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Interview on Implementing Change


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Interview on Implementing Change


Interview on Implementing Change

Harold Nyanjom

MGMT 520 PA 2014 Spring 02 PS3

Managing Org Change & Conflict

April 20, 2014

Instructor Name: Dr. Whitney Stevens

Southwestern College Professional Studies

Interview on Implementing Change


This paper is based on this student’s (Harold) interview with a Christian Pastor (Rev. Kenneth
Owuor) and analyses change initiatives in pastoral ministries by examining how religious leaders address youth issues both locally and on a global level. The paper looks at what type of leadership styles are best practiced to capture the attention of younger generations, and provide guidance necessary for development of productive quality lifestyles. In an effort to understand the complex nature of the minds of today’s youth, Harold asked several questions on what strategic plans the Pastor had for achieving the goals of his ministry and the anticipated outcomes of effective leadership and guidance on the youth. The interview process identified several opportunities for change and attempts to examine youth ministries as a critical component of religious leadership. The primary purpose of this paper is to look at the lack of emphasis of youth ministries in a population destined to be our future leaders.

Interview on Implementing Change


Arnold H. Glasow said, “One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” In examining the issue of ministry in general and youth ministry in particular, it is clear that there is to a growing extent, a generalized focus on the overall concept of pastoral ministries, which does not always result in fostering the growing needs of today’s youth from a religious perspective.
There is a critical need for improvement in leadership styles in

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