Premium Essay



Submitted By amcken0732
Words 1179
Pages 5

Bullying in schools is believed to be a normal part of school life, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is physically and psychologically harmful to both the bully and the victim. Therefore, bullying must be eradicated from schools by raising awareness and increasing supervision. Bullying is no joke in my opinion I think that people are just rude and mean. Maybe that’s not always the case but I should know I am a victim of bullying. I became a victim of bullying my third grade year. Lisa would always call me names and tell me how fat I was, like it was my fault I was fat. I had asthma grown up as a child. I had really bad asthma and that consisted of steroids shots. Some days I couldn’t even almost breathe. My bully didn’t care in what I was going though. Sometimes I think if she really new what I was going though would she have stop bullying me?
As a kid I didn’t know how to deal with my baller. At first I didn’t realized that I was getting bully. My first bully I thought just maybe she jealous of me growing up as a kid. In a way I kind of felt like she envy me. Maybe I had something she didn’t have, like loving family or parents that were together at the time. Maybe none of that meant nothing to her. I would always wonder why. As the years went on and I moved up in school the bullying got a lot worst. Now it was time to find out why. Why people enjoyed bullying me so much and to were I had low self-esteem. Sometimes I wonder do people know the true definition. Bullying is most experts agree that bullying has the following characteristics: Bullying is repeated (frequent) intentional actions that bring harm to an individual. Bullying involves an imbalance of power between the bully and victim. Bullying is a relationship in which one individual seeks to gain power and control over the life of another. Types of

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