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Idea of Suce


Submitted By djreid0008
Words 623
Pages 3
Ideas of success can be defined as an individual’s perception of what success really is. Success is a measurable attainment of one’s goals and dreams. Consequently true success is measured by the impact or impression one leaves behind after departure from this earth. A significant contributor to success is time management; which can be defined as how effectively an individual manages their time. Time management plays an integral role in the idea of success as I believe this is the basis on which success emerge. Without effective time management skills, would tasks be able to be completed on time to meet required deadlines? If tasks are unable to be completed then a problem immediately stems which affects the accomplishment of both short term and long term goals thus impeding the attainment of success. Hence, time management is vital and mandatory to developing effective time management skills in order to meet one’s idea of success. There are numerous ideas of success that aids in effective time management skills all of which will be elaborated on throughout this essay they are; pushing oneself to utilize time wisely, mapping out activities and tasks for a week and month and practicing strategies to avoid procrastination. Firstly, providing the adequate push towards utilizing time wisely can contribute towards better time management skills. Often times we get comfortable doing activities that are not related or of contributing factor to our goals, this should not be the case as this is a vivid obstruction to our success. By providing the push you instantaneously provide the reassurance needed to focus on what is really of importance. Thus facilitating in management of time as sometimes all we need is a little push. Utilization of this idea of success in class can implemented by ensuring that when tasks are allocated and the urge to indulge in activities that are not

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