...Imagine – John Lenon Imagine is a song written and performed by John Lenon. This song belongs to the category of soft rock which became the best selling solo of his career. Imagine was released in 11th October 1971 and it was recorded at Ascot sound studios New York. The length of the song is 3.03. One month after the release of this song, the song peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and the LP reached number one on the UK chart in November and later it became the most commercially successful song of John Lenon’s career. Although not originally released as a single in the UK, it was released in 1975 to promote a compliation LP and it reached number 6 in the chart that year. This song earned a Grammy Hall of Fame Award and an induction into the Rock and Roll of Fames 500 songs that shaped up Rock and Roll. John Lenon who is the singer of the song, is one of the greatest singers that made an impact in Rock music industry. He is an English rock-star, guitarist, and the songwriter that wrote most of his music for the Beatles. He was also well known for being a character that was not afraid to express his feelings and opinions. Often expressed in his songs, his feelings can be clearly understood by just listening to his wonderful lyrics and the music as well. He lived in 1940-1980 dying at the age of 40 by assassination in his own apartment. This brings along one of John Lenon’s most controversial songs “Imagine”. Both Beatles and strictly John Lenon fans would label...
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...Affordable Luxury Vacations 123 Ocean Front Avenue Miami Beach, FL. 45678 Mr. George jones 628 Village Run Orlando, FL. 87654 RE: Mr. Jones Subject: Finally experience the luxury vacation that you deserve at an affordable and guaranteed lowest price. Before you decide to toss this letter into the trash after reading a few lines, please continue to read a little further and take advantage of the great vacation packages that Affordable Luxury Vacations has to offer. Imagine an island surrounded by crisp clear water and the sound of the waves as they splash against the rocks. Imagine white sand that sparkles like a road of diamonds as the sunsets in the evening. Taking in all of this beautiful scenery with a drink of your choice. Imagine arranging a getaway from it all. The hustle, bustle and stress that comes with your daily life at work and at home. Imagine a place where you can sleep when you want and for as long as you want. A place that is free of stress, noise, and the chaotic adventures of your daily life. It sound too good to be true, right? Well, not at Affordable Luxury Vacations where we strive to provide the most memorable and affordable vacation packages. We promise and deliver the best quality service by expecting and demanding the BEST of everything for YOU! For 50 years, Affordable Luxury Vacations has provided the most value in vacations. We provide a beginning to end vacation experience that will allow you to sit back and enjoy the...
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...Motobird Picture this, You're in the middle of nowhere, your car breaks down and your phone dies. You can't fix your car or charge your phone so thanks to my sneaky little invention you’re safe! Also while being safe you will be having fun… Until you crash ,but we will talk about safety hazards later. You're probably wondering what it is. The Rocket Powered Wingsuit. The Moto Bird is kind of like buzz lightyear's jetpack. Except it actually works and looks more realistic but you get my point right? The way it works is complicated but you don’t need to worry about that. Unless you're just intrigued on how it works. You can see the rough sketch above ^. The fuel takes up most of the space. The gears on the wings is to keep...
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...A Future to Imagine I grew up listening to the song “Imagine,” by John Lennon, and it wasn’t until I started writing this essay that it made me really wonder how the world would be and if we could actually live as just one. The first verse in the song “Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today,” (Lennon, “Imagine”). In my opinion without religion I don’t think we could be happy. Religion plays a huge part in our lives especially when we are trying to cope during hard times. We use it as a comfort zone during times of suffering but we also thank God in times of happiness. It makes you feel that you are always loved not only by God but by those who believe in the same religion as you do. If there was no religion where would we turn in order to cope with life’s tragedies? Religion in some ways gives us the answers to the ‘why ‘questions for instance, like death. First of all I do understand what message he was trying to spread. I feel that message he was trying to send to us, was for us to imagine a place where things like religion and countries for instance did not exist. He felt this would make a better place for all of us to live in peace.”Imagine all the people Living life in people” (Lennon, “Imagine”) I can relate with this statement. I remember when this song came out in the early 70’s. Times were tough during those years; the Vietnam War was still going on so there probably was a bit of a...
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...of the Problem & Key definitions/clarification from literature (mostly our textbooks from COM 610 and Reid lectures/PPTs 3. Your Analysis of the Tension: Strengths and Stretches of Each Approach 4. What you make of this/see it as relevant and why. 5. Conclusion Possible Headers: (Introduction & Paper Claim-MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A THESIS CLAIM THAT CLARIFIES WHAT YOU WILL ATTEMPT TO DO IN THE PAPER IN A CLEAR thesis sentence) Clarification of Approaches Statement of the Inherent Problem (perhaps in the using arguments from Morgan vs. Schein) Strengths and Weaknesses for each Approach Systems Culture Your Assessment Potential for your own possible career application If you do not know what this is at present, imagine a position you know a friend has. Which model is more attractive and/or realistic for that job/position...
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...Il n’est pas exagère d’affirmer que l’ignorance est une chose horrifique. Ignorance peut menacer notre planète de plusieurs façons. Par exemple, il peut provoquer des guerres, l'injustice, la pauvreté, la cruauté, et peut transformer des gens sympas à de mauvaises personnes. Aussi selon le Petit Prince, vous pouvez devenir ennuyeux, sérieux, et ingrat de la vie. Je vais développer les raisons pour lesquelles l'ignorance est une menace pour la planète et comment nous pouvons changer ça. Il serait vain de nier que la planète est en crise. Pourquoi est-il en crise ? La planète se trouve à des problèmes á cause de gens et de leur ignorance. Une grande crise est la pauvreté. La pauvreté est un facteur énorme dans le monde. Mais il est encore ignoré par plus de la moitié des personnes dans le monde. Pas tout le monde se rend compte que la pauvreté mauvais, 1 enfant meurt toutes les 3 secondes. L'ignorance est une de ces choses qui causent pauvreté pour devenir de pire en pire. Si tout le monde s'est rendu compte que la pauvreté affecte le monde, nous pouvons aider à réduire ça. Malheureusement c’est n’est pas possible parce que les gens ignorent pauvreté. C’est pour cette raison l’ignorance est une menace pour la planète. Nous pouvons aussi voir l'ignorance dans l'histoire de Petit Prince. Le Prince implique que Monsieur Cramoisi est une personne ignorante. Monsieur Cramoisi ne vit pas sa vie pleinement. Il n'apprécie pas les choses simples, comme des fleurs ou des étoiles. Par conséquent...
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...As the book said, the mediocrity and conformism always give us the bad idea that we cannot be better than we are now. And in some cases we have to face some rude situation, like the family of the book that lost the cow, to reorganize our thoughts and ideas in order to be different and reach different goals The book said that the limitations are created by ourselves, and that is totally true, and I speak by myself. At the time I read this quote I was imagine myself nowadays in the university, the way I suffer every time that I have to make a presentation in front of my classmates, it is so hard, but now after I read this I realized that it is a vaca that I was feeding since I was a kid and I have to take the decision to kill it One aspect that I want to take into account and also to add to this great book is the felling to be less than others. It is a big cow in my life and this book showed the way how to overcome it. I always had the feeling that everyone around me is better than me at the time to speak in English, I can imagine all the words and phrases in my mind, but at the time that I have to speak and my classmates stare at me I panic and I start to think that I am not good enough to do what I have to do; I remember a lot of opportunities that I lost because of my fear to do something…..but that was until today.. This book presents us different kind of vacas that can be affecting our lives, I just added one that was affecting my life. One of the greatest are the excuses...
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...I. COMUNICAREA ÎN ORGANIZAȚIE Partea I Comunicarea în întreprindere – definiție Domeniile comunicării întreprinderii Comunicarea în întreprindere este procesul de ascultare și emitere de semne și mesaje către destinatar – diferite grupuri țintă, ce vizează ameliorarea imaginii întreprinderii, reîntărirea relațiilor, promovarea produselor sau serviciilor și apărarea intereselor lor. Th. Libaert: Comunicarea în întreprindere este acțiunea voluntară de emitere, transmitere și receptare, într-un sistem de semne, ce se schimbă în sânul întreprinderii și între aceasta și mediul său. A. Comunicarea în organizații Acest termen nou înlocuiește pe cel de comunicare în întreprindere. Strategia de comunicare se aplică în viitor după aceiași parametrii fundamentali la toate tipurile de organizații și nu numai la întreprinderi. Comunicarea se realizează și în sferele publice ale ministerelor, administrațiilor, colectivităților teritoriale sau în domenii non-comerciale ale asociațiilor, fundațiilor, ONG –uri. B. Procesul Comunicarea nu poate fi definită ca o știință, domeniul său nu este suficient delimitat, iar metodele sale sunt embrionare. Invers, nu putem s-o definim ca artă pentru că ea pretinde profesionalismul tehnicilor. Este posibil s-o definim ca domeniu sau disciplină dar, în termeni de proces noi vizăm să poziționăm comunicarea în jurul unui efort planificat, susținut, în jurul unui obiectiv pe termen lung. Timpul este cel care dă valoare acțiunilor comunicării. Comunicarea...
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...Emerging from the billboards of the pop culture of music, Imagine Dragons is an alternative-indie rock band that started out in 2008 in Utah. With continued success through its enthusiastic music and message, this band now plays all over the country, and has even done a nearly sold-out tour to Europe. Although the band doesn’t display itself to the public as a Christian band, many of its songs pertain to giving hope to people. An attempt is seen through its third most popular song titled, “Demons.” In this, the band portrays hope to society in the darkness and evil of this world clouded by sin and greed. The lyrics from verse one and two resonates this current battle our world is in against evil, in how it says when everything we see is cold, with failing dreams and out of luck (cards all fold). The message of these two first verses also speaks of “all the saints we see are all made of gold”. From these lines, the lyrics tell that society focuses too much on money and the temporary pleasures of this world, which is seen in how society views celebrities and wealthier class. In the world today, people think that what governs our lives is money and power, though this is not the truth. In verse three, the character in the story says, “I want to hide the truth… shelter you…” This verse is similar in appearance to the innocence of a child and a father who attempts to shield all evil from the child through their relationship. Being an identifiable theme of this song, it closely...
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...I think the issue you address and your proposed solution in this week’s discussion board is incredibly relevant and timely. With increasing health care costs it is imperative that as healthcare professionals we shift our focus to wellness and population health and not merely the reactive treatment of disease once it occurs. I am involved with a program at our hospital called Imagine Perfect Care and one of the objectives of this program is to provide seed funding for innovative ideas to improve care. One of the projects we have funded in the past year was with the department of Urology. They are providing their cystectomy patients with health trackers for the first 30 days after discharge. They have found that this particular patient population,...
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...vorba cu alte cuvinte de „felul cum se percepe individul, ce crede el despre sine, ce loc isi atribuie in raporturile cu ceilalti”. Adica, imagine de sine este rezultatul unui proces de autoevaluare a personalitatii si reprezinta „totalitatea cerintelor, reprezentarilor, ideilor individului despre propria sa personalitate” Trăim sub imperiul imaginii, acest concept se impune din ce în ce mai mult în viaţa noastră şi nu doar ca imagine concretă, intuitivă, ci şi ca imagine mentală, reprezentare despre ceva sau cineva. Imaginea personala, putem spune, sta la temelia intregii noastre personalitati. in raport cu ea, experientele noastre tind sa se adevereasca si sa intareasca propria imagine, ducand astfel la un cerc vicios. Toate actiunile si sentimentele noastre sunt in concordanta cu imaginea noastra personala desi in ultimii ani oamenii si in principal personalitatile,incearca sa-si creeze o alta imagine,una pozitiva pentru a atrage simpatia publicului,considerand ca mult mai importanta este,,interfaţa’’ cu lumea, ceea ce arătăm în afara noastră şi nu cea ce există cu adevărat, conţinutul, substratul. În aceste condiţii, succesul este dat de gradul de vizibilitate al imaginii intenţionate, fie că aceasta este susţinută de un background real (cazul fericit), fie că nu. Trebuie stiut totusi ca, daca aceasta imagine proiectata este prea indepartata de personalitatea reala a individului, va exista in mod inevitabil o fisura. Ori imaginea va fi ridiculizata...
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...literary analyses of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, I found myself asking many questions. The only question I asked myself about author James Thurber, in regards to this particular literary piece, was, whether he is reflecting on previous articles he has written over the years and expressing them through the day dreams of Walter Mitty. In my reflective analysis of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” I am going to use the formalist approach, concentrating on the development of this particular work of literature. I plan to share the questions I ask myself as I was reading and how this piece of literature stood out to me. When I began reading the first paragraph of this literary satire I assumed it was going to be a war story. So you can imagine my surprise come the end of the paragraph. By the beginning of the third paragraph Thurber had my full attention and imagination. As I was reading I began to ask my self questions about Walter Mitty and a few other characters. I first ask myself if Mitty had a disease like Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Then I questioned if Mitty had vivid daydreams connecting his present to his past. While reviewing the questions I had thought of, this one stuck out for two reasons. First reason is due to Mrs. Mitty stating “It’s one of your days. I wish you would let Dr. Renshaw look you over” (Clungston, 2010), in the following daydream Mitty is a...
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...HC2121 - Comparative Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Assessment Task 1 – Individual Essay . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topic: "Imagine yourself in a situation of being encouraged to inflate your expense account. Do you think your choice would be most affected by your individual moral development or by the cultural values of the organisation for which you work? Explain" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nowadays, the current global business culture requires the making of critical decisions by employees at every level of a firm’s hierarchy. Since ethical standards are not codified, these business decisions will often involve dilemmas or disagreements that are bound to ethical or moral nature and such decision making is also essential to almost all business activities and functions that a company determines to take on. The focal point of mostly every ethical dilemma that an employee may come across in the course of daily business tasks usually includes choosing an option which will benefit the organisation (or the society) or selecting an option which will be beneficial to the individual only. Inflating expense accounts is considered as one of these difficult decisions that an employee may encounter during their career. Being in this situation, one must evaluate his individual...
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...cheat or steal are because the individual does not think he or she will get caught, or the benefit outweighs the risk. Traveling business people have opportunities to pad or inflate expenses when traveling. Whether it's cashing in full-fare airline tickets and flying secretly on cheaper non-refundables or simply grabbing a few extra taxicab receipts, the middle-income corporate traveler who spends a lot of time on the road can find ways to pad their expenses another $5,000 or $10,000 per year without too much trouble, according to Joseph Wells, chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.(USA2day) It can be hard to do the right thing when no one is watching, but it is equally difficult when you are facing peer pressure. I imagine that if my colleagues were encouraging me to inflate my expense account, the factors that would influence my choice would include the following: My faith, what my peers thought of me and my economic standings. If the action of not inflating my expenses would call attention to my colleagues inflation, it would make the decision more difficult. Obviously, if my family were struggling economically, and inflating my expenses could bring in enough extra money to pay for something we needed desperately, saying no would be all the more difficult. The only factor that should influence my decision, however, is my faith. Being a Christian, I am called to be salt and light to this world. (Bible) Therefore, the decision I would make would be to accurately...
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...Assignment received a 95 University of Pheonix MBA 531 Successful leaders know the direction in which they are travelling and have a planned destination, and how they will get there. I would like to take this opportunity based on my leadership abilities to define the position that best suits my qualifications and that will most benefit the company as we undergo expansion and restructuring. Based on the basic personality assessment I scored high on being goal and task-oriented. This means that I am very responsible, reliable, and achievement oriented. The task-oriented leadership style includes aspects of task management and leadership. This style includes coordinating work activities, paying attention to details, monitoring progress of assignments. The leadership style suggests that I take responsibility for decisions and setting strategic goals to perform my assigned tasks. In addition to being goal oriented, I am also very cautious. The cautious styles’ strengths include an eye for detail and accuracy, dependability, persistence, follow-through, and organization. The cautious styles behavior indicates that I like to gather all the facts before I begin to offer my opinion. People with a cautious behavioral style are comfortable when others communicate logical messages. They tend to carefully listen to others so they can sort the trivial messages from those with substance. They tend to be methodical and systematic. The cautious leader usually has high...
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