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Ice Cap Argument Essay

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Human made global warming, a serious problem that is going on today. Even you can be a part of the problem! Today, car companies came up with and started working on Hybrid cars which reduce common emissions caused by normal cars by a whopping 27 percent, as stated by the EPA! Though that is helping the greenhouse gas boost in our atmosphere. Currently it is slowing it down; things as simply leaving your iPhone plugged in adds up to damaging the environment.

During 2013, the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased by 34 percent since the 1990’s. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but if we were to continue at this rate, we would be in a world with no ice caps by the 2050’s, this is demonstrated by N.A.S.A., with a chart showing every decade starting at 1979 going to 2014, 13 percent disappears, it also shows in 2012 it was at it’s all time low, and because of the increasing speed . Luckily the Ice caps have increased by 60 percent since the 2000’s. This goes to show that our community is paying attention to the environment now. The current leader of the most C02 emissions, as stated by the UCSUSA (Union of Concerned Scientists, USA), is China, with a large 27% as of 2011, followed by the U.S., then Russia and India are tied at third with 5%. …show more content…
Major cities like New York will have gone underwater, Florida, won’t exist, and most of South America will be flooded, too. It would be a catastrophic event. About twenty-five percent of the UK will be underwater. Because of what we are doing, people will die, cities will become soaked with the icy waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Polar Bears won’t have anywhere to hunt for seals, so they will instead have to adapt to hunting in lower regions, or worse, go extinct because of an inability to adapt to the sudden

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