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Should Special Needs Be Allowed In Schools

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Throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school, every child, despite ability or disability, is given the right to earn his or her education. Being a special needs student should not be an excuse to be excluded from mainstream classes, schools must learn to accommodate and work with every individual student. Handicapped children deserve attention and education just like any other child because every child can learn. Special needs kids benefit from being enrolled in mainstream classes with neurotypical students.
As children begin their journey of education, they get to experience socializing with a large group of kids their age. Throughout their time together, they pick up on each other's habits. This is crucial for special needs students learning. Ogden Preschool is implementing a new program that allows 30% of the classroom to be special needs (Wright …show more content…
The earlier a disabled child starts in the mainstream classes, the earlier results will show. Typical children show even better results if the parents start them at a young age. Sarah Pounders is a 29 year old special needs adult that struggled throughout school. She was enrolled into special needs classes automatically, and the school never offered mainstream courses for her. It was not because she did not have the abilities to be in a classroom with neurotypical kids, but it was simply because the school did not offer inclusion. It was not until she was nearly 17 years old that they offered classes for special needs and common children mixed in a class. By this time, she had only been in a classroom with disabled kids and had not picked up any good habits, so there was little structure/discipline in the class. By the school offering inclusion classrooms when she had gone without it for so long, it was useless. This is only beneficial if they are started at a young age while they are still learning basic

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