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Imc Media Strategy Implementation


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IMC Media Strategy Implementation

Integrated Communication Strategy
• Integrated marketing communications (IMC): a strategic business process that marketers use to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs over time with targeted audiences. • The important thing to understand about this concept is the need for, and benefit of consistency between components of the program.
Advertising Personal Selling

Communication Idea

• The question: how much should an organization spend on its integrated marketing communications program, and how do you know when it is working?
Direct Marketing Public Relations Sales Promotion


Multi media, multi tasking, multi message, multi channels…. telephone cinema newspaper tv webtv packaging magazines bill posting


mp3 iphone atm pop ups pop events & sponsorship

website outdoor pda direct mail cd/dvd



Communication Mix
Direct Brand Situation IMC Objectives Consumer & Channel TM & Audience Public Relations Sales promotion Events / sponsorship Personal Selling Customer Service
Press/print, Television, Radio Internet, Outdoor / transit, Ambient Direct response formats Direct mail, telephone selling, Catalogue selling Corporate & Brand PR, Publicity Consumer Franchise vs Non-franchise building Sponsoring (participating, creating) Social, Sporting, Cultural/Arts, Industry Person-to-person interactive, Lead generation and conversion Dissonance reduction & feedback

Media & Advertising



Media: It is an umbrella term. It is defined as the “means by which the various types of MC messages are sent and received” (Duncan, 2005, p. 736).

Adver&sing: “Nonpersonal, paid announcements by an iden&fied sponsor” (Duncan, 2005 p. 730). For use only with Duncan texts. © 2005 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/IrwinBrands

The Media of IMC (planned)
Television Telephone Media Mail Internet Radio Print Newspapers Newspapers &

Magazines Cinema

Out of home Outdoor

The Role of Media in IMC
brand messages AND help to create / sustain / strengthen brand rela&onships. It does this by connec&ng companies and customers. Note the difference between delivery and connec&on!! § Delivery means taking something to a person or place. Connec&ng is about joining together. § Essen&ally, delivery is the first step towards achieving connec&on. It is a means of touching a customer in a meaningful way.

Mass vs. Niche Media
Mass Media Niche Media

Vehicles reaching “the masses” (large, diverse audiences)

Vehicles focusing on a defined group who share a characteristic

For use only with Duncan texts. © 2005 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/IrwinBrands

The Marketing Communication Matrix
Mass Market
2-way communication
An interactive approach (listening & learning including informal dialogue initiated by planned messages)

Segmented/Mass Customisation With

Individual Between

Integrated mix of planned messages & interactive communication eg F2F,database, viral, WOM

Dialogue based on trust,learning & adaptation with creative outcomes eg communities of interest, internal marketing via work teams

1-way communication
Conventional mass marketing

Planned persuasive messages aimed at brand loyalty Eg positioning via advertising


Planned persuasive messages on augmented offerings for targeted markets eg loyalty programs


Ballantyne, Luxton, Powell (2004) Introduction to Marketing: A value exchange approach ed Gabbott, Pearson:381

Relative Degrees of Media Intrusiveness (Fig. 11-3)

For use only with Duncan texts. © 2005 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/IrwinBrands

Ways to Minimise Media Intrusiveness
target audience that is interested in the product category. Consider using: § Events § Sponsorships § Product placement (movies / TV / computer games) Give prospects or customers the op&on to opt in for receiving brand informa&on.

Media • Media aXract audiences • Audiences aXract adver&sers • Media aXracts Adver&sers’ money

Australian Advertising Breakdown – July 2011
Media Type Metro FTA Television Regional FTA Television Radio Newspapers Magazines Digital Outdoor Cinema Other Total July 2010 ($m) 240.2 49.8 July 2011 ($m) 235.8 45.8 % Change -1.8 -7.9 % change June - July -0.3 0.4

39.3 116.7 34.6 58.2 41.6 4.2 2 614

38.9 106.3 31.4 66.1 42.9 4.3 2 603.1

-1 -8.9 -9.2 13.6 3.1 2.4 -1.8

1.2 -6.6 -7.0 20.2 9.8 -1.7 7.0 1.4

Measuring media audiences
• The size of the audience determines the price of adver&sing • Media audiences are therefore measured carefully by surveys – these survey are paid for mainly by media – the media therefore influence what is measured, to some extent

Television • • • • • 10,150,000 households with TVs 99% popula&on penetra&on Cable/ Satellite penetra&on is 25.9% Digital TV penetra&on .8% Number of sta&ons by type:

4 commercial

2 Government and Community

120 Pay TV • Ad lengths: 5 to 180 seconds • Commercial TV have 13 minutes adver&sing per hour (max) • People watch approx. 22 hours of TV a week

Measuring media audiences
• Measuring TV audience means measuring behaviour -­‐ being in room when TV set is on • Meters in homes -­‐ on each TV in mul&-­‐ set homes • All people in home 5 years and older

TV meter system
Peoplemeter installed on every TV set – records and stores four pieces of information: time, TV set on/off, channel tuned, persons viewing. Survey to define Population characteristics Panel homes selected based on Statistical representativeness

Every night, the data is retrieved automatically via telephone software.

Each morning, users of the data are able to download the complete database

The output is an audience database - individual by individual, minute-by-minute data delivered overnight, 365 days of the year. Individual data is never identified, except in terms of demographic profile.

OzTAM (Australian TV Audience Measurement)
• OzTAM (TV sta&ons 7,9,10 using ATR research company) since 2001 • Rates based on audience therefore all concerned • Media hype (media wri&ng about media) • Addi&on of payTV since August 2003

TV audience Survey OzTAM
• OzTAM (600-­‐700) homes per city • OzTAM 3000 HH (FTA) + 1000HH (PayTV) • rigorous sampling frame & precise recruitment to survey (modest incen&ves) • respondents remain in survey for 2 years • data released in 15 minute units -­‐ used for media planning (not min by min) • Check out websites

Television characteristics
• Reach large audiences quickly • 65 percent watch TV within 24 hours (includes ABC and SBS) • nearly 90 percent over 7 days

• Targe&ng audiences mainly via demographics • TEN targets 18-­‐39s, but 18-­‐24 always difficult • 9 targets business people (Sunday/Business Sunday, late night News) • 7 tradi&onally sport • PayTV good for niches & now in OzTAM survey

Television characteristics
• Subtle emo&on generated by combina&on of colour, movement, sound • Low cost per exposed person, but high absolute costs (TV produc&on + large numbers viewing) • Consumers tend to respect TV adver&sers most • Cross planorm selling eg ninemsn, yahoo7 • Product placement in programs

Problems with TV
• “High” entry cost • Low selec&vity with high reach • Poten&al waste • Personal (digital) video recorders

Advantages / Limitations of media classes – Television
• Builds reach quickly • Able to target all demographic groups • Geographically selec&ve • Impact through sight sound and movement • Intrusive (in the home) • Call to ac&on with direct response • Highly researched Limita&ons • High produc&on costs • High capital media costs • Difficult to obtain specific programs short term • Channel surfing • Not a paid for medium • High level of ad cluXer • Can’t measure out of home viewing for large events • Programs can be recorded • TiVO • Passive

Television characteris&cs Growth of digital "At end-­‐2012, the Asia Pacific region will have 180 million digital homes, a more-­‐than five-­‐fold increase on the end-­‐2006 figure. Pay TV revenues in the region will grow quickly and are forecast to more than double in just eight years to be worth US$42 billion in 2012." Source: Informa Telecoms & Media

Benefits of Digital TV
include: § Superior image § Improved audio quality § BeXer recep&on. § Mul&-­‐channelling § Interac&ve services § Electronic program guide § Pay-­‐TV and Free to Air (FTA rollout 2001-­‐2012) Planned FTA DTV for Metropolitan markets to begin December 2009. Analogue will cease at this &me.

The concepts of noise …..
• Non-­‐tvc -­‐ sta&on IDs, program promo&ons • Many marketers think of

Ø presence of compe&ng brands in same medium/channel/program Ø number of commercials in break • first and last get marginally more recall

• Seem to rest on manipula&ve model (adver&sing uses people) rather than humanis&c model (people use adver&sing)

• • • • • • • • • • • 261 Commercial Sta&ons 257 currently opera&ng AM – 106 licences, FM – 151 licences (plus some remote) Regional – 217, Metro – 39 Main Networks: Austereo, ARN, DMG, Southern Cross 37 million radio sets in Australia 99% of all cars have a radio All homes in Aust have a radio, with 89% having 3 or more Australian people listen to 2.3 radio sta&ons People listen to over 18 hours per week of radio 52% of listening occurs at home, 24% in the car, 21% at work, and 2% other

ACNielsen Radio Surveys
• Household diary -­‐ individuals over 10 years complete personal pages • Record only sta&on and quarter hours (if listened for 8+ minutes) • 4-­‐week survey period -­‐ people keep diary for two weeks, second sample of people next two weeks • 10+ &mes yearly in Sydney and Melbourne

Radio characteristics
• Tightly targeted demographics • Reach modest by TV standards • Peaks at breakfast, while TV peaks 6 -­‐ 8.30 pm • People listen for only 45 mins average at one occasion of listening • Podcas&ng showing strong acceptance

5 Ways to Advertise on Radio
:10, :30 or :60 pre-recorded commercials :30, or :60 pre-recorded commercials (“spots”) Live brand mentions by DJs Remote broadcasts at the brand’s location On-air promotions (brand giveaways) Event sponsorships (concerts, festivals, etc.)
For use only with Duncan texts. © 2005 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/IrwinBrands

Radio advantages
• Low start-­‐up cost (as low as a few $000) • Sta&ons willing to create campaigns for small adver&sers -­‐ provide weak strategy & crea&vity, oren sta&on par&cipa&on • Big adver&sers use it for flexibility -­‐ eg Qantas for strike update, Streets adver&ses ice cream arer forecast of 29 degrees • can use TV audio track to create mental pictures

Radio weaknesses
• Needs radio-­‐thinking crea&ves • Flee&ng message unless long-­‐term campaign • Needs mul&ple sta&ons and 24 hours to reach more than 40 percent • Formats impact on response (music versus talkback)

Digital Radio
radio is the new, involving way for listeners to tune into their favourite radio sta&ons. Offering an excep&onally high sound quality, digital radio offers a host of exci&ng features to enhance the listening experience.”

Digital Radio Australia (2008)

Benefits of Digital Radio
include: § No hiss or crackle from interference § Easy to tune § Listeners don’t need to remember frequencies § Extra programs at listeners’ finger&ps § Program informa&on and news headlines § Pause, rewind and record live radio Rollout is planned for January 2009 but no switch off for analogue radio is planned.

Can digital radio win against internet radio? What do you think?

Print Media
§ broadsheets § tabloids Magazines § paid-­‐circula&on publica&ons § controlled-­‐circula&on publica&ons Directories

• • • • • • • 397 newspapers in Australia 2 Na&onal dailies 10 Metro dailies 10 Metro Sundays 132 Regional &tles 243 Suburban &tles Es&mated over $21million spent on na&onal and metro newspapers in a week

• • • • • Total 227.1 million sales of audited magazines An average 13.6 magazines per person over 14 per year Es&mated 4500 &tles Consumers spend $1.03 billion on consumer magazines 154 have over 100,000 readers which represent 69% of the market • Around 90% of magazines are bought at retail outlets (newsagent, supermarket etc)

Directories (e.g. Yellow Pages)
versions: Purchase display space annually and cost is based on size of ad and graphics. Customers search categories to find businesses offering products/ services they are interested in or desire (note 2nd or 3rd stage of AIDA model). Weakness Constructed yearly so informa&on can become outdated. Emergence of electronic directories Overcome barrier to upda&ng informa&on and enable ads to contain more detailed informa&on.

Print Measurements
• Circula&on -­‐ numbers of copies in the hands of the public (sold or given away) audited by Audit Bureau of Circula&ons

• Readership -­‐ the number of people who “read or looked into” each “specific issue” (in Australia, by Roy Morgan)

(average readership over specific period in US promoted by ACNielsen in Australia) • Online + circula&on promoted by industry body The Newspaper Works

Readership is independent of circulation
§ Readership growth and decline can occur independently of circula&on growth § Example of where circula&on can increase and readership remains stable:

Newspaper compe&&on § Example where readership can increase and circula&on remains stable:

Supermarket check out

Rela&on between Circula&on and Readership • Wide varia&on in readers-­‐per-­‐copy – Women’s Weekly/New Idea

about 2 – Vogue about 6 – Penthouse

about 1 – Car Australia about 7 – Daily Newspapers

about 1.5

Roy Morgan Print Readership
• Face to face interview (50 minutes), 1200 weekly, na&onal -­‐ aggregates to 60,000 people annually -­‐ age 14 years + • Results issued half-­‐yearly • Covers magazines, newspapers, many demographics, values segments, a few product categories -­‐ eg. cars, vo&ng inten&ons

Newspaper characteristics
• Moderately high reach, though declining slowly • Circula&ons 535,000 Herald Sun Sat 513,000

Sun 615,000 207,000 Age

Sat 301,000 133,000 Australian Sat 300,000 MX to boost in young demographic (90,000) Source: Audit Bureau of Circula&ons

• But remember Readership • And include online

Newspaper advantages
• Moderate costs -­‐ full page in $10s of thousands • Short lead-­‐&me possible for Mono ads • Colour now • Reader works at own pace -­‐ can refer back • Can carry inserts -­‐ catalogues, coupons, etc

Problems with newspapers
• Short life compared with magazines • Small spaces compete with many others for aXen&on -­‐ usually requires regular appearance, eg travel groups in travel sec&on • Reader decides whether to peruse page/ad at all

• • • • • Total 227.1 million sales of audited magazines An average 13.6 magazines per person over 14 per year Es&mated 4500 &tles Consumers spend $1.03 billion on consumer magazines 154 have over 100,000 readers which represent 69% of the market • Around 90% of magazines are bought at retail outlets (newsagent, supermarket etc)

Print Media: Magazines
2 Basic types

Paid-circulation Paid-circulation • Readers pay to receive • Readers pay to it receive it • MostMost revenue • revenue comes fromcomes from ads ads

Controlled –circulation • Readers get it free • All revenue comes from ads

For use only with Duncan texts. © 2005 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/IrwinBrands

Magazine characteristics
• High segmenta&on poten&al • High quality reproduc&on -­‐ high quality photography delivers eg. appe&te-­‐appeal, emo&onal s&mula&on • Held at home for long periods -­‐ catalogue value • Reader approaches in leisure or business-­‐like frame of mind -­‐ aXen&on concentrated?

Magazine problems
• Long lead-­‐&mes -­‐ oren 6 to 12 weeks • May be inflexible -­‐ but may take inserts • Declining circula&ons for many individual &tles

Women’s Weekly 605,000 Woman’s Day

481,000 New Idea

391,000 TV Week


That’s Life

329,000 Take 5

260,000 Cosmo

203,000 Cleo

170,000 Good Taste

166,000 Dolly

131,000 NW

176,000 Source: ABC June 2007

Advantages / Limitations of media classes - Magazines

• Na&onal coverage with one inser&on • Provides details • Target group specific • High use by women • Most are paid for • Higher level of involvement • Editorial comparability • Crea&ve opportuni&es ie. Gatefolds, pop ups • Highly researched • Longevity of adver&sing • High quality produc&on • Quality image associa&on

• • • • • •

Longer lead time for monthly magazines More difficult to book by region Higher level of clutter Slow to build reach Passive Lack urgency

Digital Media
• Ac&ve penetra&on growing every year (7% in 2004 alone) • Ac&ve internet popula&on is over 33% of all Australians • Average page dura&on 52 seconds • Average 18 + minutes spent online per day • 35% of all users using the internet daily • 75% of all home users have access to broadband • Online penetra&on:

50% home

20 % work

30% other

Digital Global, Na&onal, or postcode levels

Types of Sites Placement • Homepages • Portals • Sponsorships • Search Engines • Targeted buys • Content Sites (demographic, need registration) • Shared Content Sites • Run of site (random) • Direct E-­‐mail • Run of network (random across network, i.e. Fairfax •

Blogs online newspapers) •

Chatrooms • Buyouts (all available for a specific period) • Email list rental

What are Australians doing online Overview -­‐ All Categories Share at Week Ending 9 February, 2008

Industry Traffic

AU Industry Rank of 165+ Industries 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 Search Engines Social Networking & Forums News & Media* Shopping & Classifieds* Email Services Portal Frontpages Banks & Financial Institutions Software Education - Reference Travel* Government* Games Sports* Industry AU Market Share % 10.80 8.00 6.75 5.93 4.96 4.66 4.35 3.86 2.63 2.56 2.56 2.45 2.42 US Market Share % 8.65 9.18 3.97 9.54 8.05 5.61 3.59 1.57 1.62 2.01 1.52 2.46 1.79 UK Market Share % 10.91 7.69 4.63 9.61 4.80 n/a 2.35 3.27 1.61 3.62 0.87 2.45 2.45

*The table shows statistics for industries amongst the top 20 Hitwise industries and sub-categories (of 165+ industries). Major industries are listed in bold and represent aggregated traffic from all relevant subcategories. Some industries within the top 20 have been excluded for illustrative purposes. **AU Market Share % highlighted in green represent where share is higher than US and UK markets

Internet/ Online
Australia: Top 10 Parent Companies Month of February 2007 Property Name Microsoft Google Telstra News Corp. Online Yahoo! eBay Australian Federal Government Fairfax Digital Australia and New Zealand Apple Computer Wikimedia Foundation Unique Audience (000) 9,410 8,932 5,118 5,051 5,020 4,957 4,128 3,543 Reach % 82.02 77.85 44.61 44.03 43.75 43.21 35.98 30.89 Home/Work Panel Time Per Person 02:24:13 00:50:59 00:25:14 00:56:17 01:03:36 02:11:53 00:33:05 00:30:05

3,096 2,821

26.99 24.59

00:50:01 00:17:20

Advantages / Limita&ons of media classes – Digital Advantages • Ac&ve medium – requires audience par&cipa&on • Low Cost Corporate legi&macy • Supplemental Informa&on • Ability to measure effec&veness • Low Cost marke&ng research tool • Shared content/ content crea&on • Mul& sensory environment • Youth oriented • Customisable • Ac&ve communica&on (2 way) • Strong word of mouth Limitations • High Cost (requires conventional advertising campaign to promote website) • Conflict between internet sales and traditional sales channels (ensure no undercutting) • Limited penetration • Extreme Clutter • Highly fragmented • Reputation and credibility • Low threshold for unintelligent communication • Strong word of mouth

§ § § § § Email Adver&sing Viral Marke&ng Loyalty Programs Spam (ADMA – opt in/opt out) Instant Messaging

What are examples for each of these?

Other Mass Media
• Cinema • Ambient • Alterna&ve Media

Cinema Val Morgan manages 97% of all adver&sing for cinema complexes across Australia. Moonlight Cinema manage 3% > more specific targe&ng Slide or Film, 15 – 120 seconds Cinema suited to full length ads and secondary placement in foyers, bathrooms, &ckets etc. Rates are based on total number of screens, lengths, and package type (by loca&on, film, target) All ac&vity runs Thursday to Thursday (as all movies are released this day)

Out Door Adver&sing Key formats: • posters • street furniture • sport stadiums • transport • Ambient media Source: Outdoor Media Associa&on

Advantages / Limita&ons of media classes – Out Door Advantages • Wide coverage of local markets (ability to build large ‘exposure’ reach over 30 day period) • High Frequency • Large Print size • Geographic flexibility • High summer visibility • Around the clock exposure • Simple copy themes / package iden&fica&on • Cost effec&ve over a long period • Target light users of other mediums Limitations • Simple creative • No guarantee of high recall • Limited availabilities of best locations • High production costs • Sensitive to location • High wear out if not changed • Long lead booking time • Best sites often booked out months ahead • Difficult in regional areas • Difficult to target specific groups

Ambient Advertising

• The term ‘ambient advertising’ was first applied during the early nineties when clients began demanding ‘something a bit different’ in their advertising.

• The placement of unique advertising in unusual and unexpected places often using unconventional methods to communicate to target markets.

Reasons for growth in ambient advertising
• Saturation of traditional media • Increasing demand for point-of-sale communications. • Allows for precise audience targeting. • It is flexibility and versatility. • Eye catching • Impactful

• Messages on the handles of supermarket trolleys or yacht sails. It allows projection of huge images on the sides of buildings, out door places or messages on hot air balloons. • See examples on next slides

Ambient - Liberty Financial House


Example Ambient Balloon Advertising Sydney, Australia

Ambient - Poster

Ambient – Toilet Care

Ambient - Gillette

Ambient – Earth Day

Alternative Media
§ § § § Brand Funded Entertainment Mobile Communica&on Video Games Hypertags/ Mobile Barcodes

What are examples for each of these?

Inter & Intra-­‐media decisions Research Tools TV OzTam Asteroid has limited capabili&es Radio Neilson Media Cinema Mo&on Pictures Distributors Associa&on of Australia

Industry Association
TV Free Television Australia Regional TV Marketing Radio Commercial Radio Australia TV & Radio Australian Subscription TV and Radio Association Digital Broadcasting Australia Cinema Motion Pictures Distributors Association of Australia

Inter & Intra-media decisions

Press (Magazines and Newspapers) Roy Morgan Internet Nielsen/NetRa&ngs www.nielsen-­‐netra& Hitwise Outdoor Research tool is in development

Industry Associations
Press (Magazines and Newspapers) Magazine Publishers of Australia Internet Australian Interactive Media Industry Association Outdoor Outdoor Media Association

Intra-media decisions

Internet Nielsen/NetRa&ngs www.nielsen-­‐netra& Hitwise Outdoor Research tool is in development

Industry Associations
Internet Australian Interactive Media Industry Association Outdoor Outdoor Media Association

• All messages are carried by some form of media to connect with customers.

– The media add value to messages by increasing their impact on a{tudes and behaviors

• Companies connect with target audiences through tradi&onal & nontradi&onal media (internet, ambient) • In IMC, the role of the media is to help create, sustain and strengthen brand rela&onships by connec&ng companies and customers, in addi&on to just delivering messages

You are welcome to contact Nigel Bairstow at B2B Whiteboard your source of B2B Asia / Pacific marketing advice!/b2bwhiteboard

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...Communications (IMC) Campaign Plan The Course Comprises 4 Deliverables: Week 1: Topic Proposal Form Week 4: Course Project Outline Week 7: Final Report Week 8: PowerPoint Presentation The 4 Key Objectives of this Project: 1. Demonstrate a good understanding of a typical marketing problem, through a clear identification of the problem and careful analysis 2. Application of marketing concepts associated with the marketing mix, branding and communications 3. Provision of implementation steps that are sufficiently clear and detailed for effective execution (- would your plan work?) 4. Presentation of your work in clear, compelling and relevant documents The Course Project The course project will involve you in developing an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan for a brand of your choice. Integrating marketing communications entails identifying a brand message and then conveying that brand message through a series of touch points that are relevant to the target customer. The figure presented in the Week 1 lecture captures the steps involved in developing an IMC plan—the brand is the central concern around which the IMC plan is developed. Early in the process, we establish who the customer is, what the customer wants, where the customer is, and then we think about how we will reach the customer in the space they are in, with what message, and which media. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A MARKETING PLAN OR A BUSINESS PLAN - The IMC plan focuses on...

Words: 1499 - Pages: 6

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Toyota Market Plan

...Abstract The following report focuses on four areas of Toyota’s marketing plan. It provides a description of the pricing strategy that Toyota will use when establishing product prices. The report further gives a detailed explanation of two distribution channels that Toyota will use to supply products to customers. These channels include the dealership and retail channel. Toyota will also use a promotional strategy that will use various components of the marketing mix: Advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotions. The marketing implementation plan of Toyota covers various concepts, which include, structural issues and tactical marketing activities. The final part of the marketing plan is an evaluation and controls. It covers formal and informal controls, marketing implementation schedule and an explanation of a market audit. Pricing Strategy The pricing strategy that the Toyota company applies should fit the financial preferences of their target emerging markets such as the Asian countries and other potential international markets. The pricing objectives of the company will be: * To increase the profit margin by 50% in the next one 12 months * To increase sales volumes by 20% in the next two years Toyota will apply various pricing methods, in order to achieve the above pricing objectives. According to Shefer (2007), marketing managers use various pricing methods to achieve their pricing objectives. Besides using the price methods, they may also...

Words: 2783 - Pages: 12

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Marketing Management

...……………………………………………………………………….. p.6 5.0 Campaign Development ………………………………………………………………. p.8 6.0 Media Strategy …………………………………………………………………………. p.9 Students must select a topic from the list of brands below: Assignment Topics McDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken   Apple - iPhone 6­‐6/   Samsung – Galaxy S5 Microsoft Surface­‐au   Tiffany & Co.   T2 Tea   Nespresso Fitbit   Kookai     Topshop Australia     1   Primary Research: A critical component of Integrated Marketing Communications is the use of reputable data to develop and justify strategic decisions. Although this is not a marketing research assignment, our focus will be on how to best utilise both primary and secondary sources of marketing research. Commonly used forms of primary research are survey, interview, focus group, experiment, observation, and mystery shopper. The last two, observation and mystery shopper, we will utilise in this assignment. Observation and mystery shopper are particularly important because they help us gain a detailed consumer perspective; key goal of IMC. Observation is where we as marketers view the ways in which consumers interact with the brand or...

Words: 2106 - Pages: 9

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Imc Agency

...Running head: IMC IMC Agency Definition of an IMC agency: What is an IMC agency? Integrated Marketing Communication makes use of various methods for transferring information. All the ways are very well interconnected with each other. It helps to maintain a common essence in the message to be delivered. The core belief behind the interconnection of all the communicating methods is to magnify the impact of the message. Along with the increase in impact, it also helps in increasing the range of the target audience. All the techniques work better in consonance than when they perform alone. All those advertising agencies which blend all the promotional techniques together and make use for branding are termed as Integrated Marketing Agencies (Journal of Advertising research, 1997). These agencies provide creative marketing services which ensure that the marketing budget of the client is efficiently utilized. The IMC agencies provide services either in any specific marketing field or fully integrated strategic marketing service. The structure of these agencies depends on the range of skills and services which they provide to their clients. If the agency is large, the specialist employees are recruited and if the agency is small they employ generalists (Yeshin, 1998). Organizational structure of an IMC agency and their personnel IMC agencies coordinate all the marketing communication tools and sources available in the company into a flawless program which effectively utilizes...

Words: 3222 - Pages: 13

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Cadbury Uses Imc Tools

...Cadbury manages a crisis with IMC Submitted to, Prof. Jacob Alexander Submittted by, Brief Introduction Cadbury manages a crisis with Integrated Marketing Communications This case study gives us an insight on the importance of integrated marketing communications. This case study is about Cadbury, the crisis it went through during October 2003, its consequences and role of IMC in handling the situation Cadbury India Ltd is the market leader in Indian confectionary segment. Its major product is Dairy Milk which has sales of close to one million bars per day. During October 2003, worms were found in Cadbury bars at eight outlets in Maharashtra. The consequences were terrible and led to dip in sales volume, less co-operation from retailers and morale of employee dwindled. The media publicity spread like wild fire and the common perception of consumers was that every Cadbury bar could have worms in it, which tarnished the brand image of the company. With through investigation, Cadbury identified that the cause for this was lenience by the retailers who placed the chocolate beside items which were susceptible to worms. Corrective actions taken by Cadbury Cadbury took the responsibility for the slack in educating retailers It launched a three pronged program – Project Vishwas that addressed trade, consumers and media and employees A retail monitoring and education program was launched that performed quality checks at over 50,000 outlets and educated 190000 wholesalers...

Words: 1174 - Pages: 5

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...Department of Business Administration School of Business and Economics MARK 34 ADVERTISING INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN FORMAT Title Page: The following information should be included: Name of client and product Time period covered by campaign Course Number and Title Department/College/ University Name Professor's Name Name of your agency team Names of agency team members Date TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A cogent summary (maximum: two pages) of exactly what your IMC plan involves. Among the items to include are: • Campaign Title: Provides the title of the campaign developed by the team • Major target audiences • Time period of the plan • Campaign objectives • Campaign theme/slogan • Overall budget total • Budget breakdown (Pesos and percentages) by each major IMC element and each medium • Summary of media used (Media flowchart) • Evaluation program The Executive Summary may be arranged in any fashion, but it has to pack a wallop. Remember, the basic purpose of the Executive Summary is to inform top officials at the client organization exactly what you are proposing -- in one or two pages. Be precise. Be complete. Organizing the Executive Summary (as well as other sections of the promotion campaign plan) in a bullet-type format is one effective way to present your material. I. REVIEW OF THE MARKETING PLAN II. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS • Industry/ Company review A...

Words: 2973 - Pages: 12

Free Essay

Revitalizing Paws: Increasing Awareness, Funding & Enhancing Public Participation

...graphical representation | 7 | 8. | Core IMC objectives | 9 | 9. | Target audience | 10 | 10. | Media campaign strategy | 10 | 11. | Schedule: 16 Week media strategy | 11 | 12. | The identified mass media (Print media, Internet Interactive media and events and sponsorship) | 12 | 13. | Fund Management | 13 | 14. | Budget | 14 | 15. | Strength and weakness of the campaign | 15 | 16. | Monitoring and evaluation phase | 16 | 17. | Conclusion and recommendation | 17 | 18. | Appendix -1 (Sample questionnaire) | 18 | 19. | Appendix – 2 (Some promotional messages) | 19 | 20. | Appendix – 3 (Images of abused animals) | 20 | 21. | Appendix – 4 (Arab Times Article confirming animal abuse in Kuwait) | 21 | 22. | Bibliography | 22 | REVITALIZING PAWS: INCREASING AWARENESS, FUNDING & ENHANCING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION I. INTRODUCTION This paper is an evaluation of the PAWS, an animal welfare organization in Kuwait. This PR and IMC report is based upon an evaluation of PAWS’ current situation; particularly taking into consideration its existing problems. Upon the identification of its major problems; I will synchronize with PAWS’ PR and senior management team and recommend to them to use the most effective IMC strategies and tools to help them overcome existing problems faced. In this regard, part of the recommendation process will include formulation of the IMC objectives, and identification of the ideal media tools...

Words: 4522 - Pages: 19

Premium Essay

Integrated Marketing Communications

...certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed: ___________________________ Date: _________________________ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Research Background Company’s profile ………………………………………………………………………... 4 2. Integrated Marketing Communications Meaning, purpose of IMC………………………………………………………………… 4 IHG’s IMC…………………………………………………………………….…………… 5 Effect of IMC on Brand awareness and Brand Equity …………………………………... 5 3. Critical analysis of IMC used by the brand …………………………………………. 7 4. Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….. 8 4 IGH COMPANY PROFILE Intercontinental group of hotels is a leading hospitality brand owner with more than 4600 hotels housing 674000 guest rooms in over 100 hotels worldwide (IHG Company Overview, 2013). Statistics show that more than 120 million people choose to stay at hotels under this brand. They operate in different segments, offering a variety of services and amenities differentiated based on quality and price. The parent company has 9 brands, the Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts, Crowne Plaza...

Words: 3575 - Pages: 15

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Risk Management

...2))) core competences الاختصاصات الأساسية The idea of "core competences" is one of the most important business ideas currently shaping our world. This is one of the key ideas that lies behind the current wave of outsourcing, as businesses concentrate their efforts on things they do well and outsource as much as they can of everything else. In this article we explain the idea and help you use it, on both corporate and personal levels. And by doing so, we show you how you can get ahead of your competition – and stay ahead. By using the idea, you'll make the very most of the opportunities open to you: • You'll focus your efforts so that you develop a unique level of expertise in areas that really matter to your customers. Because of this, you'll command the rewards that come with this expertise. • You'll learn to develop your own skills in a way that complements your company's core competences. By building the skills and abilities that your company most values, you'll win respect and get the career advancement that you want. Explaining Core Competences: The Value of Uniqueness The starting point for understanding core competences is understanding that businesses need to have something that customers uniquely value if they're to make good profits. "Me too" businesses (with nothing unique to distinguish them from their competition) are doomed to compete on price: The only thing they can do to make themselves the customer's top choice is drop price. And as other "me too"...

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