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Immigrants Should Not Be Legalized Essay

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Have you ever experienced what it’s like to be treated like an animal with no rights? Having the anxious feeling of knowing that you might have to leave the place that gave you a kind of hope for a better future. Knowing that the consent of others is more powerful than the people who have been sacrificing their lives to come here and still remain known as aliens. Immigrants that are not documented should be given the sanity of legalization in the United States.

Barack Obama, serving as president for the U.S. for 6 years, has decided to allow a specific type of immigrants to have permanent legalization. The immigrants that classify for this transaction are parents of U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents children, if they’ve been living here for at least five years, pay back taxes, pass a criminal background check, and also to the people …show more content…
The Alabama Legislature passed a bill that declared that they would make it harder to live for immigrants which in result would make them deport themselves as their theory (Karaim). This situation led to penalties from the east to the west side of the country. Two years ago in Arizona there was a law enforced that stated any employers hiring immigrants aware of their situation will receive a penalty (Jost). Most times penalties like they are stated aren’t as bad as they seem to be. Usually, it starts off as a fair warning and the most they can do is take away their license. After time went by the penalties given were honestly ridiculous and cruel. In 2014, 425,000 undocumented immigrants--dramatically outnumbered more people compared to the ones held in federal prisons--were held in 250 detention centers operated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Jost). By the way that immigrants outnumbered prisoners is honestly disappointing just because they don't belong here due to the fact that they were born in another country, which is essentially just

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