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Performance Appraisal Management


Submitted By jiya011
Words 6691
Pages 27

SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Rajesh Bhatt SUMBMITTED BY: Jalpa J Sachapara (Bhavnagar University) (M.B.A. SEM-3)

(Department Of Business Administration, Faculty Of Management
Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar)

I here by take this opportunity acknowledge following person who help me to fulfill my training with Excel Crop Care Ltd.
1. Mr. Pinakin Trivedi
2. Mr. Robert fernandis
3. Mr. S Kumar Bhatt
4. Mr. Tyag Vyas
5. Mr. Zariwala
Firstly thanks to H.R. manager Mr. S Kumar Bhatt and public relation officer Mr. Pinakin Trivedi and management staff of the Excel Crop Care Ltd Who granted me permission for visiting their industrial unit and providing all the required information and inquiries for the preparation of the project report.Thanks to Mr. Robert Fernandis who introduce me to whole firm and gave all the required information of the organization and also thanks to Mr. Tyag Vyas who help me to get information. Finally to dean of the MBA dept. Mr. Rajesh Bhatt for providing us with an opportunity to gain this absolutely fruitful & wonderful practice training. Without the help and contribution of the above mentioned preparation of this project would have been simplify impossible. Hence, I would like to thank them once again.

---: PREFACE:---

I am immensely pleased while submitted this project report of the industrial training at Excel Crop Care ltd Bhavnagar. Submitting this report as a part of my “Industrial Summer Training.” While doing my training at Excel Crop Care Ltd. I came across a lot of activities which I had been studying theoretical in my curriculum section.

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