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Iby Knill: Holocaust Survivors

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Pages 3
There are 799 registered survivors from the horrible tragedy known as the Holocaust. Research studies have shown that survivors who live in Israel are more stable than those who live in other countries. One of the many survivors in this tragic period of time was Iby Knill. Iby grew up with education and a cultured family, Iby and her brother knew many languages. Life for them started to become very difficult, the Jewish citizens had many restrictions on their actions and what they were allowed to do or say. One of the restrictions Iby hated was how they were forced to wear the Jewish star, oftenly called the yellow star. Iby’s parents’ business was taken from them and then given to non-Jewish people. When Iby was taken into a concentration camp, she had an infection in her hip. Luckily, she had friends that carried her from place to place so she wouldn’t be left to die. Iby and her family finally made it to freedom on an Easter Sunday in 1945, they found American tanks and then were brought to safety and got the medical attention they needed. Another one of the holocaust survivors was Leisel Carter. She was born in Germany in …show more content…
She traveled to Norway by train, not arriving until 1940. Her mother had a job as a domestic servant, but was forced to leave Leisel, who was only four, alone in Germany, before Leisel departed from Germany in 1939 with a few of her close friends. Later in her journey she ended up alone. When Leisel returned to England, she finally found her mother only to find out that her mother was unable to take care of her. Leisel had lost contact with her Norwegian family until the 1980’s, then Leisel finally got in touch with the family that took her in when her mother no longer could. Leisel got their attention by writing many letters and mailing it to the family’s house. She went and visited the Alfsens many times with her husband Terry during the 1980’s and reconnected with the sons of the Alfsens

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