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Liberal Arts Discipline Research Paper

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Liberal arts discipline: American Literature
Title: The History of American Literature
Proposal: During early American literature, sexism and racism were rampant; ensuring that women and minority groups were almost non-existent in the field. Rather than equality, early American literature focused mainly on theology and ostracizing minority groups and women that pursued working in this field. Today, theology is not a main component of literature and sexism and racial inequality is not as rampant as it was in past times (although it is still present). Thanks to modern technological advancements, literature has become significantly less popular but it is no longer difficult for minority groups to pursue a career in literature. Similar to how the literature discipline has evolved over time, psychology is also much …show more content…
Minorities and women have just as much of a right to contribute to American literature as anyone else. Without their additions, American literature would be skewed and subpar at best. The more individuals that are involved with annotating written works, the more knowledge and diversity is available to educate our youth with.
Analysis/Conclusion: Fair and equitable treatment to all individuals regardless of race, culture, or gender, is the first step to ensuring American literature continues to grow and evolve. If the limitations on who was allowed to publish written works still existed today, we would have not learned valuable information collected from African American authors from the Civil War and other such instances. With a “white-washed” and skewed perspective of American literature, the United States would be a less diverse and a more suffocating country for minorities as well as women.

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