...Leadership and Management Implementation Plan and Paper Rose West Grand Canyon University: HLT 313V March 8, 2015 Leadership and Management Plan As an allied health leader one is required to know, implement, and evaluate the compliance of the organization. In this paper I will identify an area that is listed on the organization’s report card that can be developed. I will describe the procedures of the plan, and the expectations and possible obstacles this plan may have. Purpose of the Plan In researching areas of our local hospital that needed improvement, I found the area of medication explanation to patient’s needs improvement. The report states that 53% of the patients do not always get an explanation as to why they are being given a certain medication during their hospital stay (Medicare Hospital Comparison, (2015). I myself as a patient in a hospital have had to ask the name of a medication and why it was being given to me; only to find out that it was not meant for me but for the patient next door. The plan that I would implement would be to make the patients aware as to why they are taking the medication they are given along with any possible reactions this could be accomplished by leaving a sheet that covers the medication details for each patient and for each medication that they are being given. I feel this knowledge would be very beneficial to each patient, making them feel comfortable about why they are consuming a certain medication as well as...
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...STR 581 WEEK 5 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=str-581-week-5-implementation-plan Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Introduction Implementation plan is a very imperative stage for Verizon wireless company because it is the stage where the company puts all plans into reality. It is indeed simple to make plans but hard to implement them that is why they say that this stage requires a lot of team work and collaboration in order to ensure that they implementation plan pushes through successfully (Atanga, 2013). This paper will discuss some of the ways of ensuring that the plan goes through including its budget as well the contingency plan underway so as to ensure cushion of risks that are to occur in the process. Objectives Functional tactics Action items Milestones and a deadline Tasks and task ownership Resource allocation In every project, there must a leader who will ensure that all the activities needed to be undertaken in the project go smoothly. The objective of the company matters a lot in such a situation because if it is not the objective of the company then the project would not be able to push through. The company should therefore ensure that in everything they do, they ensure that it is in line with the objectives of the company which in return will be in line with the mission and vision of the company hence the reason for existence of the company...
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...IS4550: Security Policies and Implementation Mr. Shane Stailey Edy Ngou Date: 09/20/2015 Lab week 1: Organization Wide Security management AUP worksheet ABC Credit Union Acceptable Use Policy Policy Statement The acceptable Use Policy is to ensure compliance with laws such as the Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act (GLBA) and the Federation trade commission (FTC). This policy is also to assist the Credit Union ensuring information technology (IT) security best practices with regard to it associates. Purpose / Objective The purpose of ABC Credit Union’s acceptable use policy is to define requirements for Credit Union acceptable use policies, and define the acceptable and unacceptable uses of computer equipment, internet / intranet / extranet related systems, and email by ABC Credit Union associates in the performance of their duties. This policy requires that all Credit Union electronic information systems be used for Credit Union business with minor exceptions. These rules are in place to protect the associates and ABC Credit Union. These objectives of this policy are: * To keep the business process in a high working order in order to achieve the maximum amount of profit gained. * To keep morale law, so that employees are constantly being replaced. Scope This policy applies to associates, contractors, consultants, and other workers at ABC Credit Union, including all personnel affiliated with third parties. Also this policy applies...
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...Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Ms. ________ CFO Office of University Finance, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 Subject: IMPLEMENTATION OF BUDGET STABILIZATION PLAN TO REDUCE FIU COSTS This letter is to inform all students, staff, administrators, and faculty members of the measures taken to overcome difficulties with the current budget. Despite to our efforts in reducing FIU financial costs, our revenues decreased by 20% compared to last year. Based on close analysis of our budget situation, we are not receiving enough funds from the state, we are spending more than our budget allows, and our tuition costs are lower than other similar educational institutions. We decided to create a strategy for the fiscal year 2016 to stabilize the budget situation. This strategy encapsulates five plans; the first two will be implemented on the summer 2015 while the remaining three plans will be applied starting January 2016. The strategy context will be as follows: * Increase tuition cost and fees by 6.5% to adjust inflation. * Frozen salaries for both faculty and staff for the next eighteen months. * Reducing spending for the fiscal year 2015 by 12%. * Request financial assistance from nonprofit organizations and the government. * Increase endowment by 10% for the fiscal year 2015 and an additional 15% for the following year. We hope that with these difficult actions our budget can be under control in the next two years while preserving...
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...Distance Education Implementation Plan Ed5804-Uo2a1 Pamela A. Scallan Capella University Dr. Ann Armstrong Topic: My topic is the Implementation of a Distance Educational Plan using technology to enhance the existing distance education curriculum, Pre-K-Grade 3, using Audio/Video Media Technology to enhance the reading skills to globally diverse learners, using the Content Management System in a single-site environment. Overview: I am going to attempt to provide a brief overview of the Technologies and Media addressing the interactive/recorded audio and video along with the use of the Internet for transmission of the audio/video material. Print media is used extensively in Distance Education thru the use of study guides, textbooks, reproducible materials such as articles from journals or excerpts of chapters or perhaps entire chapters, course notes created by the instructor for students or pertinent student information related to the course via instructor or institution under which the program is delivered. I choose the various forms of Audio and Video Media by which I will implement my plan as a topic (one lesson), globally from a single-site. When thinking about media and technology (Moore, 2007) suggests answers to the following questions: 1. What are the characteristics of different communication technologies and media, and how can they be used in distance education? 2. Which communications’ media and technologies are the best for a...
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...Implementation Plan Simply formulating a strategic plan is not enough for success. The plan must also be successfully implemented for it to be successful. Implementation includes developing short-term objectives, identifying functional tactics, and determining key success factors. These items are critical for the successful implementation of UPMC’s new strategic plan. Short-Term Objectives WebFinance Inc. (2014) defines a short-term objective as “a smaller, intermediate milestone to achieve when moving towards an important goal” (para. 1). Short-term objectives are often long-term goals broken down into smaller pieces. By completing the short-term objectives, we are also completing parts of a long-term objective. The first long-term objective is to come to an agreement and a new contract with Highmark. Let’s see how we can develop some short-term goals from the long-term objective. By March 31, 2015, UPMC needs to start opening the lines of communication with Highmark. This will be done by stopping all anti-Highmark advertisements and propaganda and working to get the company to be agreeable to a new contract. Being the first to declare a cease-fire with Highmark will also go a long way with the people of Pittsburgh to build goodwill and a better reputation for UPMC. The next long-term objective is to dedicate more time and assets into the research and development of better treatment for age-related diseases. The first short-term objective to be developed...
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...Implementing an Effective Risk Management Program The Guiding Principles of Risk Management (RM) A. Integrate RM into all phases of missions and operations. Effective RM requires that the process be integrated into all phases of mission or operational planning, preparation, execution, and recovery on a continuing basis. It is much more cost effective to plan up front during building construction and renovation to imbed safety, fire and environmental protection systems than to retro-fit after the fact. B. Make risk decisions at the appropriate level. As a decision-making tool, RM is only effective when the information is concentrated on the appropriate supervisory level for decision. The higher the risk, the higher the management level of who should make the decision to accept a risk or not. Often this will require the decision to apply resources, whether manpower, dollars or both, to mitigate risks to an acceptable level so the management decision-making level must be where the purse strings are controlled. C. Accept no unnecessary risk. Accept no level of risk unless the potential gain or benefit outweighs the potential loss. RM is a decision-making tool to assist the supervisor or individual in identifying, assessing, and controlling risks in order to make informed decisions that balance risk costs (potential losses) against mission benefits (potential gains). An unnecessary risk is one that if not taken, you can still accomplish the mission. For example...
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...Implementation Plan In order to host seasonal cook-offs we formulated a suggested step-by-step executing plan. We assumed that the first seasonal cook-off will take place in the spring. • Organizer presents idea to XXXX (January 08) o The purpose will be to get the rest of the committee interested and excited about the idea. • Contact local Chefs (January 22) o Explain the benefits to the chefs themselves. Outlining the media exposure and positive PR they would receive o Show the benefits their presence will provide to the Fernwood neighborhood o Asses the best possible date for them to attend the event • Set the date (February 12) o Taking in to consideration when most chefs will be available and the best time for XXXX and its volunteers • Generate volunteers (February 19) o Gather the volunteers who are willing to participate in this event o Possibly hire security guards if necessary for the event • Advertise the event (February 22) o Advertise through the local newspapers and magazines o Use the local radio stations o Put up banners and signs throughout the whole neighborhood and maybe the surrounding neighborhoods if appropriate o Spread the word and generate hype locally through word of mouth • Organize the equipment (March 08) o Rent necessary equipment the community doesn’t already have access to; such as tables, disposable plates, napkins and others • Host the event (March 26) o Holding this amazing event and hoping it is a success that will become...
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...should initially focus on reviewing the planning activities. In this phase, the test team defines the process and should begin by approaching the actual testing procedure. This would include defining and setting the standards and the guidelines. Next, the team needs to decide on the proper hardware and software would be best suited for the project. With this in mind, the next logical step would be to work on the network required to support the testing environment. Some of the elements that make up the environment are the requirements for testing the design. This would include a test schedule, identifying the performance requirements, and developing a method to control test, so that there is a base or standard to compare it with. The test plan should also cover the required activities involved in the testing. The group needs to delegate the team’s roles and responsibilities. They will need to develop the testing schedule by preparing the test environment and identifying any risks. Next, is the actual set up. The test environment setup is a very important part of test phase. It represents the need focus on preventative measures to avoid pitfalls. The primary attention should be in the planning activities such as: * Track activities * Setup activities * Installing the hardware * Installing software The test team should consider the number of tests to be performed, the manner in which testing will be approached, and the test conditions...
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...* Running Header: EAGLE MAIL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN IS 535 - Managerial Applications of Information Technology 4/10/2012 Contents Section I: Purpose of Plan Section II: Strategic Business Plan Rationale Disruptive Forces in USPS Market: Opportunity for Future Relevance: Raison d'être/ Justification for plan: Porter’s Model and EagleMail I. Rivalry among Competing Firms II. Potential Development of Substitutes III. Buyer Power IV. Bargaining Power of suppliers V. Threat Of New Entrants Rationale Summarized Section III: Current Systems Major Systems Supporting Business Functions and Processes List of Current USPS MIS Specific Examples of Innovation by Foreign Postal Services Section IV: New Developments System Projects Identity and access management Account Creation Figure 1: Overview of Account Creation Process Email infrastructure Figure 2: Illustration of Email Process in Company Environment Web portal Business Information Systems Business continuity and disaster recovery Section V: Management Strategy Senior Management: Middle Management: Security Validation: Sales and Marketing: Human Resources: Operational Management: Section VI: Budget Requirements Budgeting the New Implementations Table 1: Illustration of Costs for Implementation of Proof of Concept EagleMail Plan Cost benefits and models to evaluate the cost and assets. Is the project at risk? What are the benefits? References...
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...Assessment Part A Workplace project OHS policy Young aged care recognizes its responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment for employees, contractors, patients and visitors. At Young aged care, Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) is understood in a broad context and beyond the once traditional view of physical injuries sustained from accidents in the workplace. Occupational Health & Safety now extends to the evaluation of the workplace climate. Young aged care is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy work environment for all patients, families, staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors. RCH maintains a process of continuous development and improvement of its safety management systems in order to achieve key objectives as follows: * Incorporate OHS considerations in relation to physical and mental wellbeing into all work processes * Consult with staff in a meaningful and effective manner on OHS and related issues * Identify, assess and control risks in consultation with staff * Provide OHS and related training and instruction * Provide Emergency Management training and drills * Set OHS performance targets at organisational, divisional, management and individual levels * Seek continued improvement of OHS performance through analysis of best practice and benchmarking. * Provide OHS equipment, services and facilities to achieve best practice OHS performance for the health sector ...
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...defines the business and decision processes, the analytical processes and further define the information infrastructure independently based on the technology used for the implementation. Project management, technology and complexity associated with the strategic use of BI, analytics and PM improves dramatically as the scope of the initiative broadens across various business processes in Boly Healthcare Company. To successfully implement the proposed framework in Boly Healthycare Company, it is essential to have an implementation plan, providing equal consideration to people, processes and technology to fulfill BI, analytics and PM initiatives. There are 6 stages in our suggested implementation plan, starting with Business Requirements, Data Assessment, Data Preparation, Modeling, Model Evaluation and Deployment. With the 6 stages in the suggested implementation plan, it covers all the bases in Boly Healthcare Company. To entail making sure the company are set up for a successful implementation, we have to ensure the project team are committed to implementation the plan to move the company forward. Effective communication regarding the implementation plan should be familiar throughout the company. There are identified internal processes and sufficient people who have a buy-in to further drive the implementation plan forward. Project manager and the management involved should be capable and willing to motivate the people within the company. Money,...
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...Implementation Plan OVERVIEW The Implementation Plan describes how the information system will be deployed, installed and transitioned into an operational system. The plan contains an overview of the system, a brief description of the major tasks involved in the implementation, the overall resources needed to support the implementation effort (such as hardware, software. facilities, materials, and personnel), and any site-specific implementation requirements. The plan is developed during the Design Phase and is updated during the Development Phase; the final version is provided in the Integration and Test Phase and is used for guidance during the Implementation Phase. The outline shows the structure of the Implementation Plan. INTRODUCTION This section provides an overview of the information system and includes any additional information that may be appropriate. 1 Purpose This section describes tile purpose of the Implementation Plan. Reference the system name and identify information about the system to be implemented. 2 System Overview This section provides a brief overview of the system to be implemented, including a description of the system and its organization. 1 System Description This section provides an overview of the processes the system is intended to support. If the system is a database or an information system, provide a general discussion of the description of the type of data maintained and the operational sources and uses of...
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...ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR S.Y. 2010-2011 |Project Title |Objective |Activities |Personnel o be Involved |Equipment Supplies/Material |Budget |Time Frame |Remarks | | | | | |Needed | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1. Street Sign infront of |This project of the school is |The Parent- Teacher and |Parent-Teachers and Community |Request letter for the material |P20,000 |The PTCA officers gave time |This project will be completed | |School |for the benefit of the pupils |Community Association (PTA) |Association officers, including |such as paints, steel and sign | |frame to complete the project |at the required time frame. | | |and teachers to be safe in |will make a letter request for |the guidance and...
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...Post-Implementation Plan A. Executive Summary Upgrading 5 doctors’ office buildings, by removing all old outdated equipment and network structure and replacing it with newer, modern equipment and a updated network to join all offices into a domain where all workstations and printers are joined together. B. Results B.1. Schedule Projected Project approximate start date is March 5, 2013. Duration of project will be approximately 45 days. Approximate completion date April 18, 2013. Actual All parts of project were completed on time and as scheduled. Reasons for Variance There was no variance with the schedule. B.2. Costs Projected Cost projection is approximately $473,074.50 Actual The final costs for the project are $473,074.50 Reasons for Variance There was no variance in costs B.3. Goals and Objectives Projected: The goal in this project was to understand the needs of the employees in each building, and define every aspect of what needed to be changed. To provide each office with the best solution involving new hardware, software and an updated network, at the best price available. All of these new solutions have to be more reliable and easy to use. Actual The project was understood and our team at Platinum Technologies Unlimited was able to provide a better solution to faster more reliable network, installed new equipment, and supplied each office with new software and the appropriate training. Reasons for Variance There was no variance with our...
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