...Contents 1.HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL ACCOUNT OF EU-MOLDOVA RELATIONS 2 1.1.Political situation in Moldova. 2 1.2. Establishement of EU-Moldova relations. 3 2. EC-MOLDOVA PARTERSHIP AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT 6 3. THE TRANSNISTRIAN ISSUE AS A SECURITY THREAT FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION 9 4.THE FUTURE OF EU-MOLDOVA RELATIONS 12 REFERENCES: 18 ‘’You are well aware that the values on which the EU is built-freedom,democracy,respect for human rights and fundamental freedom,and the rule of law-lie precisely at the heart o the political association and economic integration process which the Eastern Partership offers and which we are pursuing with Moldova.(…) We want to create a new reality where all the citizens of Moldova, without exclusion, can enjoy all the benefits of a modern and effective political and economic system, respectful of their fundamental right’’. President Barroso. 1.HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL ACCOUNT OF EU-MOLDOVA RELATIONS 1.1.Political situation in Moldova. 1.The independence of the Republic of Moldova, which was declared in 1991, raised a great number of crucial questions for the future of the new country- problems that had to be solved without delay. One of them was them was the orientation of its foreign policy and external allies. Moldova is literally situated on the border between East and West the countries that have chosen a ‘Euro-Asian’...
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...ACN Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Ethics Training for Public Officials A study prepared by the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) and SIGMA, a joint EU-OECD initiative, principally financed by the EU, in co-operation with the OECD Public Sector Integrity Network March 2013 ACN Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia ETHICS TRAINING FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS A study prepared by the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) and SIGMA, a joint EU-OECD initiative, principally financed by the EU, in co-operation with the OECD Public Sector Integrity Network This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the OECD and its Member countries or of the beneficiary countries participating in the SIGMA Programme. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern and Central Europe The Anti-Corruption Network (ACN) is a regional outreach programme of the OECD Working Group on Bribery. The ACN is open to countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The main counterparts are...
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...European Union: Issues and Policies Name: Course Name: Course Instructor: Date of Submission: Executive Summary The current policies of the European Union continues to play an important role in the development of member states both in the political, economical, social, and agricultural sectors of the economy. Many succession countries are trying their lack in the otherwise difficult procedures of becoming member to the union. The union continues to offer adverse marketing fields for its members as trade free zone create and increase coverage and economic growth. The aftermath of the war that shuttered continents has led to succession countries joining the union out of free will. Succession countries by far benefit from the European union membership as the membership comes with a lot of advantages that influence economic growth for the member country. Contents Introduction 4 Succession Countries on Joining the European Monetary Union 4 CAP Reforms 8 The arguments in favor of the enlargement of the European Union 10 The Arguments against the Enlargement of the Union 11 Global Competitors 13 China and the Option to Leave the Eurozone 14 Conclusion 16 References 17 European Union: Issues and Policies Introduction The European Union is a group of 27 states primarily located in Europe with a de-facto capital in Brussels and operates using a supranational independent institutions and decisions negotiated intergovernmental by the member states. It...
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...developing countries are targeting tourism to generate more income for their national economy. In order to be successful, each country needs to formulate a tourism strategy that identifies and justifies its strategic objectives, priorities, and targets. Small States are particularly challenged because they are more dependent on external trade while having fewer domestic resources on which to draw. For this project1, six Small States representing different geographic regions and stages of development were chosen for an examination of best practices and lessons learned in developing a national or regional tourism strategy: the Bahamas, Botswana, Bulgaria, The Gambia, Trinidad & Tobago, and Vanuatu. A tourism best practice is an innovative policy, strategy, programme, process, or practice that is shown to produce superior results. Country Type of Best Practice Example of Best Practice The Bahamas service design One-stop online booking and immigration card Botswana planning process National Eco-Tourism Strategy Bulgaria planning process National Tourist Council The Gambia service delivery Redistribution of resources Trinidad & Tobago linkages with intermediaries Trinidad & Tobago Tourism Industry Certification programme Vanuatu...
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...Masaryk University Faculty of Economics and Administration MASTER THESIS B.Sc. Dušan Mladenović Brno, 2013 Faculty of Economics and Administration | Masaryk University Marketing plan | Yugomar d.o.o. Page 8 of 117 Faculty of Economics and Administration | Masaryk University Marketing plan | Yugomar d.o.o. Masaryk University Faculty of Economics and Administration Marketing plan Master thesis Student: Advisor: 401140 Mladenović Dušan PhD Alena Klapalová Brno, 2013 Page 9 of 117 Faculty of Economics and Administration | Masaryk University Marketing plan | Yugomar d.o.o. Page 10 of 117 Faculty of Economics and Administration | Masaryk University Marketing plan | Yugomar d.o.o. Masaryk University Faculty of Economics and Administration Department of Corporate Economy Academic year 2012/2013 ASSIGNMENT OF DIPLOMA THESIS For: Mladenović Dušan Field: Business Management Title: Marketing plan Principles of t h e s i s w r i t i n g: Objective of the thesis: The main objectives of the thesis are to analyse present market situation of the chosen company concerning its marketing management problem, to analyse the market and to develop marketing plan according the results of analyses. Approach and methods used: 1. Literature search on all relevant topics (marketing strategy, marketing plan, market analyses etc.), 2. current situation and market analyses, 3. proposals of marketing plan...
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...Visions and Strategies 16 2.2 Institutional structure and management 16 2.2.1 External structure 16 2.2.2 Internal Structure 17 2.3 Management of the EP 21 2.3.1 EP’s Political management 21 2.3.2 EP’s Organisational management 22 2.3.3 EP’s Communication Management 23 2.4 Staffing, recruiting and training 24 2.4.1 Staffing 24 2.4.2 Recruiting 27 2.4.3 Training 27 3. The Numbers 27 3.1 Strict rules for efficient and transparent budget implementation 32 3.1.1 Separation of functions 32 3.1.2 Use of standard documents 32 3.2 Controls of the budgetary procedure 32 3.2.1 Internal controls 33 3.2.2 Internal audits 33 3.2.3 External controls 33 4. Evaluation and conclusion 34 4.1 SWOT analysis 34 4.2 Conclusions 35 Section B. Personal and professional development 36 1. Getting a Placement 36 2. Placement year objectives 37 3. Placement experiences 38 References 40 Appendices 43 List of tables and figures Figure 1. EP Locations Source: BBC.com (2014) 9 Figure 2. EU Coverage Source: EP Visits and seminar unit (2013) 13 Figure 3. Strasbourg centre Source: European Parliament (2014) 14 Figure 4. Brussels Centre Source: European...
Words: 12462 - Pages: 50
...our PREMIUM subscription. After the expiry of the free trial period, access can be available for subscription. After the expiry of the free trial period, access can be available for the following types of the following types of subscriptions: subscriptions: STANDARD subscription - FREE STANDARD subscription - FREE TaxOnline.ro is the online solution that brings PwC professional tax services to the internet. • Daily Tax Update & Tax and Legal Alerts Daily Tax Update & Tax and Legal Alerts • Romanian, EUEU and Intl taxation regulatory section Romanian, and Intl taxation - - regulatory section Read only access to the TaxOnline Forum • Read only access to the TaxOnline Forum PREMIUM subscription Access to analysis and opinions of of our consultants on hot taxissues Access to analysis and opinions our consultants on hot tax issues Ability to a question online and receive a a response from our PwC consultants Ability to askask a question online and receive response from our PwC tax consultants FullFull participation our TaxOnline Forum participation in in our TaxOnline Forum Daily Tax Update & Tax and Legal Alerts Daily Tax Update & Tax and Legal Alerts Romanian, EU and Intl taxation – regulatory and analyses sections Romanian, EU and Intl taxation – regulatory and analyses sections PREMIUM subscription • • • • • Our PREMIUM subscription is available EUR 500 per year for a company subscription, plus an additional plus OurPREMIUM subscription is available for only for only...
Words: 25399 - Pages: 102
...ANNUAL REPORT 2010 TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL IS THE GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION LEADING THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION. THROUGH MORE THAN 90 CHAPTERS WORLDWIDE AND AN INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT IN BERLIN, WE RAISE AWARENESS OF THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF CORRUPTION AND WORK WITH PARTNERS IN GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO TACKLE IT. www.transparency.org WE ARE A GLOBAL MOVEMENT SHARING ONE VISION A WORLD IN WHICH GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, BUSINESS, CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE DAILY LIVES OF PEOPLE ARE FREE OF CORRUPTION Editors: Alice Harrison and Michael Sidwell Design: Sophie Everett Cover photo: © Reuters/Yannis Behrakis Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this report. All information was believed to be correct as of June 2011. Nevertheless, Transparency International cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of its use for other purposes or in other contexts. ISBN: 978-3-935711-79-1 Printed on 100% recycled paper. ©2011 Transparency International. All rights reserved. This report provides a snapshot of how the Transparency International movement was active in the fight against corruption in 2010. For the purpose of conciseness, national chapters, national chapters in formation and national contacts are referred to as chapters, regardless of their status within Transparency International’s accreditation system. Visit www.transparency.org/chapters for their current...
Words: 28414 - Pages: 114
...issued to them for this purpose. Visit www.ifrro.org to find the reproduction rights organization in your country. Lundgren, Karin The global impact of e-waste: addressing the challenge / Karin Lundgren; International Labour Office, Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SafeWork), Sectoral Activities Department (SECTOR). – Geneva: ILO, 2012 ISBN 978-92-2-126897-0 (print) ISBN 978-92-2-126898-7 (web pdf) International Labour Office; Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment; International Labour Office; Sectoral Activities Dept electrical appliance / waste recycling / occupational health / occupational safety / role of ILO / environmental protection / regulation / labour legislation / comment / Africa / EU countries / Latin America / Pacific 08.15.2...
Words: 37067 - Pages: 149
...[pic] Student Details: Name : Nyakeriga Bilha K. Student I/D : 621839 Course : IBA 4010 Lecturer : Dr. Simiyu Wambalaba Semester : Summer 2008 Term Paper – World Trade Organization (WTO) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 What is WTO? 1.2 History of WTO 1.3 Mission 1.4 The Structure of WTO 2.0 WTO SYSTEMS 11 3.0 CONITIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP 17 4.0 OBJECTIVES OF WTO 24 5.0 WTO DISPUTE RESOLUTION SYSTEM 27 5.1 Governing Principles 5.2 Stages Of Dispute Resolution 6.0 SUCCESS AND FAILURES OF WTO 29 7.0 WTO AND 3RD WORLD RELATED ISSUES 35 7.1 Who are the Least Developed Countries? 7.2 Who Are the Developing Countries? 7.3 Issues Relating to 3rd World Countries 7.4 Action Plan for the Least Developed Countries 8.0 CHALLENGES FACED BY WTO 42 8.1 Overloading the WTO 8.2 Decision Making 8.3 The role of overlapping unimplemented commitments from the Uruguay Round with new issues from the Doha Round 8.4 Regionalism 8.5 Eroding national sovereignty 8.6 Asymmetry between goods and service liberalization 8.7 Protecting intellectual property 8.8 Asymmetry between public and private trade restrictive Measures 8.9 Shooting at a moving target: Protectionism in disguise 8.10 Doha Development Agenda 8.11 A Healthy WTO 8.12...
Words: 17652 - Pages: 71
...Objectives * Type of Competition * Similarities and Differences Between the Businesses * Why businesses become international * How businesses meet their aims and objectives by being international | 5 | * 12.2- Research and Analysis of the Factors for Business having an International presence * Strategic Objectives * Theory of Comparative Advantage * Impact on host country when business is setting up and trading * Incentives by host country to business * Impact of business activities on competitors, customers, suppliers and business itself * Effectiveness of international business | 26 | * 12.3- Explore the dynamics of international organizations on one chosen business in a globally competitive environment * How EU and WTO affect the international business * Benefits of membership * Limitations of membership | 30 | * 12.4- Examine and evaluate the growth and influence of multi-national operations * Why business have become international * Impacts on developed and developing countries * How wealth of multi-nationals influence host countries | 39 | * Conclusion | 44 | * Bibliography | 45 | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This was the most fun way of learning things and a wonderful experience according to my opinion on the Applied Business Assessment. This was a...
Words: 18368 - Pages: 74
...Keywords Banks, CSR, Development, Reporting, Standardisation Purpose This thesis aims to examine the development of CSR reporting in the banking sector. The emphasis is set on a number of characteristics. Trends for standardization will be also examined Methodology The methodology undertaken is generally based on a qualitative research approach through a combination of content analysis with interviews. The research has a partly longitudinal, inductive and comparative character. Theoretical Perspectives The theoretical aspects that were used in the analysis were a combination of the theoretical framework of the Legitimacy, Stakeholder and Institutional theory with the reporting requirements from a number of standards, guidelines, initiatives and indices. Empirical Foundation The empirical material consists from Corporate Social Responsibilities reports that were available through banks websites. The sample contains three Greek banks. The primary focus was to include banks from one country in order to ensure that they operate under the same legal framework. Conclusions The thesis reaches into different conclusions. Firstly, the...
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...Definition of coal: • caustobiolitică a sedimentary rock that comes from vegetal incarbonizarea. • the transformation is slow in the absence of atmospheric oxygen at elevated pressures and temperatures that depend on the depth at which the plant is accumulation. Classification of coal: Coal (7000-9000 kcal / kg): anthracite, coal Quality coal (2600-5000 kcal / kg) brown coal, lignite, peat Historically the use of coal Late nineteenth century - coal had a role in the development of industry (coal century). Widely used as fuel for steam engine - James Watt (creator of the first motor efficiency). The widespread use of coal: Getting coke resulting from the high temperature carbonization process, the distillation of coal in the absence of oxygen. The coke used as fuel in the steel (for obtaining one ton of steel requires 600 kg coke). The material or by-product in the manufacture of iron, calcium carbide and other industrial thereof. Fuel for power generation and chemicals. construction materials fuel for power stations and cement factories (3/4 of the demand for coal) Chemical Industry Getting paints, plastics, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, etc.. Pharmaceutical industry. Domestic heating fuel Synthetic Fuel Coal Liquefaction Evaluation of coal resources: 1913 - International Geological Congress in Turin (7100 billion tons) - North America 68% -...
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...ASSIGNMENT ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE (Course no: Mgt-310) TOPIC: ECONOMIC INTEGRATION SUBMITTED TO: Dr. MD. ATAUR RAHMAN PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA SUBMITTED BY: GROUP: 08 ROLL: 127, 128, 141, 154, 211, 212, and 213 SEC-B, BBA 16TH BATCH DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA DATE OF SUBMISSION: 09.07.12 ECONOMIC INTEGRATION CONTENTS SL. Topics No. 1. Meaning and level of Economic Integration 2. Objectives of Economic Integration 3. Importance of Economic Integration 4. Benefits from of Economic Integration 5. Arguments for of Economic Integration 6. Arguments against of Economic Integration 7. Economic Integration of Asia 8. Economic Integration of America 9. Economic Integration of Europe 10. Economic Integration of Africa 11. Modes of Economic Integration 12. Problems of Economic Integration 13 Danger of Economic Integration 1. Meaning and Level of Economic Integration: Meaning of Economic Integration: Economic Integration means agreements between groups of countries in a geographic region to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and non-tariff barriers to ensure free flow of goods, services and factors of...
Words: 10071 - Pages: 41
... 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Number of employees 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 79,517 109,512 100,138 92,301 89,112 Inditex´s Annual Report addresses its economic, social and environmental performance for the purposes of achieving the maximum transparency in its relationship with all its stakeholders annual report 2011 index 06 54 Letter from the Chairman | 08 Business model | 10 A look back over 2011 Customers Milestones for the year. International presence | 22 Suppliers | 70 Employees | 84 Retail formats. Zara. Pull&Bear. Shareholders. Economic Massimo Dutti. Bershka. Stradivarius. Osyho. Zara Home. Uterqüe. | 42 Community | 100 and financial report....
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