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Kent State Shooting Research Paper

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The world today is full of many photos of all kinds that can easily catch someone’s eye but only a few are truly memorable. Some photos have the power to evoke emotions and actually have an impact on not only one person, but many people all around the world, these photos are called iconic photos. A photo must meet a certain criterion to be considered iconic. The photo must be powerful enough to have an impact on people’s emotions, the photo can never be repeated, and it can also show people the reality of the world. The photograph of the Kent State shooting is memorable because it has the ability to evoke many different emotions on people, the scene of the photo cannot be repeated, and it shows the harsh reality of society in the world today.
The Kent State shooting took place in May 4th of 1970. Four innocent lives were taken away, many people were wounded, and the whole community was devastated during this chaotic frenzy …show more content…
When looking at the picture for the first-time, the scene of the young lady crying next the innocent lost life rapidly catches people’s eyes. Although this photograph is very sensitive while disturbing at the same time, it is a photo that is frozen in time and can never be replicated. This photo has frozen the terror of a whole innocent community that lost friends and family and their dreams and hopes were taken away.
The social context of this photograph shows the truth and harsh reality of the world today. This photo causes sadness and anger because people cannot really feel safe anymore not even on campus. The Kent State shooting did not only take away 4 innocent lives full of hopes and dreams, but it has also affected many students, families, communities, among others. This snap helps raise awareness about gun regulation and how many more policies should be implemented for a person to have the right to bear a gun

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