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When I Pick Up Trash Is Not Good

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I want a law that requires every person in the whole world to spend two hours a month picking up trash outside. There should be this law because there is so much trash in the world. I also think that there should be at least one day that this is happening because then it can get away all of the trash very quickly.
There is just too much trash. Supporting this because there is more than nine billion tons of plastic trash that have been produced since 1950. That to me is stargazing because it says that majority of the trash is still around. Also, there are 18,000 pounds of trash that had been produced since 1950. And again that surprises me because with all of that trash just in a landfill how is it going to go all away without destroying our earth. Last but not least, This one surprises me the most because how is that going to help make earth health again. So that leads to how there are 2.6 Trillion pounds of garbage in the world. There are a couple reasons why picking up trash is not good here is one, Picking up trash is not good because it is one of the dangerous jobs. …show more content…
Another example is, People are picking up trash when they are exercising for example, When running if you decide to grab a garbage back or even a store bag and pick up trash because then you are doing good for yourself and for the earth. But there is even a project that is trying to get 100,000 people to pick up trash but that is only their goal. Another reason why picking up trash is not good is because there are so many toxic chemicals and mold that can get you sick.

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