Question 1: Analytics or intuition
Category 1: Financial Management and budgeting
I use to work at a small business that specialized in t-shirt printing.
With working at that company we had our high and low seasons. Our high season was during the spring and summer time when schools where going on senior trips and families doing reunions. I would have to say that we were more so on the analytic side. Because even though we were a small company we had an updated system that kept up with everything in the store and what we were making. I know that with having that system in 2010 it helped us to know how well we were doing and when we looked at other companies in the area we were able to see how we could stay on top of them.
Category 2: Customer Service
With having a small t-shirt printing business customer service is important because we didn’t have that many employees. I feel that with that business it was on the intuition side. I say that because since it was a close related place of work everyone was use to others attitudes. Honestly, some of the people who worked there did not have the proper customer service skills. For example, one time a customer called in and was just asking for the rates on different kinds of shirts and the phone receptionist had them on hold for 10 minutes without going back to let them know what was going on.
Category 3: Sales and Marketing
This business sales and marketing I would say on the intuition side. This company main marketing outlet was to make flyers and send them out to the surrounding communities or to tell their customers to refer them to other people they know. They really didn’t market or sale on the internet which in this generation is a big thing.
Question 2: Obstacles to analytics
Obstacle 1: No case for change
Since the t-shirt printing shop is like a family own business I feel that they feel they do