...Academic Finance as a Career: The Good, The Bad, and the Not-So-Pretty Don Chance James C. Flores Endowed Chair of MBA Studies Louisiana State University Current version: January 4, 2011 (Original version: November 19, 2007) Most undergraduate and masters students in finance (MS and MBA) are preparing for a career in the world of finance. Oftentimes, jobs in finance have titles like financial analyst, credit analyst, and assistant treasurer, with the possibilities of someday becoming a vice president of finance, chief financial officer, treasurer or some other high-ranking position of responsibility. Finance is an important field to study because it deals with the management of money, a subject of central concern to every business, government agency, or nonprofit organization, and indeed every individual. Knowing how the financial world operates, the characteristics of securities, and how investment decisions should be made serves one well for many career paths. The study of finance also helps to prepare a person to manage his or her own money and increase the likelihood of accruing significant wealth over time through solid principles of investing. Few students consider another finance-related career option: becoming an academic in finance. Most students know little about this career choice. Their experiences with finance academics are typically limited to their familiarity with classes taken from their professors. But there is a lot more to it than this. And it is probably...
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...Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Teachers’ Tenure System Should Not Be Eliminated The course of considering the no kid left back bill in the year 2001 refocused America’s attention on endeavors towards transforming the Americans public education structure. Researchers as well as lawmakers are presently evaluating a range of strategies, starting from initiating new answerability standards towards encouraging school selection and contest, equally in an attempt to establish whatever modifications can be created to public education to upgrade its quality. The significance of teacher excellence is extensively acknowledged like one of the great important constituents of successful education and therefore policies that enhance teacher operation via the utilization of enticements are gaining impetus. In spite of several findings that enhancement in value is connected with momentous reduction in learners accomplishment. A study has previously pinpointed which teacher features are most problem-solving of value (Aaronson, et al.33). For instance, quantifiable teacher attributes such as race, sexual characteristics, education background, or periods for teaching practice) merely relate to three percent of the teacher’s control on student accomplishment (Goldhaber 20) .The teacher’s skill is never considerably connected with student success subsequent to the preliminary few years within a classroom (Rivkin 12). The findings propose that it is demanding to gauge teacher distinctiveness...
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...Before formulating an opinion whether or not tenure is still necessary, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons of having tenure. Some benefits of tenure protect academic freedom, provide job security, and provide institutions with experienced professors. With those concepts in mind, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and the Association of American College and Universities (AAC&U) have agreed on a policy that defines professor’s academic freedom rights and privileges. Undergraduate enrollment is increasing with every passing year and there will be a need for professors for instruction. Some tenure critics say that tenured professors do not keep themselves abreast of trends with higher education affecting the quality...
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...facing higher education in “The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of the All-Administrative University and Why It Matters” (Oxford University Press, 2011). Ginsburg begins his book by explaining The Growth of Administration. He reminisces of his nearly 50 years of academic experience. Years ago faculty members would take on part time rolls as administrators of the university. He credits the faculty as being a success due largely to the fact that “Faculty administrators never forgot the purpose of the university was the promotion of education and research.”(pg.2) He then explains how despite financial cutbacks resulting the loss of full-time faculty, armies of staff and administrators referred to as “deanlets” and “deanlings” are still being hired. He supports this statement with statistics showing an 240 percent and 85 percent increase in the supply and demand in comparison to the 50 percent increase in faculty members hired. He dismisses arguments of increases in curriculum, service offerings and government mandates on record keeping as the cause. Ginsburg’s second section is titled What administrators do. This section of the book Ginsburg explains his interpretation of what the roll of an administrator is in the academic community and exactly what pitfalls arise from the actions of administrators. One of these pitfalls is the nature that administrators have so little to do that they organize events for the purpose of creating work. Later in the section he discusses how tuition...
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...“Waiting For Superman” Geoffrey Canada stated, “One of the saddest days of my life was when my mother told me Superman didn’t exist... I was crying because there was no one coming with enough power to save us.” Just as many children look up to fictional characters such as Superman, parents look up to our school system to educate, if not raise, their children. However, too many of these parents are beginning to realize that an effective education, like Superman, is nonexistent. In Waiting for Superman, Davis Guggenheim addresses a failing public school system in America that is a result of teachers unions, ineffective teachers, and false promises, among many other factors. The director’s selective perception in the video Waiting for Superman purports that public education is incapable of meeting the challenge of providing an adequate education to each one of its students and hence, charter schools are the answer to fixing the problem with education in the United States. He focuses on the plethora of public schools robustly failing its students and the factors causing them to fail. He gives statistics and facts to support his arguments and emphasizes that which makes a great school or a great student, is a great teacher. He criticizes the public school system by calling the federal, state, local, and district boards a “tangled mess of conflicting regulations and mixed agendas.” He states “the things we’ve done to help our schools work better have become the things that prevent...
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... Shared governance has been a crucial part of higher education educations and stretches back for over 75 years. An ideal shared governance model is reciprocal in nature. It will recognize the contributions and requirements of all participants in a cluster consensus process. This process will enhance and nurture a partnership, empowerment and successful outcomes of educational policy and implementation decisions. Shared governance can build inclined strategies that connect positions of authority, share resources, and facilitate programs. Shared governance in higher education is on the decline. Faculty and administrators on all levels have grown gravely concerned with this issue. The concern has stemmed from the deterioration of tenure-track positions, the exclusion from participation of higher education governance as well as the growth of contingent faculty. Governance is a focal component of service. It is the triad of teaching, research and service. This paper will elucidate how shared governance in higher education is on the decline. Higher education has two divisions of shared governance. Institution governance is headed by the board of trustees. They have chief fiduciary responsibility for the institution and delegate administration of the...
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...percent of the teacher’s control on student accomplishment (Goldhaber 20) .The teacher’s skill is never considerably connected with student success subsequent to the preliminary few years within a classroom (Rivkin 12). The findings propose that it is demanding to gauge teacher distinctiveness, for example personal incentive, job contentment, or tolerance and individuality are the principal agents of good performance. Plan most possibly to possess a great outcome on enhancing teacher value can thus be those which aim at positive alterations in these traits. Policymakers have endeavored addressing these matters via the assessment and realization of programs which provide motivations for educators to upgrade. One of such plan is the teacher tenure that generates...
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...Colleges. According to the author Zephyr, “undergraduate education is on the verge of a radical reordering” (Chaffee, p.91, para 2). Zephyr states that colleges will be torn apart by the Internets new ways of sharing information. Classes are slowly changing from an in class setting to an online setting that may become permanent over the next 15 years. The author also states “colleges are becoming more virtual” (Chaffee, p.91, para 3). Traditional Colleges will experience a decline in enrollment and since they are depending on tuition this will hurt them tremendously. You don’t have to be in a classroom to do research, ask questions and receive lectures to gain a full learning experience. “The funding of academic research, the culture of the academy and the institution of tenure are all threatened” (Chaffee, p.96, para 4). The evidence used by the author to support his argument is the cost of getting a online degree are relatively inexpensive compared to traditional college. For example, “in state online undergraduate completion degree offered by the East Carolina University costs only $99 per credit hour which is a base of $1200 a year” (Chaffee, p.92, para 2). And the author...
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...he continued, it was extremely important to pursue development in ways that used resources judiciously and protected key environmental systems. In this case, university could play a significant role to raise awareness of the fundament of climate change that, if wrongly treated, could pose a threat to food security. In this context, university could coordinate reviews of the scientific evidence on the links between climate change and food and develop a research agenda. The Seminar was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Sulaeman, M. S., the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology. Three commentators included Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, M.S., Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc., and Dr. Soeryo Adiwibowo. The Seminar was participated by academic community of the IPB, representatives of civil societies, representatives of government agencies, and private sector. Invitation to Dr. Makarim Wibisono was received from Dr. Arif Satria, the Dean of Faculty of Human...
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...The Economic Efficiency of Tenure 13 May 2015 By: Andrea Curtis At-will employment has become the norm in society as it leaves the ability to hire and fire at the sole discretion of the employer. This is true in almost every field except one -teaching- and specifically university professors. While some other fields have unions and other job security none is quite as organized and laid out as that of education. The “tenure track” has become the best job security around, yet the question remains, is it economically efficient for the employer? Universities are more monetary driven than ever before with sky rocking tuition and intense work to increase donations, but is that money going to better education or inefficient employees? The “tenure track” encourages hard work, but it does so with the belief that it will payoff and the results will be an easy long-term career. The issue with tenure is not that it sets clear goals. The issue comes once the goals have been reached and the motivation disintegrates over time. It is often argued tenure is necessary to allow professors to do unpopular research without fear of losing their jobs. The problem here is how unlikely this is to occur. Universities are striving to get ahead and those with the unusual opinion are being encouraged to spread their discoveries especially with the increase in technology. It is also argued the tenured professors oversee the hiring and firing of faculty; however, it is acceptable to elect...
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...What are the current job specifications for the store manager job? Based on the information you have (or could have), how would you assess the validity of these specifications? What approaches would you use? The current job specifications for the store manager position that is required, by most district managers, at CompTech is that the candidate being considered should have a MBA or at minimum three years’ experience as store manager. CompTech’s strategic objective is to meet customer requirements and expand their customer base, so I would also include strong customer service skills as a job specification. To validate the specifications that have been given I would look towards the job description initially and I would perform some job analysis on the store manager’s position (Bernardin, J.H., 2013. A job description would be able to tell me the most important job duties and specifications (Bernardin, J.H., 2013. In performing the job analysis I would use several different approaches. I could observe someone performing the store manager’s position or I could actually perform the store manager’s positions for a set period of time. I would also go through a position analysis questionnaire and a management position description questionnaire to see what specific job duties would fit this position best (Bernardin, J.H., 2013. What hypotheses or proposal do you have so far regarding CompTech's strategic position? What do you regard as the critical strengths and weaknesses...
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...Tenure: A Hot Bed of Controversy by Kirstie Cook 10 October, 2012 English 13 Block 4 A/C Mr. Tress Many people believe that tenure is a great thing that can help protect our teachers from being fired for the wrong reasons. Within this opinion lies the real problem. Tenure started as something that would allow teachers to teach things that were controversial at the time, such as Huck Fin, without having to fear being fired because of a parents outrage (Stephy, pg.1). Now it is next to impossible to fire a teacher. The problem with tenure is that it has become a way to protect the incompetent from being fired. One California school board spent $8,000 to fire an instructor who preferred using R-rated movies instead of books (Stephy, pg.1). Tenure needs to be revamped, we do not need to completely abolish it, but we do need to change it on a large scale. Right now it is harder to change tenure then to add an amendment to the constitution. When discussing the causes of tenure you think of a time when teachers could be fired for things such as reading a book a parent doesn’t approve of. It is true that this is how tenure began. It started at the same time labor unions were coming around. The first state to get tenure was New Jersey in 1909, it started as a way to protect teachers for being fired for a cheaper hire (Brody, pg.1). Tenure also started as a way to protect female teachers from being fired for things such as getting married...
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...Tenure and Termination Grand Canyon University: EDA 555 June 4, 2013 The greatest resource we have is our children. Parents entrust teachers to do educate and enrich children’s lives and to do so in a caring, safe, and to do so in a professional manner. There have been situations where sometimes the role of a teacher is misrepresented or compromised. These situations are sometimes not real, or they are a result of lies or hear say, but at other times they turn out to be true. Our society has taken measures to protect our children from being abused by adults. At the same time our society has also taken measures to protect teachers from certain injustices or false accusations. Many states have set in place tenure policies to protect competent teachers from malicious accusations but when do we draw the line? The law at times is not a well-defined contrast of black and white, and at times people need to decide on a shade of gray. Tenure is a form of job security that teachers earn after they reach a certain level of professionalism (Scott, 1986). When a teacher has earned tenure, they have the right to a continual teaching contract as long as they abide by the guidelines set forth in their contracts. It is believed that students benefit more from the experience and ability of a continuing contract teacher. Some of the protections that are extended to a tenured teacher are that they cannot be discriminated against based on their personal views, personality conflicts...
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...Art Freidman- Freidman’s Appliance 1. Which University- Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio State -leadership styles does Art Freidman use? I feel that Art Freidman uses a similar leadership style to Michigan’s employee centered style; however, I believe his main style is derived from Ohio State leadership style with a low structure and a high consideration. Under Ohio State’s leadership style a low structure can be correlated to Freidman’s decision to allow all of his team to take part in decision making and be their own bosses. The high consideration is correlated to Friedman when he allowed his employees to manage themselves and determine their own pay scale. Freidman also allowed his employees to create a work schedule that was most beneficial for them. Freidman’s logic was that if his employees were happier, there would be a greater chance that their production would increase. 2. Which specific motivation level, factor and need (from the content motivation theories) applies to Freidman’s Appliance? I feel that the Hierarchy of Needs Theory can be correlated to Freidman’s Appliance. The Hierarchy of Needs Theory consists of five levels of needs that motivate people, which include: physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization. I believe that Freidman’s Appliance ensures that its employees are satisfied by meeting their self-actualization needs. I feel that Freidman’s employees are motivated by having complete control over their jobs. (83) Freidman...
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...Marino was in a difficult situation. However, the frustration expressed by Dr. Forester had not yet escalated to a complex or crisis situation. Careful preparation would be essential for a follow-up conversation and continu- ing reinforcement of the balance between Dr.Forester’s expectations and departmental expec- tations. These conversations should demonstrate a positive attitude, be brief and clear, and acknowl- edge Dr. Forester’s past accomplishments and fu- ture value. 5. Closure and Implementation:- Dr. Marino should have considered the benefits or problems that may evolve from the following possible outcomes: Dr. Forester may resign. – Dr. Forester may circumvent Dr. Marino and petition Dean Markin for support. – Promotion and tenure guidelines may change.The expectations of the leadership, the faculty, and the faculty managers must be clear to all parties so that the sources of conflict will be minimized. The faculty and the administrator both must understand and support the expectations of the institution and the individuals within it. The manager must demon- strate a caring attitude and assume that a mutually beneficial outcome is attainable. Laurie Rambaud (2011), 8D Structured Problem Solving: A Guide to Creating High Quality 8D...
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