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Ia State Psychology Notes


Submitted By jvock
Words 1146
Pages 5
A. What is the self? -General characteristics of the self -illusions of the self - collectivist, individualists, self-construal
B. What is the self?
-An organism collected of concepts and schemas that define how we perceive our selves
-Self concepts are the concepts of the self and determined what we believe and how we feel about our selves
-self schemas mental structures that affect how we organizes and process information.
(computers processes= self schemas); (Computer files=self concepts)
C. Two of functions the self:
1. Organization -self reference effect; enhances memory
2. Regulation -Limited resource ideas
D. The self-guides and colors our perceptions of the social world
Central everything revolves around self 1 what we attend to and care about 2 Determined how we interpreted events 3 pervasive/ omnipresent (Always present) 4 motivated -think well of themselves -Egocentric (everybody is egocentric) -Associate self with good, distance them self from bad (we won/ they lost) -Overestimate self-agency

4. Automatic -Background operation -Cocktail party effect (hearing your name around a crowd of people)
E. Who are you? 1. “I am” written over again 2. Number of identify vs number of personal attributes 3. Majority of responsibilities will be personally attributed
F. independent views of self vs interdepended view of self 1. Individualist culture
(US, Australia, England) 2. Collectivists Cultures (Kenya, Moesia, India)
G. The development of the social self 1. Culture -we are products of our culture 2. Roles -Becoming university student influences self-construal 3. Success and failure -Things you are good/bad at 4. Other people’s judgments 5. Social comparison

H. Weakness of self-knowledge 1. Exploring our behavior -No one knows more about you than you, but you can’t explain your behavior 2. Predicting our behavior -friends and family predict your behavior better than you. 3. Predict our feelings -How long that feeling will last (overestimated) 4. Illusions of self -illusion of uniqueness/ “Barnum Effect” -Illusion of transparency -Spotlight effect (less attention is being directed to you than what you think)
-Explaining our behavior
-Predicting our behavior
-Predicting the future
I. Uniqueness 1. Hair Color/race/weight/etc. 2. Uniqueness changes when our attributes are similar and dislike surroundings.
J. Illusion of uniqueness -Characteristics are less unique than what they really are -inter-domain (There’s a sucker born every minute. P.T Barnum )
L. Illusions of transparent self
-Tendency to overestimate the extent to which our internal thoughts and feelings can be read or detected by outside observers.

M. Lie Detection study: 1. Observers try to figure out which of the 4 statements given is a lie 2. Person lying makes a prediction of how many people can guess accurately 3. Actual number of people who accurately determined that lie (25% were correct, 25% chance)
N. Detection of disgust 1. 2 liquids, 1 foul tasting 2. Taster tries to not display disgust 3. Observers try to figure out which is which (50% correct ,50% chance)
O. Spotlight effect: (Overestimated of the impact of absence) -Students wore a Barry Manalow t-shirt -students interact with other people -How many people noticed the shirt? (Almost 0 percent)
P. Why spotlight effect/transparency - Egocentrism and anchoring and adjusting heuristics -In its egocentrism world the self is profoundly away of internal state(Thoughts/feelings)
-Although people realize that others are not privy to the same internal information as they are this chronic self-awareness of internal states serve as an anchor from which judgments are made by.
Q. Anchoring and adjusting (Anchor=self) -all judgments can be said to have a starting point
-Starting point tends to anchor judgments in the sense that adjustments from that point are commonly insufficient.

R. Consistency and justification -as a need or drive -foot in the door effect -lowballing -psychological consistency- balance theory -logical consistency -dissonance theory
S. Consistency -“a foolish consistency is the hob goblin of little minds” (Ralph Emmerson) -Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative (Michael Moncur) -People do not like inconstancy -Foot in the door effect -A small request is made something that most people will do -A larger request is made, is consistent with the nature of the smaller request -People tend to agree to the larger request due to consistency -Lowballing -Make a deal of some sort -raise the cost of completing the deal -Inter-attitudinal consistency (psychological balance) -Heider’s POX Theory -each corner of the triangle represents an object (Yourself,friend ,enemy ) -Positive or negative connection
-physiological consistency among attitudes (Being comfortable with consistency and vice versa )
-Product of the connections is positive= balanced
-Product of the connections is negative= unbalanced
-Every POX triangle is connected -Problems with balanced theory: -Balanced theory works poorly when the relationships evokes jealousy or possession
-Just world beliefs -If someone is bad then something bad should happen vice versa
-From this seemingly innocuous premise some people believe that if bad things happen to someone they must be bad
-Rape victim invited the attack -poor people deserve to be poor -Battered spouses provoked beatings -Ill people fail to take care of them selves
T. Dissonance Theory -What happens when our behaviors are not consistent with our attitudes? -A discomfort emerges (Cognitive dissonance) and we do things to try to resolve it -Many ways people try to reduce cognitive dissonance -deny or distort the meaning of the behavior -Change the behavior
-Attribute the behavior to external forces.
-Change the attitude to come in line with the behavior -Attitudes are too extent justifications that we develop for our behavior -Insufficient Justification -The reverse incentive effect

U. Persuasion/mindlessness - Many decisions are made without thought -Construed as something requiring a lot of thinking via classical way of thinking -A deliberate process -Most decisions are mindless -Vocab. Matters -Locations matters (eye level products) -Cute-ness helps (babies, animals, sex appeal) -Associating a product with being cool (Camel Joe) -Perceived scarcity leads us to try to possess -Positive framing -Emotions
V. Attitudes -Attitudes are the predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to some object or idea. -Attitudes also include memories, schemas, and beliefs about the object or idea. -Attitudes are innumerable.
W. Attitudes predicting behavior -Behavior is heavily governed by the social situation -Prior experience -Accessibility, behavior is spontaneous -How specific the attitude is -Which component? (cogitative, affective) -Strength of the attitude -Distortions of attitude reports -Subjective norms -behavior control
X. Empirical demonstrations of mindlessness -“Excuse me, may I use the copier?” About 50% agree -Excuse me, may I use the copier because I am in a hurry? About 100% agree - Excuse me may I use the copier cause I need to make some copies? About 100% Agree
Y. Elaboration Likelihood Model
-Basic assumption: People sometimes do not have the information or motivation to evaluate all messages carefully.
-The amount and nature of the thinking that accompanies a persuasive message determines the types of persuasion that occurs. -Central route persuasion - Peripheral Route Persuasion

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