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Impact of Nursing in a Professional Environment


Submitted By hallk
Words 2432
Pages 10
The future of the discipline of nursing depends on social and political factors as well as research and theory development. The use of theories by clinical nurses with varying levels of clinical expertise is rapidly increasing. In the past, the nursing profession has relied on the authority of educators, sociologists, psychologists, physiologists and anthropologists to provide answers to nursing problems. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze a clinical-related practical concern that will impact the nursing professional environment. The United States is lagging behind other nations of the world in fully integrating midwifery into its health care system. “While midwives deliver only 6% of the approximately 220,000 babies in the United States each year, midwives in other countries attend up to 80% of their countries births.” (Bowers, 2000). In our ever-changing fast paced health care system, many woman feel that they receive little personnel attention during pregnancy and childbirth from their healthcare provider. Despite the high quality of care that midwives provide to expectant mothers, American women have few opportunities to use the service of midwives. Barriers to Midwifery care in the United States include physician opposition, public perception as substandard care, state and federal regulations, lacking of training programs, lack of acceptance among third-party payers and our political and economic environment However, midwifery has gained a foothold in the nursing profession. Their acceptance has coincided with the rise of nursing professionalism as it develops a scientific foundation for clinical practice. The middle range nursing theory known as health promotion provides a sound basis for midwifery care during the puerperium. Developed by Dr. Nola J. Pender in the 1970’s, is rooted in the social learning theory of Bandura, which

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