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Satirical Horror Film 'Get Out'

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Get Out, a satirical horror film, has taken the silver screen by storm since its debut in February. Unfortunately, the wave of popularity and outstanding success of a film featuring an unknown black actor has yet to drown out the fragile, self-centered complaints (also known as white tears) of its white viewers. While the movie was meant to be a clever, in-depth analysis of race relations and social anxieties, many white viewers claim the film is an attack on the white race as a whole. Many white people have condemned the movie for portraying them in a negative light. Many are horrified to be likened to human traffickers. The irony here is laughable. Others are offended because they thought it decreed they could no longer date black men. Unsurprisingly, white people managed to make a brilliant film that highlights marginalized groups about themselves.
However, this is not the first time white people have ignored and dismissed the plight of black people and other marginalized communities. As discussed by Kelly Brown Douglas in her book Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective, white …show more content…
This suggests that white women own black men. White woman “deserve” to have black men as sexual partners. A movie that demonizes a interracial relationship between a white woman and a black man threatens their right to black bodies. To white women, black men are expendable and only exist for their pleasure. They can have as many black partners as they want and throw them away whenever they want much like Rose does. Rose lures in one black partner after the other and once she has had enough she takes them to her father’s house to be sold to other white people. This idea can once again be found in Douglas’ discussion. White masters owned black women and could use black women at their disposable. In every situation the white people have the

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