...Implementing Change Ellen Dallas University of Phoenix Leadership and Performance Development HCS 475r3 Albert Gale April 16, 2011 Implementing Change To successfully implement change, employees need to understand how this will benefit them and impact their daily work. One of the things is that something might look good on paper can have drawbacks that are not realized by the planners, but can be easily identified by the employees who must implement the change. Therefore as a manager you need to bring the idea to the employees and get their feedback and continue to empower the employees to make the change that will work for them. Since change doesn’t happen overnight a manager needs to continually in monitoring the process and to assist the employees in finding ways to make the change work, while being respectful of the demands of implementing change ("What is the Manager’s Role and Responsibility in Implementing Change Within a department?", 2009, p. 1). In implementing change the manager should not focus on one thing as though it is the solution to the problem, they need to look at the whole picture. Resistance to change: There will be people who resist change by many different ways which can be overt or convert, active or passive, well intentional or subversive. People will fight change in ways that fit their personalities so there will be a wide range of tactics at work when resistance emerges. Managers have mistaken the lack of overt opposition...
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...Why Organizational Change Candis Burton MGT/380 November 14, 2012 Tangelia Frazier Why Organizational Change When a business first enters into the market the organization develops goals and missions that they have set forth to achieve. However, during the lifetime of the company there are many internal and external factors that can affect the company from reaching their goals and achieving their set forth mission. Most organizations make changes daily in order to guarantee the services or products provided fit the needs of the customers. Dollar Tree is a company is well known for their prices. If the company decided to undergo a significant reorganization there would be changes the entire organization would have to adapt to. In the reorganization process there are stages in the transition curve that the organization has to follow. When managing change it's important to recognize that transition is an individual reaction. The role of managers is to help others through to new beginnings whilst maintaining the level of activity or service. Here are some points to bear in mind when assessing where people are on the transition curve. The first stage in the process is called the endings. Staff may acutely feel the loss of the familiarity and security they felt in the organization before this and other changes occurred. They are likely to be trying to reconcile or accept the fact that things will now be different from the way they have been. They will...
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... * * * * * * * * * Implementing Change Paper * * Facilitator: Albert Gale * Course: Leadership and Performance Development March 28th, 2011 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Implementing Change Paper * * Implementing change in any organization is extremely complicated, however having a manager know the role and responsibilities they are to meet could be the difference between success and a failure. The manager must know the distinct difference in the areas that are to be changed, and how to go about handling staff resistance. Using processes like assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation help management assist staff in adjusting to change and focus on the areas of importance. A manager’s role in implementing change with little disruption to the staff is the difference between a successful manager and failed organization. * The role a manager takes in any company when implementing change has to be aware of the three distinct categories that could be changed. First there is change in people; this is how people relate to each other and how implementing a change would affect how the organization functions more effectively. To do this the manager must relay to the staff why the change is necessary to the organization. “The explanation must be detailed enough...
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...Risistance to change MGT/426 September 9, 2014 Heidi Roberts Change is a expected process, it occurs every day whether it is accepted or not. External and internal factors can create a need for change these include but not limited to: competition, technology, the need for growth, improve processes, and governmental regulations. This paper we will take a look at resistance to change and what can be done to combat the resistance while still allowing employees to express their ideas and individualism. Let us take a look at Lewin's model of change, if put into practice and used it will make changing easier. Also we will look at the two types of resistance, organizational and individual resistance, and what the main causes of that resistance is. I will use Kraft as an example of complete resistance due to lack of commitment from management. When people are asked to change there is resistance, which is a natural reaction because change is uncomfortable and requires new and different types of thinking and operating. Most people would rather stick to the known instead of reaching out and taking a risk with the unknown, even if the known has proven not to work or is detrimental to the health of the organization (Heathfield). The Kraft company has a resistance to change on the management side, most of the employees are all for a change, a consensus on what changes are needed, in most employees eyes it is the management team or more precisely the plant manager that needs to be...
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...Implementing Change HCS 475 January 10, 2011 Implementing Change Inevitable in all organizations is change and the success or failure of that change can be a result of how well the manager implements and manages any changes. According to Leban and Stone (2008, “What is change management,” para. 5) “successful change requires a critical mass of people who are committed, are willing to change, and will sustain their new behavior to align with the needs of the change.” With this paper I will discuss a manager’s role and responsibility in implementing change, how a manager can successfully handle staff resistance to change, and define each step of the change process. A manager’s role and responsibility Tom Terez’s (1990) article A Manager’s Guidelines for Implementing Successful Operational Changes lists nine steps for a manager to follow when implementing changes. These steps outline the various aspects managers are responsible for during changes within a department. Preparing for the implementation, the manager’s responsibility is to analyze the environment in which the change will occur. This includes analyzing employee morale, employee engagement, and potential resistance to the change. Step two is to expose details of the change and answer all questions the employees may have. Allowing employees to question reasons for and details of the change will help them understand the organization has nothing to hide. Motivating employees during change is another...
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...Running head: IMPLEMENTING CHANGE PAPER Implementing Change Paper Aliyya Jones Leadership and Performance Development HCS/475 Brenda Lever, Instructor Monday, August 10, 2009 Implementing Change Paper Team members gather around in a small conference room as the manager states, a meeting is desperately needed in order for this change process to work efficiently. The room suddenly begins to fill with outburst such as, why does the company constantly change? Change is such a hectic process, who implemented the change without letting us know in advance? No one likes change, so why do it? Outburst such as these can be expected when change is involved; having a responsible, strong leadership could help ease the conflict. Implementing change involves a series of steps that a manager must go through in order to implement successfully to assure the team will achieve the company’s overall goal. Manager’s Role Within the company’s many departments each manager will have much responsibility and roles. The initial role is the understanding of the process transformation; “Transformation can be simply defined as a process of so fundamentally changing individuals and organizations that they more fully resonate with their own goals and the demands for a future, calling for a new set of expectations, behaviors, and organizational performance” (Porter-O’Grady and Malloch, p. 66, 2007). When transforming people and the department, the manager must be constantly...
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...STEPS FOR CHANGE Managing effectively the human aspects of organizational change is central to your success as a change leader. SUCCESSFUL CHANGE LEADERS ARE RARE BIRDS. WHETHER THE effort to implement change is institution-wide or focused at the departmental level, the reason for failure can nearly always be traced to a lack of effective change management skills exhibited by the leader. More specifically, it is most often a leader’s misunderstanding of organizational culture and human relations within that culture that prevent successful implementation of change strategies. While observing and participating in numerous attempts to implement organizational change within both nonprofit and for-profit organizations, I have advised leaders to follow 10 essential steps. 36 • JUNE 2002 TING NACUBO BUSINESS OFFICER • 37 1 1. Align Leadership Style With Organizational Culture Many leaders don’t fully understand that, by nature, most organizations resist change. Employees create patterns of behavior to reduce stress and eliminate the unknown. Change creates uncertainty, stresses the culture, and alarms the culture keepers—those individuals who resist change at all costs. It is the leader’s responsibility to reduce undue stress on the culture caused by change initiatives. For instance, if a leader’s orientation is external—focused on market or customer needs—and the organization’s culture is primarily inward or tradition-oriented, a leader will face difficulty when...
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...Implementing change in any area of an organization can be challenging due to the fact few individuals enjoy change whether at work or even in their personal life. It is important that the manager has a plan of action before trying to implement any change. In order to implement the new changes in the organization, the manager’s duty and views within the area is extremely crucial. The manager’s role is to evaluate the change that needs to take place, produce a line of attack to execute a change, carry out the change, and finally analyze the change in an appropriate manner. In order to have a fruitful application of a new change in any system it is critical for the organization’s manager to be involved in all the different steps on the way. When taking the steps in implementing change, managers must represent themselves as change representatives. Acting as change representatives is the substances that guarantee the change process runs from one step up to the last when the change comes to be permanent. Change representatives have a skill to inspire others, display effective interpersonal skills, flexibility, assurance, and a capability to handle opinions from varying sources of contributions. “Organizational leaders should look for these characteristics when assigning responsibility for managing the change process. Managers, though often not the precipitators of change, are accountable to the organization for leading change. Managers serve to assuage fears about change by answering...
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...Interview on Implementing Change 1 Interview on Implementing Change Harold Nyanjom MGMT 520 PA 2014 Spring 02 PS3 Managing Org Change & Conflict April 20, 2014 Instructor Name: Dr. Whitney Stevens Southwestern College Professional Studies Interview on Implementing Change 2 Abstract This paper is based on this student’s (Harold) interview with a Christian Pastor (Rev. Kenneth Owuor) and analyses change initiatives in pastoral ministries by examining how religious leaders address youth issues both locally and on a global level. The paper looks at what type of leadership styles are best practiced to capture the attention of younger generations, and provide guidance necessary for development of productive quality lifestyles. In an effort to understand the complex nature of the minds of today’s youth, Harold asked several questions on what strategic plans the Pastor had for achieving the goals of his ministry and the anticipated outcomes of effective leadership and guidance on the youth. The interview process identified several opportunities for change and attempts to examine youth ministries as a critical component of religious leadership. The primary purpose of this paper is to look at the lack of emphasis of youth ministries in a population destined to be our future leaders. Interview on Implementing Change 3 Introduction Arnold H. Glasow said, “One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it...
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...Organizational Change Process Madeleine Aquilo HCS/587 March 28, 2013 Robert Batiste, PhD Organizational Change Process Organizational change process requires a lengthy process of planning. It is important that diverse approaches are used and staff is involved in planning for a change. Change is always aimed for improvement and betterment but oftentimes met with resistance, particularly if the dynamics are not analyzed carefully. When a company’s financial aspect is considered, it is even harder to create a change without affecting the staff. Strategic Renewal Strategic renewal is a modification of plan or approach to recover and adapt to current changes in a today’s competitive environment. Altering a strategy entails changes in the organization, whether it pertains to services or product, or building a new plan for improved competencies and management. Using a business model is one way an organization creates changes for a more profitable outcome. There are challenges, though, as an organization create a new business model because changing a present model does not always mean success. Sometimes...
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...Implementing Change My Way Fernando Cortez Brandman University Abstract This paper discusses the process in rebuilding a struggling restaurant. It discusses what is going on and why the restaraunt is struggling, this paper gives you a step-by-step process as I implement change my way. Every organization will have its up and downs. Some organizations keep track of these ups and downs on a year to month basis for example every year in the month of September restaurants expect a decrease in sales. But what happens when there’s a decrease in sells occur in July and August when according to reports year after year July and august are huge months for sales in the restaurant industry. Maybe something needs to change. Being hired to turn restaurants sales around I will have to implement change the first phase of change will be the analyzing phase. I will have to work at the restaurant as a manager of course and analyze every aspect of the restaurant, such as the menu, staff, and local competition. The fist part of analyzing the menu is I would need to find out what products are selling and what products are not being sold as much, then question why are they not being sold as much. And what hot items can be added to a menu to up sells. Investigating local competition would be the second step to implementing my change. I would want to know how well sells are for other restaurants are they as low as are sells or are they making more money than us, and what are they doing...
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...Implementing Organizational Change October 22, 2012 Implementing Organizational Change Health care organizations that choose to convert to an electronic medical record system (EMR) have several advantages; most important it increases patient safety, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and security. Accepting such a transition also presents with its share of challenges like preparing for the required significant time obligation and resources that will make the transition a successful one. Leadership and management must create an atmosphere that will get the buy-in of all stakeholders. Providing information about the process and what methods will be best to make the conversion to an EMR system is an important aspect of the implementation process. When the change process is initiated those involved in the success of the organization needs to examine the current processes and systems, including different roles that may be affected by the proposed change. With that in mind, effective communication during the implementation of this change will allow they may have regarding the new system. All of the above experiences taken into consideration, the organization can implement a successful organizational change with the support of those vested . Once the organization has accepted the proposed plan of change, leadership, and management will create methods that will monitor the implementation process. According to Leibel, Currie, Gelowitz, Aldridge and Kuncewicz (2012), “Transitioning...
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...Team C Learning Assignment Composed By: Billy MacNair, Crystal Revis, Heather Ibarra, Danyl Chahal, and Nakia Matthews HCS/451 Healthcare Quality Management and Outcome Analysis Week 4 Organizational Performance Management Paper Classroom Facilitator: Lauri Rose Introduction: The assignment included in this team collaboration defines, analyses, and explores the similarities and differences between the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the American Medical Association (AMA), as well as determines proposals for improving management and accreditation requirements with effective compliancy. This study also provides a table in the appendix documenting resources and validating organizational schematics. The Similarities and Differences among the Organizations: One of the first and most obvious similarities between these organizations is that they were created with the intention of helping people. Creating somewhat of a guideline for others to follow in how things should be handled amongst the various areas each organization reaches. The American Medical Association was founded with the intention furthering education in health care through physicians and specialists and establishing the criteria needed for holding an MD. They also established the first set of medical ethics at their first meeting. The Americans with Disabilities Act was created because there was a need for those who suffered from disabilities of varying severities...
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...Implementing Leadership Change Implementing Leadership Change Gene One is a company that entered the biotech industry in 1996. It developed gene technology that eradicated disease in tomatoes and potatoes helped them grow to a 400 million dollar company. The leaders of Gene One recognize the need to go public within the next few years and consider options to keep competitive in a growing market. Two possible strategies that the remaining leadership of Gene One could use to lead the company to two distinct but desirable outcomes while remaining an innovative organization are to transform the perception of the organization from the inside out and fundamentally restructure the organization to support growth. Keys to implementing these changes are educating employees, giving them visual evidence, and creating opportunities for employees to participate in communicating about the changes. Two Possible Strategies There is one main political adjustment the CEO should make to be successful. The CEO needs to transform from becoming a dictator to becoming a leader of the people. This change will show the CEO wants to help the employees understand why the company is looking to become a public company. Providing the employees with this information and allowing the employees to participate in ways will allow the CEO to be perceived as someone who cares about the employees and wants what’s best for the entire organization. Additionally, the CEO needs to show less favoritism at...
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...Implementing a Leadership Change LDR/531 January 31, 2011 Options for Implementing Change In 1996, Gene One entered the biotech industry with groundbreaking gene technology that eliminated disease in tomatoes and potatoes. As a result, farmers no longer needed to use pesticides when growing these plants and consumers were pleased to buy homegrown products untainted by chemicals. Gene One grew from $2 million to a $400 million company in eight years (University of Phoenix, 2011). Gene One’s success also brought with it an increase of stock indices on Wall Street indicative of an augmented interest in the biotechnology field. Leadership changes at the Food and Drug administration increased confidence in investors in the biotechnology field. Don Ruiz and board members believed a 40 percent annual growth target would keep them competitive. Don Ruiz believed the way to acquire additional funding to maximize growth and remain successful would be an initial public offering (IPO) within three years. Upper management and board members varied leadership styles prove to be challenging when considering a replacement for the chief executive officer (CEO) Don Ruiz. Some members of Gene One management team was not in agreement with an initial public offering, expressed reservations. Some members of management expressed concern of managers being deficient in their leadership skills, experience to handle the next level, and suggested terminating these managers...
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