Premium Essay

Impact of Todays World


Submitted By rachelleemon
Words 2329
Pages 10
Impact! ... that is where my thoughts have been these past few days.
The great impact of the tornadoes that have tore through and tore apart my beloved State and several other States along their paths! The great impact they had, the great impact there is and the great impact there will be in the many long days ahead! This impact is so very far-reaching and has just affected us all! We are mourning and grieving, and yet we are also celebrating life. ...lives actually .... of the many people we may never know - of those who survived and of those who have died - of those most affected by this horrific disaster.
The testimony and lives of oh so many will surely scream in agony and defeat while others have already begun to lift up acts of kindness and compassion. Some may spew forth complete and disastrous havoc while others will show and continue to show mercy and love. We have seen and heard of unimaginable tragedies and loss, but we have also seen God's mercy and grace reflected through the many others who have given, contributed and helped and will continue to do so in such a time of need! My heart and my soul - my life - is and will be burdened, touched and impacted by all of these people - the victims and the heros.

Life is influenced and impacted through many, many people and through many, many situations in our own lives every day, and we, in fact, acknowledge many of these people and many of these events through birthdays, graduations, achievements recognized and holidays. We are impacted and influenced daily!

I once read a story involving a teenage girl and a famous actor - John Wayne! The story was one of great impact, and it went like this .... "Dr. Robert Schuller's teenage daughter, Cindy, was in a motorcycle accident and had to have her leg amputated. John Wayne is a big fan of Robert Schuller. He heard Dr. Schuller say on

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