutely fruitful & wonderful practice training. Without the help and contribution of the above mentioned preparation of this project would have been simplify impossible. Hence, I would like to thank them once again. ---: PREFACE:--- I am immensely pleased while submitted this project report of the industrial training at Excel Crop Care ltd Bhavnagar. Submitting this report as a part of my “Industrial Summer Training.” While doing my training at Excel Crop Care Ltd. I came across a lot of activities which I had been studying theoretical in my curriculum section...
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...well, you have to satisfy and at times exceed the expeetations of the customer. But how do you know what the customer wants; According to the textbooks, market research ought to provide the answer. Unfortunately, heeause of the way most traditional marketing research is conducted, it has fallen short of this important objective. At the core of the problem is the practice of using marketing research to confirm that a decision already made is the right decision rather than using market research to identify alternative choices and to support the process hy which the hest alternative is ehosen. In this series of foldout tables, I present a guide for managers who want to use market research to develop and support market-based decisions. The tables form a decision-support framework that uses research tools to help companies develop a balanced approach to the "technology push/demand pull" product development process. The structural components of the framework are accountable management, the company's decision process, marketplace reality, and the market research function. The five sections of the gateiold identify the steps researchers must take: (1) Assess market information needs; (2) Measure the marketplace; (3) Store, retrieve, and display the data; (4) Descrihe and analyze HARVARD BUSINESS REVTEW laiuuirv-Febiiiatv 1 ^ market information; (5) Evaluate the research and assess its usefulness. The reference material here is encyclopedic-the product of a great deal of thought by colleagues...
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